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Brian Enos's Forums... Maku mozo!



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lets keep it within the shooting realm ok?

for me. i'm thankful that my interest in this great sport was sparked again and from all places the eyes of a child.

i'm thankful for being able to voice my thoughts and opinions of our sport on a forum like this.even if we don't all agree with each other all the time.

at least we can agree not to be disagreeable. :)

i'm thankful for all of you.

i hope each and every one of you have a wonderful holiday season.



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Guest Larry Cazes

I'm thankful for my wife of almost 10 years who is almost as gun crazy as I am. It's wonderful to have someone really close to me to share the fun of shooting IPSC with. :)

Happy Holidays Everyone!

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I am thankful that I have my health and a loving family to share the day with.

I am thankful that the Benosverse exists. I just don't know what I'd do without this place.

I am thankful that some thoughtful person decided to cut power to all of campus most of the day tomorrow so I get to sleep in and have a nice long 5 day weekend. I am also thankful that we just hired a real good new guy who has not annual leave built up so he will have to work tomorrow so will be there to shut the server room down and bring it back up once power comes back so the rest of my staff can get an extra day off.

Now if the weather will just cooperate so I can get some shooting in....

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I'm pretty grateful that:

--I can go shooting year-round pretty much whenever I please because we have a well-run local indoor range and I don't have to stand in the cold to shoot (which I wouldn't do anyway)...

--I live in a (shall-issue) state that allows me to carry, to nominally defend myself in or out of my vehicle, and to go buy a gun or accessory without signing away my soul or waiting forever and answering too many questions...

--I have a really great gunsmith...

--I have found ways to integrate my vocational skills into the needs of the firearm industry and service these wonderful clients...

--Ditto for BrianEnos-dot-com, too... Fabulously important group of people. :wub:


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What shooting related stuff am I thankful for this year....

1. I can now shoot in my backyard, and it would be totally feasible to set about a 5 or 6 stage match without any neighbor complaints.

2. My new Glock is working out WAY better than I had anticipated.

3. I got my first Nat's experience under my belt this year, certainly not my last.

4. Got hooked up with a really great gunsmith this year, who I trust very much and turns around work in super short time for super cheap prices.

5. Tru-grip

6. My first ever lightened slide gun is working out marvelously.

7. My new STI is waiting to be picked up in the morning.

Not shooting related, but I just found out that I will be off Christmas Eve and Day and New Years Eve and Day, with pay. These are the first holidays of any sort I will have had off in the 3 and a half years with this employer.

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Thankful for family, health, friends, job and all other blessings.

Shooting-wise for matches every Saturday, for STI, Dillon, Glock, and for all my faceless shooting buddies from the BE forums.

Happy Holidays Everyone!

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Thankful that my diabetes got a little better so that I can eat a few things that make life worth living like mashed potatoes and corn. Don't know why it got so out of control for about three months, don't know why it got better recemtly but I can eat a little of the good stuff without getting sick now so I am not looking a gift horse in the mouth.

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