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Belt Setup

old shooter

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Ok, I am getting all of this slowly but surely. But what setup is it that I see where some shooters use what seems an unusually long outer belt and it doesn't require the retainer loop my safariland belt needs. I guess that I should have asked, but I know a bunch of you also must use it. Is this clear?


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I'm not sure I'm answering the right question but:

I use the CR Speed with a few inches of overlap and don't use any form of retainer (just the velcro).

Is that what you meant?


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On the back (inside) of one end of the Safariland outter belt there are two hooks that fit into the other end of the outter belt. If the hooks fit into one of the notches, then the retainer loop isn't needed. I use both the hook and retainer loop.

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Ok, I think that I have it. How much extra belt do you order to have enough overlap, or do they automatically come extra long. If I use the hooks on my safariland, it will still come apart every now and then. I don't want to start this vs that, but is it very similar to the rescomp?


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