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A Prime Time TV Program With Values

Paul B

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I couldn't believe my eyes and ears Friday night when the prime time JAG episode actually called it right. In the midst of relentless liberal slanted news on the war and the President's motives, the program actually portrayed the mother of a KIA Marine as someone who didn't want to give a reporter a story about how the war and the President was wrong. The reporter was portrayed as not being interested in her story unless it was anti-war and anti-administration. The mother just wanted to tell her story about how good a person her son was.

Kudos to the writers of this one - they will probably lose their jobs unless they turn this one around in future episodes - sorry venturing into the hate group.

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"JAG" has always been a great show and there is much interaction and cooperation with the US Navy to produce it. If you watch regularly, you'll frequently see things that defy the typical pseudo-liberal, socialist-statist party line and I am happy about it.

I hope that we'll see more of it, especially since people seem to be waking up (ever so slightly) to the way the TV news and most newspapers have been manipulating them for years under the guise of non-existent objectivity. Talk radio has been very good in this regard, and I hope that's a trend that will extend into the rest of the media over time.

There will probably be an episode next season inspired by the current controversy over the alleged (and perhaps real in some cases) abuses of prisoners in Iraq. It will be interesting to see how the writers and producers handle it and what message they will try to send at that time.

Right now, the broadcast news networks are doing everything they can to make the public believe that what has happened associated with the infamous photos is equivalent to how the Germans treated people in the death camps. I'm getting a little tired of hearing the words "horrifying" (Brian Williams' favorite on NBC) and "torture." Obviously there is a serious problem, but it's orders of magnitude less than what they're trying to force us to believe. Hopefully we can see something on JAG and hear things on talk radio that will be a bit more realistic.

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Values...Good to see someone recognize them. After the replies to Eric's post - Morality Quiz - I realize how few people really have any values. :(

Just because someone's values are different from yours, doesn't mean they don't have any....

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If we were playing Scrabble, I would have to challenge "odeying", 'cause according to Websters New World; ain't no such word.

I know I am old and feeble, but what do you mean by "odeying the big 10"?

I happened to see that JAG episode and it almost made me cry. It has always been one of my fav's, cause other than Mac being one of the hottest women on TV, DP Bellasario doesn't make a bad TV series. Anyone who did Magnum, ain't bad in my book.

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If we were playing Scrabble, I would have to challenge "odeying", 'cause according to Websters New World; ain't no such word.

I know I am old and feeble, but what do you mean by "odeying the big 10"?

I happened to see that JAG episode and it almost made me cry. It has always been one of my fav's, cause other than Mac being one of the hottest women on TV, DP Bellasario doesn't make a bad TV series. Anyone who did Magnum, ain't bad in my book.

Magnum ---- still one of my favorite TV Series ever.....

I like that Bellisario continues to quietly challenge the mainstream view of the military and what it takes to serve others. I suspect he could do wonders with a show about firemen, medics, cops, etc...

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Any person can tell the difference between right and wrong. Having good values simply means you DO what is right on a continual basis.

Well said, young man!

. . . other than Mac being one of the hottest women on TV . . .

You ain't just whistlin' Dixie on that one, bubba! Sometimes I want to kick the set when ol' Harm drops the ball each and every time she throws herself at him.

It's also really cool watching/hearing her speak Farsi and Urdu (Catherine Bell is half Iranian) in the episodes set in Southwest Asia.

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Good Values or Morality:

Doing what is right even when there is no one around to see it.


Doing what is right when others will see it, but doing what ever when you think you won't get caught.

Jim Norman

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OK, I am a horrible speller and even worse at typing. Combine the two and I am doing good to post. :P You got the point or maybe from your reply, you didn't. Many would say that following the Ten Commandments is good values. I am just making a point on how there are so many views on "what are values?". I try to have good values but have been told by others that I don't. Guess what, I felt the same about them!

Matter of opinion. I will stick to the Big 10 and take my chances. TXAG

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