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6/22/12 Match @ Wayne County Raccoon Hunters

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Well, it is that time again for us to host our Monthly Level I match that is really a Level III on Sunday the 22nd of July. Since Canadian Nationals starts the following week, I have heard from many of our neighbors from the South (Yes, Canada is South of us here....)that they are planning on attending. So we should have a bit more of an International flavor for this match. To handle the possible increase of shooters without causing a squading headache, we are not providing a classifier and we are adding a stage.

That's right, 9 stages and 200+ rounds for $25 for nonmembers. Sign up starts at 8:30am and closes by 9:30am to facilitate squading/electronic scoring as we aim to start shooting at 10am. Plan on lots of hard cover, no shoots, plates and having to aim while shooting on the move to get you ready for anything you might see at a standard Level III match. With top level shooters in every division and low cost, this is the match to attend if you are gearing up for a major.

If you have questions about the range, directions or the stages feel free to get a hold of Brian K (Too Slow) or myself.



Edited by ROY NEAL
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Hi all, well we will be picking out our stages later today and I will post more information including round count either later tonight or tomorrow morning. For those that would like to know more about us (including where we are located) check http://www.ipsc66.org. It is a website put up and run by one of our members. Well I have lots of work to do before toninght so see you at the match.


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Well we now have a round count for you. As Roy said it is 9 stages with NO classifier and a round count of 251 rounds if you don't miss and don't hit hard cover (and there will be lots of hard cover). Rob is intending to start painting targets for hard cover on Thursday because there is so much of it. Due to this weekend being third Saturday/ fourth Sunday (Saturday IDPA/Sunday USPSA) setup will not start until 4:00 on Saturday


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The word is that one of our shooters, Jeff Larson of A1 Premium Ammunition (http://www.theammoguy.com/) will have WSP primers at the match tomorrow at a price of $125 per sleeve of 5000. I do not know how many he will have but I was asked to let you all know that they would be there.


Edited by Too_Slow
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I really need to remind myself when picking out stages that I have to shoot this match too :surprise:

We finished setup and looked over the stages so hint hint...

Bring your running shoes and your front sight :sight:


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Hi All,

The match ended between an hour and an hour and a half ago and the stats are now up for your perusal. Every one seemed to have a good time especially some of the Canadians that rarely get to see anything like the matches we put on.


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Papa Joe,

As allways, Thank you for attending and bringing your crew as well. Ryan's full blown hardcore commitment to going prone was still being talked about at dinner with the Canadian crew. I was impressed and feeling sympathy pain for him all at the same time. What do you feed your shooters down there in Ohio? Obviously, a lot of raw red meat!!

Secondly, the praise goes out to many members who put so much effort into this endeavor. The set up crew was incredible with their ability to get 9 stages set up in 3 hours. We had to start late due to IDPA having thier match so that makes it even more impressive. Everything kinda worked out this week as Dave Zimmerman of Target Barn delivered our targets and pasters to the IDPA match on Saturday, Rob Gaffney and Brian Killam got another Nook and programmed it for the match and the rain held off too. So many people had a hand in this production as we couldn't do it without them. Tarr Baby put it in prospective last night when he called me. He wanted to Thank me for making him shoot an Area match yesterday with the quality of the stages, high round count but with a low cost. Next month expect us to get back to our normal match of 8 stages and somewhere around 180-190 rounds. The difference of 50-60 total rounds doesn't sound like much but building all the vision barriers to force movmement take a toll on the crew and our walls. Another big round of applause goes out to the folks that RO'd yesterdays match. A Thankless job but we couldn't do it without those folks. Next time you see them at the range, Thank them again for volenteering.

See you all on the range next month (August 26th)............R

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Papa Joe,

As allways, Thank you for attending and bringing your crew as well. Ryan's full blown hardcore commitment to going prone was still being talked about at dinner with the Canadian crew. I was impressed and feeling sympathy pain for him all at the same time. What do you feed your shooters down there in Ohio? Obviously, a lot of raw red meat!!

You guys put on a great match yesterday. The stages easily surpassed the Area :cough: match stages! These were fun, freestyle stages. There were a variety of ways to shoot them, risk vs. reward stage planning, enough reactive targets to keep you on your toes but not so many that resetting them got tedious, etc, etc!

It probably doesn't hurt any that it was the best match I've shot this year in terms of my performance either!

And I'm glad I gave you something to talk about at dinner. I couldn't come up with another fast way to get under that wall and decided to just go for it! I screwed the first part of the stage up a bit and was slower than I know I could have been but that went exactly according to plan! I landed right where I wanted to.

Thanks to everyone involved in putting on this match. Chris, you missed a good one!


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Chris and Ryan,

I will pass along the kind words to our members who put the muscle in the building that match and to Rob & Brian who do so much behind the scenes. Especially when it comes to stage design and redesign. We "borrow" many stage idea's from other match's that require a lot of tweaking to get them to fit in our bays. Typical stage meetings go a couple of hours and that is not taking into account all the time Brian puts in on stagecam makeing other people's stage suggestions come to life. They put in all this work because they know the effort so many of you make to come from such long distances. They know what it is like to come a long way to a match and be underwhelmed by the stages.

Ryan-you really said the right thing about us trying to give you options when you shoot. I didn't say that they were allways good options. Sometimes you might be picking between the bad and the ugly but at least we don't make you pick ugly. Most folks went to a knee and leaned or shot strong hand only on the targets to the right. I thought about what you did when I was up but frankly I chickened out when it came to that kind of commitment (note to others......have Ryan checked out mentally before he is allowed back...just sayin...).

Next month Mike Dame allready gave me a couple of stage diagrams that he has been thinking of, so we'll see what we can do to make them come to life. Thank you again for being a big part of the cast of characters that we count on as our friends. We allways look forward to seeing you (and your travel group) even if you are from The Ohio State....and shoot an STI. Yes, proof that even the trash talking scores major up here at our match, so bring your A game folks if you want to play in our sandbox. Come on over, the water in our pond is warm and the sharks are friendly.

Hope to see you all next month (August 26th)



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If I don't do that again it'll still be too soon but to paraphrase...

Pain fades, glory is forever! :lol:

Oh, and I'll bring the sTvi again next month. I had it with me but didn't get a chance to tell you. If you're really nice...

Maybe, just maybe I'll even let you touch it! :D

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OOOOOOOHHHHH....touching your toys.....not sure I want to after that kind of invitation. You might have to bring SEV with you again (no matter how hurt his knee is) in order for me to come near you again. Just sayin.........

I can't believe you pulled a quote from The Replacements and used it here. Nothing better came to mind like "chicks dig the long ball and you busted out the whooping stick and went yard" on all us posers?

Glad you came. See ya in Indiana in a couple of weeks after Mikey and I get back from Manitoba for the Canadian Nats.


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Oooohhhhh SEV.... He likes to play! :D We always miss him he can't come. And I'm sure he'd like to play!

And yes, I busted out The Replacements on your azz! LOL! Very fitting IMO. You'll be thinking of it long after I've healed. :P

Good luck in Manitoba bud! :cheers:

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