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New Hip


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Rodney carries for medicinal purposes, but just ask Cliff. It relly makes your head hurt the next morning!

My left leg is more muscled up than the right. Now it really looks funny swollen vs the skinny right leg.

The right leg and left knee already complaining because of the new and different use. . . . . Too bad they just gonna have to suck it up!

Now to go walk the beagle.


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Did my excercises recomended by my surgeon and Vanderbuilt Orthopedics. Man some of them relly kick BUTT! Quite sore now but a good sore. Pain less intence now, but wider of an area on my pelvic area and leg.


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Trying to get healed up. Not 10' and bullet proof! :-D

Today i go do my first out patient PT. On top of what i do @ home i got a feeling i might hit the percoset or doule up on some tylenol tonight.

I'm a side sleeper. One of the NO NO s is crossing the imaginary centerline of my body with the surgical leg. Have managed to sleep on my back until last night. Dr. Said to try and avoid side sleep, but if i really have to that i put a large firm pillow between my knees to avoid the bad position. I did so after 0230 hrs but woke up really sore in the middle of my femur and where they cut me. Have pretty much worked it out with the morning home PT :-) , but wont be doing that again any time soon.

More later.


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Well my story,,

I know about PT,I was a lot younger but when I was 16 I totaled a 1958 Chevrolet ,spent the next nine months in wheel chair broke both legs, left foot five times,I took me a little over a year to get it together.So do it slow it will all be over soon I know about sleeping on my back..cya on the range ..

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More of the same today! Toothguy pmd me a different pain med will be talking to Dr about it. May not need it aside from anti inflamitory part that i can really use. Most noticesable swelling susiding but down in there it is still tight. Gonna need ebery bit of the 8 weeks to get somewhat respectable range of motion. Doing ice pack theropy after every time i do excersises. Gonna need a new freezer handle soon.

Tomorrow is another oportunity to do something different! :-D


Thanks toothguy!

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On top of what i do @ home i got a feeling i might hit the percoset or doule up on some tylenol tonight.


please be very careful with Tylenol -- high doses result in liver damage; high enough doses can lead to fatality.

Percocet contains Tylenol.

Tylenol prescribing information list 4 grams or 4,000 milligrams as the maximum safe daily dose for adults; I seem to remember getting a mailer from the manufacturer within the last year or two recommending only 3 grams max per day, because so many other meds also contain Tylenol.

Please be careful.....

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Nik and all

since l have been concious enough to get pain meds after the surgery

l have never had more than 1500 mg combined of tylenol or percoset(Roxicet) and am now only doing 500 mg a day if l take any at all. Usually 1 only after PT and getting to where l take no pain relievers at all. Follow up visit with the Surgion Wednesday we will talk about anti inflamitories then.

Thanks for all the well wishes, and information. All taken and used. See ya'll on a range sometime.


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No it didnt. We did the leg that was almost two inches longer first as that hip was the worst pain wise.

Dr P. Will add around an inch to the other when we do it. He can only add so much because of th nerves that go down the leg can take just a little stretching and the complete leveling job would be too much to do.

Have a great weekend everyone.


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First full day home. Went and saw pt scheduled for 3x a week for 8 weeks. Whole leg is stiffi andsore but not in the hip joint itself. Knee will be complaining as the dr straightned my walking motion. Getting alongon and off the comode, and in and out of car, and in and out of chair tbe hardest and most painful. Dr prescribed percoset, and i have taken only one today. Just got a shower. Gonna sit ond a cold pad to help with the swelling that goes from my top of buttox to my ankle now.


Goodluck! Just stick with your post-op precautions, to prevent dislocation. Take your percocet (pain pill) as prescribe by your MD or if it's precribe as needed, then take it before you see your P.T.

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Weekend done with. Pt today focusing on range of motion (something i havent had in a LONG while)

Have one spot on inside of thigh where muscles attach to the pelvis that wont cooperate. Gonna be a long go of it! ! ! ! ! !

Most of pain from tbe surgery about gone. Still some deep ache where the cut the old joint out and put in the new.

More Pt tomorrow. Not fun, but necessary.


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Weekend done with. Pt today focusing on range of motion (something i havent had in a LONG while)

Have one spot on inside of thigh where muscles attach to the pelvis that wont cooperate. Gonna be a long go of it! ! ! ! ! !

Most of pain from tbe surgery about gone. Still some deep ache where the cut the old joint out and put in the new.

More Pt tomorrow. Not fun, but necessary.


It will be over before you know it.

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Most of the pain from the surgery gone now. Only took 7 percoset in all. What pain left is at the spot of the cut, and from PT right in the groin area where all the old scar tissue is from my sugery as a post toddler. Still on the walker except around in the house for short forays. Stride looks good in the mirror at PT. Legs and upper body all getting stronger from PT and excersises i do at home. Wife commented last night as we were walking that i havent walked that fast for that long of a time in years :-) looking good for now. Have a long way to go to get where i want to be.


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Most of the pain from the surgery gone now. Only took 7 percoset in all. What pain left is at the spot of the cut, and from PT right in the groin area where all the old scar tissue is from my sugery as a post toddler. Still on the walker except around in the house for short forays. Stride looks good in the mirror at PT. Legs and upper body all getting stronger from PT and excersises i do at home. Wife commented last night as we were walking that i havent walked that fast for that long of a time in years :-) looking good for now. Have a long way to go to get where i want to be.


Hang in there Sam, I hope to see you on a range somewhere soon, shooting Heavy Metal.


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Most of the pain from the surgery gone now. Only took 7 percoset in all. What pain left is at the spot of the cut, and from PT right in the groin area where all the old scar tissue is from my sugery as a post toddler. Still on the walker except around in the house for short forays. Stride looks good in the mirror at PT. Legs and upper body all getting stronger from PT and excersises i do at home. Wife commented last night as we were walking that i havent walked that fast for that long of a time in years :-) looking good for now. Have a long way to go to get where i want to be.


That is a great news Hop!

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No new name changes yet. I had what was the "good" side done as it went south on me in a real hurry.

P.T. today was really rough and am really sore, but in a good way. Have been off even Tylenols now for a week. Almost took some after P T today though.

Walked farther today than i have yet. Muscles still weak, but getting better. Keep the progress up as it is going now and l will be like a 30 year old Sam by the time l hit 50!!!!!!


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No new name changes yet. I had what was the "good" side done as it went south on me in a real hurry.

P.T. today was really rough and am really sore, but in a good way. Have been off even Tylenols now for a week. Almost took some after P T today though.

Walked farther today than i have yet. Muscles still weak, but getting better. Keep the progress up as it is going now and l will be like a 30 year old Sam by the time l hit 50!!!!!!


Try applying ice in your hip for 30 mins after your PT treatment it should take care of the pain.

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No new name changes yet. I had what was the "good" side done as it went south on me in a real hurry.

P.T. today was really rough and am really sore, but in a good way. Have been off even Tylenols now for a week. Almost took some after P T today though.

Walked farther today than i have yet. Muscles still weak, but getting better. Keep the progress up as it is going now and l will be like a 30 year old Sam by the time l hit 50!!!!!!


Try applying ice in your hip for 30 mins after your PT treatment it should take care of the pain.

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No new name changes yet. I had what was the "good" side done as it went south on me in a real hurry.

P.T. today was really rough and am really sore, but in a good way. Have been off even Tylenols now for a week. Almost took some after P T today though.

Walked farther today than i have yet. Muscles still weak, but getting better. Keep the progress up as it is going now and l will be like a 30 year old Sam by the time l hit 50!!!!!!


Try applying ice in your hip for 30 mins after your PT treatment it should take care of the pain.

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Usually do about 3/8 of a mile brisk walk after PT. That helps to keep down the stiffness and cuts the ache. If it still bothers me l do the cold jell pad. Today the PT place had a no show during my time there, and l was able to get another 30 minutes in on equipment not available to me at home!!!!!

Strides getting longer. Took me 3 long strides to go down the paralell bars where it used to take me 5 when l first started PT :-D

next week Pt Mon, Wed, Fri. Lets see how spreading it out works.

Happy All Hallows eve, and you folks like me in the area of red on the weather channel keep an ear oit for the weather.


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