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Mag Catch Differences WTF


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Swapped out the plastic grip on my CK open gun with a PT. At first I used the mag catch from my CK limited gun until I could get one for the new grip. I've been through three different ones (two STI and a CK) and they all very barely catch the mag body. The one from my CK open gun holds them solid. The new ones hold tube so little that they don't even move when a mag is inserted. 


Two questions: where can I find a catch that has a different/bigger ledge, and why the heck is the one off my CK so different? Pictures are on my old phone, sorry. 

Edited by sstephns
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On 5/26/2018 at 9:27 AM, echotango said:

I had to fit the Dawson's on both PT's. You need to relieve the shoulder so it engages the mags more. 

I am sure you can do it with any mag release you already have.  

I'm assuming you mean the portion that I've drawn the red line to in the picture? If I do relieve that back, the outside of the mag release will sit below the outside face of the grip.


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