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2015 Pirates of Texas Carbine Championship

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Applications are now available for the 2015 Pirates of Texas Carbine Championship on Sunday, February 15th. You can download the application from the match website at:


Unfortunately, Texas Carbine experienced a tragedy on April 8th of this year. Our dear, dear friend, Terry "Spider" Panknin passed away. Spider was one of our original four TC "core group" members and worked tirelessly to make our club a success. He was truly a Thomas Edison of his time and could fix or build anything we came up with.

Consequently, we decided to dedicate this year's match to him and while we miss him dearly, we know he will be with us in spirit this year.


We eliminated the "Real Carbine" Division but have added the "Real Rifle" Division which is for 7.62X51 caliber or larger with iron sights or one non-magnified optic.

If you have any questions about the match, please check our FAQ Page first and if you can't find the answer there, email us. We have also added an Additional Info Page on our site with some updated information for this year’s match.

There is a discount for early registration and the match will be limited to 140 shooters. We think it will be a fun as well as challenging match and we hope many of the South Texas shooters will join us. There will be approximately 25 slots to shoot with the staff on Saturday should you prefer to do that and there is a box to check on the app for this. Those slots just as those on Sunday will be first come, first served.

For those who have never experienced this match, you can view the ATSN video of the 2012 match via the link below.

Click here to view the American Trigger Sports TV video of the 2012 Pirates Match.

Hope to see many of you from last year as well as some new shooters this year, it should be a great match.

The TC Gang

Edited by Texas Carbine
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This is a major event on my calendar every year. I travel 1800 miles from Canada to get to my Corpus Christi winter home. This is a fun match and a great example of Texas hospitality. The TC people can't be beat at this stuff. I think I'm the only Canadian shooter in the gang so I could use some company. Y'all come on down!

Edited by hercster
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  • 1 month later...

Just a reminder that the deadline for the discounted match fee, December 31st, is rapidly approaching. So, if you want to save a few bucks, head on over to our match website:


and download the application.

We're also adding some cool new props to the match as well and it should be a fun as well as challenging shoot.


The TC Gang

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  • 2 weeks later...

I am in!!! I cancelled arrangements for the other CC match and set up travel for this match! Nigtmare, I spoke with Hal on FB. I cant even load the match application with my bandwidth here. I can however promise to pay upon my arrival and if I dont make the match I would send a check. Look forward to shooting with you all!!!! Should be an FUN and interesting match. I have only shot once in 8 months.... Look I am already making excuses!

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Jeremy:I talked to Hal and he is going to email you an application that you can fill out and email back to him. The app is only a 6mb PDF file which hopefully will get through whatever chokepoint is preventing you from downloading it from the match website. If that doesn't work, we'll try emailing you just the first page which I've massaged down to just 800k. No problem paying on match day but we'd really prefer to have the application beforehand. Hopefully this will solve the problem.

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My Pirates shirts are amongst my most prized souvenirs of Corpus and I'll be happy to add this one to the collection. Our friend Spider will be on every stage smiling and happy that we are having a great time. :P Thanks for posting Nightmare!

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Less than two weeks to go before the match and we only have a handful of slots left so if you're considering attending, go to the match website at piratesoftexasmatch.com, download an application, fill it out, and send it to the address on the app along with your check.

Also, for the very first time, we are making the courses of fire available in advance. Just go to the match website and click on the "STAGES" menu option at the top.

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  • 2 weeks later...

The weather forecast looks great and we're excited about this year's Pirates match. Unfortunately (or fortunately I guess,) we're full up except for two or three walk-ins on Sunday so if you're interested and want to reserve a spot, email us very soon. Look forward to seeing some of you readers at the range on Sunday.

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Great match, fun stages, great staff, smoothly run match. Amazing to see Terry's son win the rifle!!! I believe the TC scoring was not fair on steel... Yes I hit them all but it was painful watching others go to war due to that rule! Starry has to get those berms higher signing a piece waiver will likely not excuse owner negligence!!!

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First congratulations Jeremy for your first place finishes in both Open and Tactical and for his service to the country as a Naval Officer. Second, thank you for your kind words about the operation of our match. You are certainly entitled to your opinion about TC scoring on our steel stages; however I would like to explain our rational to those readers who may not be familiar with it. TC scoring was developed to keep shooters from playing games with the system to score better that someone who was trying to do their best. For instance on our Stage 7, a shooter could shoot five shots from each of the two shooting positions thereby engaging all targets in say 20 seconds, not hit a target and end up with a time of 70 seconds after points down, thereby besting someone who tried to do their best and hit nine out of ten targets and timed out. Our matches are designed for people who want to challenge their shooting ability on fun stages.


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Maytag, thank you again for a great match! I think it boils down to stage design and or penalty for a targets not hit. I totally understand the reasons for the rule. I hated watching a couple shooters with short attention spans get hammered by the rule! You guys were very clear in the morning shooters brief. I even listened and remembered! :)

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