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I thought I'd give this a try.

I'm going to be having foot surgery on December 19th. One of my bucket list items is to dry fire. I will be a little hampered since this will be done in a sitting or laying position for at least 6 weeks. I'm not sure I will be able to practice my draw, but I plan on working on target transitions and reloading.

The bucket list includes.

1. Dry fire...focusing on transitions and reloads. Starts will probably start on lap or off to the side. Unfortunately, can't find my timer anywhere :/

2. Grip strengthening (not what you think) using the hand grip exercisers

3. Ab and push up routines (pushups may not be possible, but we shall try)

4. Re-programming mentally (several books on visualization)...it worked late last year with accuracy. I need focus it towards being smooth and trying to get into subconscious shooting.

5. Begin learning bass guitar (it's only got 4 strings right, how hard can it be...says the guy with no music background)

6. Getting back on a more balanced diet. I was able to lose and keep off 60-64 lbs in 2012, but that stagnated in the summer when I began traveling for work. My first goal is to lose a hundred pounds. When that is met, I would like to lose an additional 70. Yes, I have an extremely stable shooting platform.

I will start to post updates hopefully on 12/20 or 12/21. If you don't see anything, please message me

Any input would be appreciated. The aforementioned goals are not necessarily in order. I'm sure focus will change a few times during this quest.

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This is where I'm starting from. I am planning on focusing on Limited next year with an M&P pro. Hopefull gets some modifications to trigger and gear to facilitate this while I'm off.

OPEN Class: U Pct: 0.00 High Pct: 0.0

LIMITED Class: C Pct: 47.81 High Pct: 47.94

LIMITED10 Class: C Pct: 56.88 High Pct: 56.88

PRODUCTION Class: B Pct: 63.59 High Pct: 63.59

REVOLVER Class: U Pct: 0.00 High Pct: 0.00

SINGLESTACK Class: C Pct: 39.75 High Pct: 44.08

Edited by downrange72
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Thank you Matt

Yesterday I did get a little air gunning in at some photos on the wall

Did 80 reps with the grip exerciser each hand

Did 40 crunches.

Today started with 50 crunches and 60 reps each hand

Started reading a memory book not shooting specific. Really going to focus on stepping up the mental game and memory stages while off.

I don't foresee getting any push-ups in yet. Need to find some dumbells

Dryfire on tap a little later. I wish I knew where my timer was :/. Maybe reading the memory book will help me remember lol

Calorie count good the last few days.

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Still only getting in some air gunning. Do have a makeshift egg timer to try out tomorrow.

100 reps on grip exerciser each hand

Out of bed a little more today.

Worked on just snapping eyes between objects on walls.

Read a little of the memory book

Calorie count is on track

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100 reps with grip exerciser

50 crunches

15 minutes of dry fire. Focus on starting in lap. Used egg timer to countdown. Started with 8 seconds...modified el prez...3 targets..2 trigger pulls each...reload...timer set at 8 seconds and used countdown option on egg timer....made it about 20% of the time (roughly). Worked on draws..timer set on 2 seconds to get 1 dry on each target...made it about 80% of the time. Worked on reloads. It is difficult to do laying flat...grabbed mags wrong several times. Ironically, mags only fit into the gun one way.

12/23, 12/24, 12/25

Lots of family...not much accomplished. Blizzard coming in tomorrow...I'm sure i wont have many distractions.

Started watching Deadwood...I see what all the hype is about...it is pretty good.

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Since everything else is falling apart, I might as well

Doing well with the calorie counting

Haven't read much

Dry fired very little.

No excuses...I just would rather pull all my teeth.

I'm moving back to my house on he 15th and hopefully will have a routine started by then. Lol

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Since everything else is falling apart, I might as well

Doing well with the calorie counting

Haven't read much

Dry fired very little.

No excuses...I just would rather pull all my teeth.

I'm moving back to my house on he 15th and hopefully will have a routine started by then. Lol

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I have mt'd all of my range bags,I do not have your timer.

good luck with your quest. I hate dryfire almost as much as you do,but I have managed to get new par times dialed in for the skinny gun with the smaller targets I'm using.

You should have requested a new timer for Christmas

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I have mt'd all of my range bags,I do not have your timer.

good luck with your quest. I hate dryfire almost as much as you do,but I have managed to get new par times dialed in for the skinny gun with the smaller targets I'm using.

You should have requested a new timer for Christmas

I thought it would show up when I emptied my range bags before surgery.

The other day I did 15 minutes on one hand shooting. I will be working on this more. I've developed the shakes. I'm also milking the trigger with one hand. I made sure of 10 good sight pictures and trigger presses consecutively before working on the two hand grip. Really need to work on finding the sight quicker.

Maintaining current caloric goals. Some people think I've lost weight. I won't be able to tell until I'm able to bear weight in 3 weeks.

Really looking forward to some range time once I can bear weight. I do not care how cold it is. I'm having some withdrawals :D

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  • 2 weeks later...

Okay, time to get serious :angry2:

I am finally in my own home and have all the equipment I need for dry fire. No more excuses.

While I was away...

best guess estimates are that I've lost around 10 lbs (hard to tell when you are weighing with one foot...this was at my MD office). There is a lot to be said for sloth...or maybe atrophy :ph34r:

I have been staying pretty consistent with working on the grip strength. 100-200 reps a day each arm. It is getting much easier.

I have worked on keeping the sights steady throughout the trigger press a few times...nothing consistent or routine yet.

I do have targets in place to start the dryfire routine today. Anyone know where I can get a CED timer "cheap." This will only be my 3rd one purchased in 5 years. Hence, I should go back to reading the memory books :blush:

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Worked on some draws the other day. Have par time set for 1.3 seconds at about 7 yards (vast improvement..a snail can still draw quicker than me :D). I will be working on that and 15 yard draws today (it is tough in a small house to find the distances. I will be drawing near the guest bathroom into the master bedroom wall...LOL. The longest distance I can muster in my house.

Changed my extended mags over to TF base pads...Riverman modified the followers to allow the extra 4-5 rounds. The brass does make a difference in weight of the gun. Hoping to find a M&P magwell soon. I will be ordering the Apex FSS in the near future. I'm itching for a day and transportation to go field test it.

Loaded up 500 rounds last week.

Added a foregrip to the AR. Bought some rail extensions.

I believe I have lost around 10 lbs...still mostly sticking with the calorie alotments (eating what I want in moderation, not really starving or craving anything). Hard to know for sure since I can't bear weight yet (hopefully on 2/1 I can).

Still doing grip strengthening during commercials or other down times.

Trying to stay busy and not drive family crazy...that is such a fine line on normal days, let alone when you are gimped up and dependant on others :blush:

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This morning I did some 7ish and 15ish yard draws. Both par times are 1.2 dry fire. I've been using the camera to video the sessions

I also did some re-load drills. The new TF basepads are going to take some getting used to. I'll be sitting around watching the tube and practicing getting those seated. It is just a matter of getting used to the feel. They are significantly heavier.

Continuing with grip strengthening.

Diet has been "meh" lately.

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