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Losing internet service


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Lost my internet service today around lunch time while working from home. Finally called cable company and they diagnosed it as the cable modem, sending someone out tomorrow from 8 to 10 am. So what's worse than that? Realizing later in the evening that the internet went out around the same time you caught your lab digging under the fence in the back yard. Yep....you got it.....friggin dog dug up the buried cable AND managed to chew a 6 inch section out of the wire. At least the technician doesn't have to spend time diagnosing the problem when he gets here tomorrow. Wonder what that is going to cost me to fix......

Oh yeah...anyone want a yellow lab Pit mix?

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what are we hating again?dogs digging and chewing?yep! bad dog!

Hating on myself for not investigating why the dog wasn't back on the porch a few minutes after letting her out like she normally is. Edited by CZinSC
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i have a real Hate the cable company who provides the internet service--well, trys to.

First problem call was early December. No internet. Technician dispatched. Internet returns, but he could not find anything wrong. Every day internet goes down and comes back may be an hour later or two. The worst kind of problem is "intermittent". Roll forward to March and 7 techs later, Weekends spent on the phone with TW. :angry2: I now have a special tickert # and 800 # to call when I lose the internet. I have a 15 year old who can't play Xbox or watch NETFLIX. This is a major problem! :angry2:

Last week a new tech is sitting in my driveway and says, Good News/Bad News. I know what the problem is, but I can't fix it. Really? Anyone see the commercials from TW about 100MB service and Standard Service is only $14.95 now. TW has upgraded everbody to 16MB download as standard. The HUBS can't handle all the traffic and are peaked at 99%. TW is scrambling to update all the HUBS to fiber optic. Time to fix--May be 6 months.

Why would any company what to piss off thier current customers with an upgrade that kills the network. Seems ATT U-Verse was taking to many TW customers because ATT had better/faster internet connection speeds. So the war begins.

Oh ya. I hate watching a movie and the voice sync is off. Lips move and no sound..... :angry2::angry2::angry2:

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Well.. my 4g hotspot on my phone is faster than my Uverse wireless internet. I hate that.

Add this to the Hate part of this thread. My work phone has mobile hotspot activated. Personal PC, Ipad, Girlfriends computer all work great on it. My work laptop? Not so much. haven't been able to connect all morning. But hey, i'm on Enos right?! I may not get work done, but at least i can post about it!

Cable guy hear now fixing the line. We'll see if i get charged. He didn't say anything, but that doesn't mean he won't throw a bill in my face at the end.

Stay tuned...and connected! :devil:

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One last update because thankfully this hate topic ended well.

Cable guy just left. Fixed the wire, buried it back underground, came in the house replaced the Ancient Cable modem I have for a brand new one, all for free!

Prior to this, i was getting download speeds of appoximately 10Mbps prior, now i'm getting upwards of 70MB with the hard line, 30MB wireless. :surprise:

Slipped the guy a Twenty for this hard work ( its raining and cold here today, so not fun doing all of that work outside ).

Kind of hard staying mad at the dog when i just improved my internet by A LOT!

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