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Florida State Match Comments (2005)

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Congrats to SmittyFL for once again being the Flroida State Champion Limited! He successfully defended his previous year's victory!

I got to meet SmittyFL and Nemo as well as a few other BE'ers this past weekend. What a bunch of GREAT people.

SmittyFL also took the time to talk to me after the match and give this newbie some pointers to practice for my quest for improvement! Thanks SmittyFL!!!

It was a good match for me, as I once again had some New things happen :( which I learned from for the future!

Thanks to all those that helped me out with advice and encouragement!

The quest to reach "A" continues! :wacko:

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Yeah, he essentially pulled a TGO ( remember last year's dark house at nationals?) He dropped 99 points on that one stage and came back to win! I think he told me he was either last or next to last on the stage in question!

DP, scores should be posted soon, or so I was told, ya missed a good time dude!

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Yeah, I am a little bummed, first one I have missed sine I started in 99.

Somebody send me pictures and video!!!! :(

Come on Shannon, the World Shoot is calling you.

Paul, Zhunter, Schoony, BlackBird, Nemo.....how'd you guys shoot???

Say, anybody shoot with Paul OSullivan? He's my boss in FL and kind of a newbie, but I heckled him until he said he's go shoot it.

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Thanks gang.

It was a great match, good stages, RO's were good, weather was good. Congrats to James Collier, match director, for putting on another great State Match. If ya'll see him at a local match be sure and say thanks.

I only beat Paul in the shootoff because he missed one more time than I did. I don't think either of us used much of a sight picture. :)

Nothing like going single shot on the next to last stage of the match and adding 30 seconds to a 15 second stage. I knew I was shooting well, but was a little nervous after that.

Results should be up soon. I'll link to them and post here as soon as they get up.

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Awesome! Congrats Shannon!! :)

Met Zhunter... great guy! Look fwd to shoot together sometime Jay! B)

Seems I shot all my good Ju-Ju on the last local match because I sucked at the state! :angry: But it was still a lot of fun!

Great big THANK YOU to James Collier, Wadette Elrod and to all match staff and RO's! GREAT JOB!

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Smitty, I told you before we shot that I never turn the dot on...haha :blink:

Yep James Collier stepped up and showed his love for the sport by being match director for the second straight year. Believe me when I say he would have much rather shot the match. But he really does try and give back to the sport. Just wonder who may pick it up for next year? Thanks a bunch James, you did a heck of a job.

Dirtypool asked how I shot so.......

Well lets just say the rust was falling off from the start. Had my share of mistakes (4 mikes and a no-shoot). You just can't do that. Got to shoot with Dave Pruitt from Gun Doc and we had fun along with Tim Meanor battling out stages. By Sat. afternoon I was starting to put things together and won a stage. Only to have 2 mikes on the next stage after I got a re-shoot. My set-up's in and out of positions were slow and I was slapping that trigger pretty good thus a few D hits and mikes(which drives me nuts). Stage 1 killed me. Was our last stage of the match and it was 26 rds with lots of steel and some long (30-35yds with hard cover). Went to first position and fired first shoot and had the mag (big Stick) fall out of the gun. I HAD to have that mag to keep my plan some what intact. Picked it up and started to try and make up time. Had a mike and a no-shoot. Mike was on one of the close targets, go figure. Anyways I am excited about getting back to work. I've lost some but hope to get it back shortly.

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Good to hear you're back in things Paul.

I just got lucky with a barrel fit (more in another thread) so I am re-energized myself.

I have (what I think is) a killer set up for practicing movement, I"ll send / post a copy.

Still itching that I didn't get to shoot my damned State match.

Well, I guess I don't count as a resident anymore anyhow. <_<

oh well. Looking forward to scores. :)

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Damnit, I was gonna post some cool "I Love me" thread, for my 1000th.

well, at least I finally beat Paul at something. :P

go me 1000 posts, it's my uh, post-day. go me...

Damn, looks like I should be working or....something.

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Ditto on Stage 1 Paul! First half was going smooth then moved to the second and that lil' plate killed me. Hope somebody tossed it in the lake after the match!

Pink Cadillac was an example of simple excellence in stage design! Great job from the Tally folks! There I had the major brain fart for the match when I left the US popper that was behind the PP1... while moving to the barrels I heard Cheryl said "He's not gonna be happy..." Got to the barrels engaged targets in tunnel, stepped out and finished with a great big BANG! from one of the steel no-shoots in front of the swinger. One steel mike, one FTE and one no-shoot! Damn!! :angry:

Left my brain in JAX for that match, but had tons of fun!

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I have a brain fart for ya!

Stage 6:

Draw, engage two targets on the left, engage two targets on the right, move forward taking the plate before I clear the porch, start hosing the targets as they become visible, make-up two shots that I deem to be poor hits, finish, show clear, holster. Follow the RO, who is a friend from local matches, get to the last two targets, the two on the right of the porch, and there are two Mikes, one on each target! There is no chance that there are double hits, not gonna even go there, they are obviously MIKES!!!! So I ask Marcus, did I shoot twice at those two targets, he says, well, it happened pretty fast, I could not tell. So we look at the time round count, sure enough, it shows no extra shots, so I only shot each of those to PAPER targets ONCE!!!!! NICE MIKES to an otherwise good stage! The learning curve sux! :(

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Thanks to the Fla guys for a fun match! Fun stages and great weather. Got to see a bunch of friends from Fla and La.

The Jamaican team had a strong showing and were wow'ing the crowd with dance lessons at the shootoff's :P:P

I was a last minute entry in Production B, and was holding my own until I crashed and burned on Pink Caddilac. I ended up losing out in a close 3 way split with all three Prod B within about 1% on score.

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These notes from the Florida Sectional ought to be standard boiler plate at every match in the country:

FROM OUR LEGAL DEPARTMENT - Actual stages on the ground may or may not appear exactly as the stages depicted on this website. In fact they may or may not look anything remotely similar to the stages depicted on this website. The FL State match hereby releases itself from any liability, fault, blame, or care of poor performance from a competitor due to correct or incorrect, similar or not similar, kinda looks like or don't look nothin' like depictions on this website.

FROM OUR LEGAL TRANSLATION DEPARTMENT - "If you blow a stage, it's your own damn fault." You guys know the drill, we did our best, but they may look a little different

I hope you guys don’t mind if I steal that? With proper attribution of course!


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Check out stage 7... Smitty ruined my ONLY moment of clarity in the match. Came in second to THE CHAMP!! ;)

If I could only get my head out of my Puerto Rican a$$ and do what I know I can... :angry:

Geezer, I agree. That disclaimer is brilliant!

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Check out stage 7...  Smitty ruined my ONLY moment of clarity in the match.  Came in second to THE CHAMP!!  ;)

If I could only get my head out of my Puerto Rican a$$ and do what I know I can... :angry:

WOW, Nelson, that was a smokin' run ya had there!!!!! He oly clipped ya be a fraction of a second too! Well done!

That is the stage that I posted about my brain fart on another thread! :wacko:

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The quickest admin keyboard in the world at its best again!

Jay, you have been tagged! "The Human Sponge"

Any relatives that live in a pineapple under the sea?

Here's a new avatar for you


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