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My best stage ever


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I shot my best ever stage at the NM Sectional last weekend it was so cool it just happened,It was a 24 rd. speed shoot and i saw the dot lift every shot and i have problems with that sometimes at warp speed.

Stage: 7 FastN-Furious

Place Name No. Class Division Pts Pen Time Hit Fact Stg Pts Stg %

1 Bednorz, Don 30 GM Open 116 0 6.57 17.6560 120.0000 100.00%

2 Burton, Steve 43 B Open 112 0 6.41 17.4727 118.7542 98.96%

3 Kwiat, Ken 63 GM Open 113 0 6.60 17.1212 116.3652 96.97%

4 LeBeau, Larry 34 A Open 111 0 6.70 16.5672 112.5999 93.83%

5 Weidemueller, Earl 52 B Open 113 0 7.79 14.5058 98.5895 82.16%


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I dont have the course description with me but i will post it tomarrow.

The shooting area was behind a table, start postion was strong hand on a x on the table weak hand covering strong hand. There were noshoots everywhere covering target arrays so you couldent see all targets from one postion. It was a close up hoser deal but i was still pretty amped about it. Henning Walgren was there shooting limited, And that guy rocks with a limited gun. He shoots it like Blake Miguez absolutiley no fear.He was alot of fun to watch.He won limited and high U :lol:


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No, there were only 2 shots per target.

It was a Tangfolio, long dust cover .40 with a mondo mag well. Good looking pistol. I never did ask how many rounds it held.

He shot the Speed E standards in like 7.83 with 2 down!! Pretty incredible run as I was there when he did it.


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Henning shot some Lim-10 around here, then he switched to Limited. I'm guessing when he smoked all the 20rd guys (along with most of the 28rd guys, knowwhatimsayin?) with only 10rds he figured 17 wasn't that much of a handicap after all :D

Damn, you smoked Ken Kwiat pretty good. I'll have to rib him about being beaten by a B shooter :P

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It was a Tangfolio, long dust cover .40 with a mondo mag well.  Good looking pistol.  I never did ask how many rounds it held.

If this is the gun


it is a 17+1 here in Italy (dunno for export).

Thats the pistol. I remember the holes in the frame. Good looking gun.

Once again, he proves that it's the shooter not the gun!! I got to shoot with Henning and Don Bednorz the entire match. Great display of shooting.

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