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Building On Others Enthusiasm

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Does the inflection of the RO’s range commands affect your attitude and your shooting much?

If the RO says “Shooter Ready!” in a clipped cadence followed by a nice musical “Standbyyyy.” compared to a slow “Shoot-er ready? Standby.” Does it make a difference to you?

I sometimes feel the RO’s enthusiasm effects me positively and a disinterested, bored RO can drag you down.

This was something I was thinking about after yesterdays Steel Match, where you have 25 or 30 starts compared to our monthly USPSA Match, where you only have 5 or 7 starts in a day.


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After LAMR, and I put the gun where it needs to be for the start, my mind is as focused as I can get it on getting to the gun at the very first sound of the start beep. Everthing else needs to be like thoughs in Zen. The thought is there, but you don't take hold of it.

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I shoot better if the guy RO-ing me pissed me off before the run. I have had this happen about 5 times in my life. And all those runs were great.

Other that that, I don't really pay attention to it.

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I know exactly what you're talking about George.

It is definately easier to maintain your "enthusiasm" with an RO that you feel comfortable with, but the bottom line is that that's not always going to happen. I've been affected by that in the past, and probably will again in the future. I attribute some crappy stage performance to the crappy RO, but ultimately it's MY fault for letting him get in my head. You just have to learn how to deal with it.

That's the trick though isn't it. If you have to actively "deal" with an RO, you've just altered your state of mind. You've just withdrew a certain percentage of your thoughts and concentration and applied it to reacting to the RO. That kills...

It's a very calming, confident feeling when you realize that you're in control of your performance for the next 20 seconds no matter what the RO's attitude is. All you really need to hear is the beeeep.

It'll come to you...and me I hope. :)

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I don't care if the RO is bawling his head off. All I'm listening for is the beep.

I've gotten to the point where stupid made up range commands don't bother me, and I can deal with those ROs who want a response after "are you ready" without bothering my performance.

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I know what you mean ---- ROs used to be able to affect me. After spending time thinking about what I need to shoot a stage well though, ROs are no longer part of the equation. I have no control over the dude with the timer ---- so why worry about him? Picking up on others posts, I no longer sweat improper range commands --- except if I hear anything other than LAMR, I'll ask "was that Load and Make Ready?" Don't want to dq that way ---- ever.

Once I'm loaded and set, my visual focus is on the spot on the first target I want to hit. I'm calmly waiting for the sights to appear superimposed on that spot. If I can't see the first target, my focus is on the spot where my foot needs to land in order to be able to see it. If my gun is starting somewhere else, my eyes are locked on the grip. Audibly I'm waiting for the beep. If the RO is one of the few who require a response, I simply say: "Ready when you are." I strive for a calm and relaxed and breathing state in the box......

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