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USPSA awards issues


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Hi Guys, I kinda want to handle this gently and see if any of you have placed high enough to receive a plaque/trophy/ck, only to never get it as promised? I shot a uspsa state match last year, left right afterwards, then found out I placed 2nd in SS C class. There was 9 others shooting in SS/C so 2nd should have received a plaque. I contacted the match director, after waiting aprox 2 months only to get the sorry I have been busy response. So,now it is 8+ months past and no plaque and no response to pm's.No I have not emailed him again, but I have been in touch with another shooter who says he has emailed him only to not get a response either. These folks work their butts off to put on a great match along with all the other people who assist, only to drop the ball at the end. I know it's only a plaque, but the lax attitute I perceive is what sucks. Have any other people experienced this also?

Edited by pbosik
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I would be ticked if I shot well enough to get a plaque/ trophy and then they messed around and never got it to me, or responded to my pm's or e mails. I don't get paided to shoot in fact i send a lot to shoot. I think that is about as slack as you can be. Its about $100 plus to shoot with over a hundred shooters, what they can't afford it. Or don't care about the D, C, and B class shooters? Just my opinion.

Edited by a matt
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I worked a major match several years ago. There were 2 MDs. They promised a good compensation package including $125 cash. Match ended and I was the only one not paid. I contacted the MDs a few times but nothing came of it. About 8 months later another worker who was a mutual friend of mine and the MDs reminded the MDs I hadn't been paid. A few weeks later a check arrived. I finally got paid, but will not work any match either MD is involved in. Why? Because I don't like they way they do business and if someone asks me to work a match those guys are involved in, I politely decline. If asked why, I tell them the story. If not asked why, I don't say another word.

Moral of the story, you can either be aggravated about it or let it go. Next time someone asks you about shooting a match the MD runs, decline because of the bad taste the last experience left in your mouth. It isn't the match, it is the people running it.

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Level 2 or Level 3 match?

Level 2 take 5 in division to recognize

Level 3 take 10

Level 2 take 5 in a class to recognize

Level 3 take 10

with only 9, 2nd place in class might not get recognized if they follow every 5 places recognized ( 5-1, 10-2,15-3)

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The same thing happened to me last year I even emailed the match director to ask if I had won a plaque and below was his response. After quite some time and several emails, still no plaque. This Stinks!! I won 5th B in Open and I think there were 15 B class shooters if I remember correctly.

Sent: Wed, Sep 28, 2011 9:49 am

Subject: Re: Question

(MD), I hate to keep bothering you but it looks like I may have won a Plaque!!!

One of my first one ever!! Will they be mailed out to the winners?

First reply; That is correct


> (MD)

Second reply; Yes, when I can find some time to do so


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On the flip side, MD'ing a major match can be very draining physically and mentally. It's like planning a wedding, a reception, a honeymoon, a house construction, and a house move all rolled into a 6-9 month windows -- 12 months if you are lucky. I've seen MD's who have finished a major match take a week off just to decompress. I was surprised that Ken N was only taking one day off after Area 1 and then jumping right back into the grind of things.

I've been on the receiving end of not receiving stuff promised after a match. It can get aggravating, but only if you let it get to you. The first time it happened to me, I promised myself that I would never work with those people again. When I realized that it was consuming my life and not letting me enjoy the sport, I forgot about it. I ended up breaking that promise to myself, and it's turned out good, but only because I make sure to be more assertive about asking for what I was expecting.

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The same thing happened to me last year I even emailed the match director to ask if I had won a plaque and below was his response. After quite some time and several emails, still no plaque. This Stinks!! I won 5th B in Open and I think there were 15 B class shooters if I remember correctly.

Sent: Wed, Sep 28, 2011 9:49 am

Subject: Re: Question

(MD), I hate to keep bothering you but it looks like I may have won a Plaque!!!

One of my first one ever!! Will they be mailed out to the winners?

First reply; That is correct


> (MD)

Second reply; Yes, when I can find some time to do so


15 shooters, should have only placed to 3rd not 5th.

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Its not the plaque that is the issue, although in both the cases above the person acknowledged it was due. It is the not giving a crap about it. But I bet if I offered $75 instead of the $100 entry there would be a response from him. I will contact the a.d. about it. I really wanted to see how often it happens to others.

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