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having trouble with my half an index finger and the trigger


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hey all,

i am a righty....well i thought i was......

in the 1st year of my life i lost the tip my left index finger just about half way between the 1st and 2nd knuckle.

i developed some real bad elbow pain recently. the Doc says i gotta lay off it for several weeks. now we all know we cant stop shooting for several weeks right in the middle of summer right? that only leaves one option, shoot lefty!

so i got a left hand holster and started shooting. i have to say i am doing awfully well with my left. my accuracy is up significantly but i am a bit slower than my right hand...but that is too be expected as i have been shooting righty my whole life. (i am shooting action style at my local club....kinda a loose IDPA style but i also have begun shooting USPSA as well) makes me wonder if i would have been a lefty it i had not lost that finger.

anyway i have a colt government combat 45 and the problem is my left index finger is just a whisker too short for a comfortable grip on the pistol. it works but is just too tense. i can shift my grip slightly and the trigger feels better but my grip is slightly cocked. i know i could keep practicing and probably get to a happy medium.....BUT.....i was thinking of maybe a shorter trigger could be the perfect balance. i have seen shorter and longer triggers advertised. a 1/4 inch shorter or so may be just perfect.

so, how short are the shorter triggers? will they work as i imagine? opinions on how this will affect me when i shift back to right handed shooting? (maybe i will just see if i can get faster lefty....and still keep the better accuracy). what are my choices for triggers and what sizes do they have.



Edited by eddiegunks
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i think i will try to work on a trigger before i fashion finger tips.....years ao the Doc wanted to use a toe as my finger.....i think i was too young for that suggestion at the time....."then i would be missing a toe!" :)

i would let the gunsmith do the work.....do they work correctly or will it be a hassle from the day i install it?


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I don't know about the triggers, but I will say that I learned at an early age (15 or 16 yrs. old) that I was equally accurate with either hand. As a matter of fact I know of one shooter who is left eye dominant and shoots right handed! :) It's kind of funny watching him shoot, but he can really lay them out. I wouldn't worry too much about how things are 'supposed' to be. I'd shoot however it feels natural to you.

As for the finger sleeve. I've known of one guy who learned to shoot with his middle finger in place of his index. It's just a learned process. Although, he was missing half of his finger to the middle joint.

Edited by roostershooter
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I wouldn't worry too much about how things are 'supposed' to be. I'd shoot however it feels natural to you.

i hear ya.

i was just brain storming some options. with more practice i can make either grip work. my initial grab seems to be the one that leaves the pistol a bit "better" in terms of being lined up, but is the one where i need to stretch that half a finger.

i loaded up some more ammo last night so i will go out and throw a few more rounds downs range and see how it goes.

thanks again.

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  • 2 weeks later...

There are a number of makers with options of short or long triggers. Easiest way prior to buying one is see if any of your fellow shooters have different length triggers and handle their guns.

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