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Brian Enos's Forums... Maku mozo!

Lock Box Recommendation

Duane Thomas

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Wow is right. I'm not joining either but I will say here if you want to pass it on that a G-36 is the only Glock I've ever sold and only the 2nd pistol I ever sold (Taurus .40 first gun nough said) I never got a magazine to run in it fully. Failures were all over the board for type. I'll not own a pistol that won't run. I do love Glocks,presently owning 5 but you couldn't give me a G-36. My experiences only and after a quick internet search apparently not the only one.

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I'm sure the lady in question would benefit from the insights and experiences being share here, if they were being shared instead in a venue where she could easily read them. There's also a thread over on Self-Defense-Handguns.com where a senior shooter is enquiring about handloading data for the .308 that could use some love, too. (Hey, we're not doctrinaire about either the "self defense" or the "handguns" part of the equation.) Going back to the "Glock 26" thread, it started out as discussion of the G26 but swiftly morphed into a discussion of how to safetly keep a gun in a home that also includes a small child. I have asked a female friend of mine to post, since she's a mother and shooter who's actually had that experience. I'm sure the OP would appreciate hearing from another woman and mother, instead of all this unrelenting maleness. :)

call me crazy but rather than repeatedly asking multiple people to sign up to another forum purely so they can help someone, maybe ask the person who needs the help to sign up here? 1 person having to do something vs multiples? or even better just send her the link to this thread. You don't have to be a member to view topics on enos.com so she doesn't even have to sign up, just click the link and read. How is that not a 'place she can easily read them'...

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Well, that sounds to me like a serious question, so I will endeavor to give you a serious answer. I did consider everything you said, as options. And I discussed the matter with a shooting buddy of mine, who is a friend of the lady in question, and also spends a fair amount of time on various message boards. His advice was, "I wouldn't do it. I've been on BrianEnos.com a few times, and the bottom line is, I didn't like it. I don't know what it is about competition shooters, but there's a real air of elitism that comes off the people on that site. They just do not deal well with beginners, the people who don't know as much as they do, the people asking what they consider really basic, stupid questions. The best analogy I could come up with is that throwing Beth in with that crowd would be like throwing a baby seal into a tank with a bunch of sharks." Made sense to me.

So, to answer your question, the reason I'm not asking Beth to join this site, the reason I'm not giving her a link to this thread, is that if a person does not have a sufficient level of chivalry, a baseline willingness to extend themself to help another person, sufficient to motivate them to go to her, I want to keep them away from her. Certainly, with a few sterling exceptions, everything I have seen in this thread, the "If she wants my advice, she'll have to come to me, I'm not going to her," the "Just copy a link to this thread, why should I have to put any more effort into it," My Time Is Too Valuable attitude, has simply reinforced to me the wisdom of that decision.

Edited by Duane Thomas
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If things are so bad here, Duane, why did you come here to ask the questions?

I took the time to register (it wasn't easy as you know) and to share info as did a couple others. Now, with the tone of your response to Nick and the one above, I am sorry I did and probably won't ever go there again.

I started shooting in the early 70s and learned a lot from others over the years. I have always given back when I could and shared my mistakes. I also try never to bash others when I disagree with their approach.

Yes, we have a few snarky members on this forum but you find them everywhere on the internet. I have seen the majority here as helpful (at least to me they have been). From Brian all the way down to the newest member, most people here are willing to share their experiences. Too bad you and your "friends" don't seem to see it that way.

You can delete my membership on your forum.

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Okay, done. You are no longer a member of Self-Defense-Handguns.com. Honestly, I was sorry to see you go. I always enjoyed reading your posts on BrianEnos.com over my years here, I enjoyed your posts to Self-Defense-Handguns.com, brief though your stay there was. Knowledgeable, helpful, friendly. I certainly classed you as one of the sterling exceptions.

Again, I have been asked a serious question, so I will give you a serious answer. I came here because I expected better.

Bear with me while I tell you a bit of ancient history. I joined this site, originally, the second day it was in existence. How that happened was, I was laying in bed one morning, fast asleep, my phone rang, the answering machine picked up, I heard this voice saying, "Hey, this is Brian Enos..." Well, to a guy like me, that was like a Rolling Stones fan suddenly, out of the blue, getting a phone call and hearing a voice saying, "Hey, this is Mick Jagger..." Lemme tellya, I woke up, from asleep to wider than wide awake, probably the fastest I ever have in my life, and practically got air friction burns reaching for the phone. Brian had gotten my phone number from the folks at The Blue Press because I had just written, and had published, an article on his book and how awesome it is, and he wanted permission to put that up on his site. The folks at Dillon had told him they didn't own the copyright to that article, I did. He actually wanted to know how much I'd charge him to put it up on his site! I found it flattering. I was, like, "Take it, free of charge."

Brian told me the reason he wanted that article was because he had just started up his own website the day before. He didn't know what would happen with it, maybe nothing. I was dressed and on my way to the library - this was before I had 'net access at home - within minutes of hanging up, and on here a few minutes later. When I joined, there were literally single digit people who got here ahead of me. Those were heady days. Only a handful of people posting to the site, all of them sharing in this open-handed, generous nature - an EXTRAORDINARILY high signal to noise ratio.

I got involved in the site in a big way. I have to admit to a bit of amusement, coming back here now, to see that my overall post count still puts me as the 5th highest ever to the site, even after years of being away. But that's how important this place was to me. I'd be on BrianEnos.com, answering people's questions for hours on end, almost every day for ten years, when the God's honest truth is I should have been writing articles, making money. On a few occasions, I did triple-digit posts in a single day. And these weren't wimpy little one-liners, I am not, as you may have noticed, the least verbose person on Earth, I was giving people real, detailed responses. I moderated the IDPA forum for eight years, because it had become an absolute snake pit, the source of most of the problems on the site, so much so there was serious talk from Brian of simply deleting it and making this a no-IDPA forum site. Largely to stop that from happening, because I love the sport, I said, "I'll take it over." And I guarantee you, by the time I was done, the IDPA forum was the most well-behaved area on this board. If you're at all curious, go and read my Rules of the Road over on my site. You think they're tough? You think they set a high standard? You think they're all, "Here's the line, toe it or we're going to have a problem"? That's how I ran the IDPA forum.

(Those rules were based on Brian's verbiage for the rules of behavior on BrianEnos.com, and I asked and received his permission to use his stuff as a matrix, but let's just say there have been considerable additions, and not to make them more lenient either.)

I was a proselitizer, I tried to talk the people at Dillon into letting me do an article on BrianEnos.com in The Blue Press, but they wouldn't let me, damnit. I did manage to get a two-part article in Front Sight, a retrospective of Brian's career, leading up to the formation of BrianEnos.com, mostly because it was a stealth way of giving the site free, nationwide publicity. I told anyone who would listen that BrianEnos.com was "where the real shooters hang out, if you've got a question and want a real answer from people who know what they're talking about, this is the place." And it puzzled me, and frankly somewhat disturbed me, the number of times I'd do that, and the person I was talking to would get this look of distaste on their face - and we're talking serious shooters out at IDPA and USPSA matches - and say basically what my friend said: "Yeah, I tried that, I didn't like it." The word that got used, over and over again, was "elitism." I argued with them, I told them that wasn't true.

So, on to this thread here. Like I said, I expected better. Okay, I was cautious, but still I figured I'd come here, tell people, "Hey, there's a young mother who needs your help," and I would be swarmed by people stepping forward, saying, "Sure thing!" Because that's what I've always expected from this site. I have to say, it's been a sad and eye-opening experience. Even the one moderator who posted to this thread, in my humble opinion, came across like a clueless jerk.

I still have an extremely high regard for Brian. I think he's one of the coolest people I've ever met, a real human being, I class him as a friend, despite the fact I live about as far away from him as I can and still be in the continental United States, and I trust he feels the same. What the site has turned into, if this thread is any indication...not so much. I'm glad that it's still great source of information and camaraderie and aid to you. Seriously. But before you get all defensive, all "Oh, how dare you criticize my alma mater," bear in mind I was a member of this alma mater, and had done more for it than you ever will, in overwhelming probability long before you ever even knew it existed. I have certainly put in my time to rate having an opinion in the matter.

I don't know what's happened. Maybe the membership has changed over the past five years or so I've been gone. Maybe nothing changed. Maybe I just always looked at this site a bit starry-eyed. I really don't know. In any event, I think I'm probably done here. Finally, completely done, 15 years after I first came here and dedicated a fairly large chunk of my life to it. I mean, really...over 13,000 posts? Ye gods. It's a sad thing, but hey, I'm a big boy, I'll survive. The truth is that if I put as much time and effort into my own site as I did into this one, it would have been a huge success in, like, five minutes, right?

Edited by Duane Thomas
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Gentlemen. Those that wish to help Mr Thomas' forum member out may go to his site to do so. Those that wish to continue this conversation may do so through PM. This thread has taken an unfortunate drift and therefore is now closed.

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I regret the last five words in my post. I was trying for snark, but needed to add a smiley -- or better yet, to read it through again. I'm sorry I didn't do that. Annoying you was not my goal -- I appreciate the contributions you've brought to the shooting world for more than two decades, and to this forum specifically. And I say that as someone who has spent a not inconsiderable amount of time and money purchasing and reading magazines specifically because of your articles. If it wasn't at least partly for your articles, I wouldn't be a gunner and shooter today. Reading you and Mas Ayoob from 1993-1997 convinced me that I could actually learn how to safely and responsibly own and use a gun. For that I'm extremely grateful!

That said -- if we're going to talk basic politeness -- it's not exceptionally polite to ask for help, and then complain about how that help is provided when folks extend themselves to provide information. Instead of appreciating the folks who shared their thoughts, you continually reminded us that we weren't helping to your satisfaction -- to the point of adding a note to your initial post in all caps. So maybe, you want to take a look in the mirror, when you feel like preaching about being polite? Or not.

Either way, I wish you the very best life has to offer!

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