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The damn thing wouldn't connect me but it sat me at the table and check-folded me, losing the blinds.

Ten minutes later I got connected and sat in. I was pissed off, and played mad (stupid, on tilt). Lost a bunch of my stack right away. Went all in against one other when the flop paired my King and the dude showed a pair of Aces. Out in 1880th place. :(

Not encouraging to play with real money. The TOS says you take the connection risk.

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Are we talking fake money or real money here? $10-20 blinds is way above my pay grade...

I'd be up for a no-limit hold 'em game with a $10-$20 buy-in or something like that with .25 and .50 cent blinds...that would be more my speed :)

- Gabe

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Play money.. when we all get good we can play with bullets. a 124 (9mm ante, 2 180JHP small blind, 230FMJ Big blind. :D

I think NL is the only way to go, otherwise, everyone raises 10$ it gets called, and keeps circling the table.. games take forever.

NL is funny. Lots of new people (like I'm an old pro), go all-in the first hand, looss it, and get another $1000, do the same thing, then wait 24 hours for more free money. I'm over $20K now, thanks to these guys...

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I've got 30 grand in my play money account on Pacific taking candy from those same types, BerKim, and have a $150 payout on my bank statement in real money from last week :) The real money games have absolutely no resemblance to the play money games...although there are some people on there who seem like they have money to give away, which is good if you can find them.

But I'm not up quite that much overall if you count early losses.

I watch all the poker shows too, after watching the WPT for awhile I'm convinced that if someone invents a way to punch people in the face over the television, they will set for life. Mike Sexton ihas got to be the most annoying human on earth. Shut the hell up, already. When the payers at the table are talking, we want to hear them you moron! Those two idiots just talk over the table constantly, never have anything new to say, never have any decent insight or analysis to offer, constantly rotate the same dozen catch phrases and just generally bug the living crap out of me.

Sexton is always giving the players a hard time for the way they play, saying how he wouldn't have done this or that was a mistake or whatever. Then he finally gets in on a game himself and gets absolutely creamed. He was destroyed so bad it was embarassing to watch. And that still didn't shut him up. You've got to be some kind of stubborn moron to take a beating like that and then keep on criticizing the play of the guys who just handed you your ass on a plate.

The two guys who do the World Series for ESPN are waaay better.

Anyone see Phil Hellmuth get taken apart by Annie Duke at the 'champions tournament' the other day?. ? That was sweet. I freaking hate Phil Hellmuth.

- Gabe

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  • 7 months later...
PokerStars...aka OhioUSPSA

Pokerstars = h4444

I play there all the time,,,,,sit n go tourney's mostly,,,,,avoids at least some of the knuckleheads.

I was in Tampa a few weeks back and played in a tourney at a Hard Rock Casino that was fun,,,,I'm probably going to start playing a couple of the local tourneys at the local casinos......


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  • 11 months later...

I got an e-mail from PokerRoom that says they are going to prohibit U.S. players at their real money tables. It seems a new federal law (the Unlawful Internet Gambling Enforcement Act) goes into effect soon and they either don't have the structure or the cojones to give Uncle Sam the finger.

They are going to lose 75% of their players, which should put an end to them. It looks like Fult Tilt Poker is taking the U.S. Mac player refugees. Give me your tired, your poor...

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  • 2 months later...

I'm on Full Tilt Poker now. The play money players were so bad I had to play for real money. The players have improved somewhat, but I still run into donkeys with mystifying play. No Fold 'Em Hold 'Em.

I also played my first in-person tournament. Made it to the final table and was busted by a famous gunsmith and didn't make the payoff.

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So which tables do you guys play at?

I'm mostly at the 45-seat $1+.25 NLH tournaments. Often the 90-seats. Sometimes the $1 (including the Ferguson tourny) and rarely the $2. I'll probably start playing some $5 tourneys when I double up my bankroll.

I don't play cash games or anything else.

I'll try to look for you with the Find-a-Fish feature. :P

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I've been playing a bit more local cash games at the casinos,,,,been doin' pretty good. I generally hate the online games at the lower levels even though with enough bankroll you can make a lot of money playing knuckleheads.....as they have no concept of the math behind the game, you just have to weather some swings and continue playing sound poker.

If they are going to fight the math and draw to 2-outers against my made hands,,,,,that's fine, they can keep drawing, and I'll keep stacking their chips......

They get me from time to time,,,,,,and it ticks me off, but that's ok, as long as I'm getting my money in while in the lead I'll win most of those battles,,,,,


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I still haven't brought myself to play any money games online. I'm scared to give out my cc info to places I've never heard of. I might have to open a little bank account for this kind of stuff.

So, on Full Tilt, I've been playing the Playmoney > Tourny > sit-n-go

They run pretty quick with less than 90 players to start (the free tourny's on Poker Stars are often 10,000 players and last for hours)

I made the mistake of reading a bunch of poker tips online the last day or two...then playing. I got spanked early on the games yesterday...as I was thinking about what I "learned". Later, I just played...and did real well. Then, last night, went to a local cash game. One that I should have done rather well in. But I fell back into trying instead of playing. I got beat.

I ignored the first rule that I ever learned...

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