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Brian Enos's Forums... Maku mozo!

So you want to be an RO...

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What is wrong with the way things are run now? From what I've seen most of the major match directors have their own cadre or at least a core of experienced ROs that know how that particular MD wants things to run. Trying to tweak the way an independant match staffs and runs their match seems a lot like meddling. Especially since ALL of the major matches (except maybe uspsa) sell out and have a waiting list. It seems to me that if officiating were a problem then this would not be the case.

Personally, I like the differences that the major match MDs bring to their events and would not be in favor of ANY type of umbrella or sanctioning, or unified rulesets, etc.

The way it is now with the aforementioned match core RO team it allows the mentoring of ROS while keeping the flavor of that particular event from being diluted, a good thing IMO.

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Maybe we should drift this thread back to the positive instead of tearing down persons or organizations...

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The other option would be you could just join IDPA.. They now have online SO testing and a sorta like 3 gun venue you could use .. 3 gun Rules look pretty easy to understand.. just another option out there.

And the big plus is that it would be more like... Well you can only guess ..

This way it would be something totally new and exciting away from USPSA..

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