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Please check my Glock's ejection pattern


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I dont reload. I dont have the time to learn and buy components needed to do it myself. With that out of the way, I would like the group to check out my Open Glock 17's ejection pattern and see if it's ok. I think it's weak, but this is my first open type gun and I cant be sure.

Gun specs are:

2nd generation G17

Jager Products Open Kit (KKM pre fitted barrel, Jager comp, ISMI 11 lbs recoil spring, Jager guide rod, C-More RTS and mount)

JP magwell

Glock Plates slide racker

I took the gun out today for the first time and shot 200 rounds. I had 2 failures to feed, but they were mag related. No ejection problems, but I wanna be sure that they dont crop up...

In the first video, I'm shooting Federal 147gr American Eagle

In this video, I'm shooting Federal 115gr American Eagle

So what say the masses? Should I get a heavier spring, or is this one ok? Should I get a longer ejector?

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Is that set up designed to run minor PF ammo? I thought it was for MAJOR 9. With weak factory ammo you are not going to get good results out of the comp unless it is especially tuned for minor ammo. Same with the spring and other parts. I would order some MAJOR 9 from DC Ammo and give that a go.

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I've read before that others had the same ejection issues with a delta point. The rounds would come back and hit the sight. Sarge is right, if you're not loading for major, your results won't be very good. In my open Glock, I tweaked the ejector at a very slightly upward angle and outwards to achieve a more 90 deg ejection pattern to avoid my pattern going upwards into my SJC. You can YouTube search my screen name and see the results. Be careful if you go this route as you don't want to put the point of the ejector any closer to the primer than possible. Make sure your adjustments are very small in distance. A little dab will do ya.

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Open guns with comps were not designed to run factory ammo. The comp absorbs a lot of the energy, so you get weak ejection with factory ammo, especially light 115gr loads. The comps were designed for heavy loads with lots of gas pressure.Since you don't reload, try the major 9 ammo that was suggested, or even 9mm+p. You need some hotter ammo to run with a comp.

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