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Max Michel and Travis Tomasie

Little Bill

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Last weekend, 07-31-04 and 08-01-04, our local club (www.millcreekpsl.org) in the Kansas City area hosted a Double Impact Training Class. The instruction that these two high-class professionals provided exceeded my expectations by HUGE margin. I thought that I would share my overall experience.

I was tasked with coordinating / gathering students from the club, and was the point of contact with Max from the start. Max was very helpful and very professional from the onset of our e-mail discussion about having a class in the KC area. We had 12 very excited guys (including myself) from the area that committed to taking the class. During our e-mail discussions, Max and I had a misunderstanding (clearly my fault) about the pricing arrangement. I had already quoted the wrong price to all of the students, who had all agreed to that figure. Once I realized my mistake, I re-contacted the students about the change in price. Unfortunately, this caused about half of the students to reconsider, making the class under the minimum amount of students. I was very bummed, and e-mailed Max to explain what had occurred. I never expected the reply that I received. Max and Travis offered to meet in the middle of my pricing mistake and make the class happen! I was thrilled! I re-contacted everyone and we got the deposits / class arrangements finalized for all 12 students.

The weekend came and we had about the best possible weather. It was clear, sunny and breezy with a high of 90ish and a low of 75ish. My first impression of Max and Travis was that they were class-acts. They were extremely professional, and VERY friendly. If you have not met Max or Travis, you will be amazed at how genuinely nice and polite they are.

They prepared and shared a detailed / organized outline of the material that they were going to cover, and provided everyone with a clear understanding of the weekend’s goals. Then they WENT TO WORK. Those guys worked their butts off. They never stopped teaching. During lunch, during breaks, before class, after class, they were always working. We covered a TON of material in two days. We did not shoot to run up the round count. Instead, they were teaching and we were learning. We did shoot, but the rounds were focused on each piece of teaching material.

In my opinion, having the two instructors was priceless. Not just two instructors, but Max Michel and Travis Tomasie. Each one provided fantastic insight in different ways. They both made every effort to find a connection with EACH student. They keyed-off of each other with great timing. During discussions, you could see them both thinking about every angle of the materials, and they would team teach with great effectiveness. As students, we were very hungry for knowledge, and as instructors, you could see that they had a great desire to transfer their knowledge to us. This was a GREAT combination. Throughout the class they maintained their positive energy, which rubbed off on each one of us.

At the end of the class, I felt that I had learned a ton about myself / my shooting, and I had made two great friends. Max and Travis are not only world class shooters and instructors, they are world class people.

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You could always move to the US!!

I don't think there are any magic tricks that any instructors give out at classes. They simply present the material on the fundamentals in different ways, and try to help you mentally tie everything together.

For example: I knew the basics on how to get into / out of shooting positions. Max and Travis showed me how to do it smoother/faster/better. (speed, footwork, timing, body position) The mechanics are basically the same; you just have a better understanding on how to tie the mechanics together better.

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I'm one of the 12 guys that took the Double Impact Training Class taught by Max Michel and Travis Tomasie and I agree with Bill that they are both major caliber professionals who give you 100% plus when instructing.

If any of you have been thinking of taking an IPSC class be sure to contact Max. He mentioned that their busy AMU schedule only permits a few weekends for conducting classes. Remember, you get two 1st class instructors with 20 years of World Class IPSC shooting experience for the price of one.

Bill, I forgot to mention it on Sunday, thanks for taking the lead on getting Max and Travis. I'll buy you a beer Friday night at A3.


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I'm another one of the 12 classmates that took the Double Impact Training. WOW! Max and Travis did a great job tailoring the training to each and every one of us on an individual basis. I just moved up to "B" class Limited prior to the class and thanks to Max and Travis I have an incredible amount of confidance in my shooting now for the Area 3 match. We learned so much more than the basics, Max and Travis spent time showing us things that I believe no other GM shooters think about during a stage. I can't tell you enough about the excellent training they provided so I recommend that you take the class and see for yourselves. I'm already thinking of a way to get them out to Kansas again next year for another class.

Thanks Max and Travis and good luck at the Nationals!


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  • 2 weeks later...

Eye Cutter,

You can get classes from Eric Grauffel and/or Saul Kirsch quite easily as they seem to only teach in Asia and Europe. Look them up and I'm sure they'll take care of you.

Too. Nothing saying that you can't fly to the US and take a class. We've got a few guns over here and I'm sure someone can arrange a loan.


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Two years ago, Michale Voigt came to thailand for level III Thailand Open and arranged two days class after the match. I didn't have a chance to attain, my friend been there and very happy with the class.

The coming big match in SE Asia is Bali-Games, Nov 2004. The world champ will joy the match but not sure that he gonna set some class.

I hope to see someone like Matt, Voigt, Max, Travis etc. come to the game and set up class after handgun match. I think, most of the shooter may extend two to three days before they going home.


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  • 4 months later...
  • 3 weeks later...

I saw Travis on a couple of different videos. I cannot believe the reload times for that man. It was like watching a robot at work. Even on video, he looks like a really nice guy. Hope to get to meet him someday.

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Since the thread got bumped, I thought I would share some more info. At the end of the class, both instructors firmly stated that if we came up with more questions, we could e-mail them or call them. Well, I did. I probably have 5+ e-mail threads between us, and they have been great, long after the class was over. :)

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