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Contact distance shooting


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As everyone knows, any semi auto pistol can be pushed out of battery on contact and not fire. So if you ever find yourself in this situation, just keep the slide closed with your palm, or thumb, and pull the trigger. Of course it won't cycle, but it won't go out of battery either. This is a G17 with 125 gr HiTeck coated bullet hand loads, going about 1,180 fps, or +P. My carry ammo is WinSXT 127 +P+, it goes about 1,280 fps and would have a bit more sting.....


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Why not just put the gun at your hip bone aiming up into the A zone so that it's virtually impossible to have the gun made out of battery? At that distance it's a mistake to have the gun in front of you for many reasons. Just one is someone pushing it out of battery. Obviously you don't want your hand in that region as you launch the bullet. But in the upper A zone and brought back before bullet launch is OK. You practice this on your own. Obviously there's a huge difference between practicing on cardboard and using it elsewhere.

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You are talking "tactical" shooting and not contest?

If you are that close, chances are the assailant has a hand on your pistol too.

I'm not sure if gunsmiths still do it, but I recall some tactical 1911 mods, way back, with a shield in front of the slide to prevent going out of battery. My brain is showing me a close up photo where there are small sharp cones on the shield to prevent slipping...

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I prefer the Center Axis Relock technique. I think the downside of your technique is that you lose the ability to take follow up shots, although I guess the upside is if you loss the weapon the assailant might become confused when it doesn't fire.

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It's not tactical, nor a technique, rather just to show it can be fired that way. Most shooters believe the slide will go thru your hand, that's all. Yea somebody made a 1911 frame mounted spike plate to keep from going out of battery, looked like this, only made out of steel.


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