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An Ass In Cop's Clothing


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Word to the wise. If you're in the public service industry, don't be a dick.

I go to the CHP (California Highway Patrol) office to leave a discovery request for a traffic infraction that I got. I want the officer's notes. By CA law I'm allowed to have them.

So, I tell the officer at the front desk that I'd like to leave something for Officer Rodriguez (the citing officer). The guy says, and I quote, "What is it?"

"It's a discovery request."

His expression gets sunken. "What for."

"For his notes on the back of a ticket."

"You can't have those."

So now I go lawyer on him. "According to Penal Code Section 1054 I can."

He starts mumbling some stuff I can't understand and goes and answers the phone that's been ringing through the 3 people that he had been dealing with in front of me.

So he comes back and says: "If you want the notes, you go to court and fight the ticket. At the trial the judge can have the officer give you the notes."

"Unfortunately that's not the way it works. I'm allowed to have this just as any defense attorney is allowed to have police documents prior to trial."

"Well he's not going to come out here and give you his notes."

"That's fine, he has 15 days to get them to me."

"Well, I'm not going to accept it..."

"Fine, 'sir'. Thank you."

At this point he's still talking to me as I walk away.

Put a badge and a gun on an a_-hole and, guess what, he's still an a_-hole. I have a large amount of respect for LEOs, in particular the one that wrote me this ticket (he was the most courteous and quickest that I've ever had pull me over). They have a difficult job to do, no doubt. However, don't be a dick. All that's going to come of it is me pursuing this thing so hard that the courts are going to be pissed for the shitty job the officer that wrote the ticket did (I'm going to get off on a technicality for the fix-it portion of the ticket that he wrote and most likely for the speeding because of it).

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I was up at the local PD to turn in a request for an alarm permit (we have to have permission to have our home security company call the local PD - and pay a $15 fee per year...). On the wall, they have this big framed thing of a bunch of trading cards for all the cops on the force - you know, like baseball cards, or whatever. I notice that the guy behind the desk is up on a card dressed up like a tacti-ninja SWAT type, down on one knee sporting an MP5. So I says to this guy, "Wow, the Pflugerville PD actually has MP5s?? What need do you guys have for that kind of hardware?" And he responds "Sir, I can neither confirm nor deny whether the police department possesses such equipment!" in his best mall ninja voice. As if I couldn't go pull the city records recording the transaction where they purchased said equipment or anything..... Idiot....

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I got a love letter from a speed tax collector. Going to get it framed.

Nice guy, real polite and no hassles. Shame it cost me $108 to meet a decent cop. :D

When he asked me for my drivers licence and insurance, he was surprised to see that I was from overseas. I got off the last one when the cop found out I was not local, so I can live with this one. We got chatting about why I was here and he was real cool about me having firearms in the car. No hassles.

BTW truck goes like hell.

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A lot has to do with it. Don't do the crime if you won't pay the fine and If you get caught don't whine about it. Here in PA you would have been politely escorted to the door. My notes are on the bottom, IF you can translate them. You want anything else see you in court.

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That has nothing to do with a guy being a dick.

A lot of people are over-due for a good ass-kicking...be they cops, speeders or forum administrators (taking the last word and closing the thread ;) ).


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