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Brian Enos's Forums... Maku mozo!

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I'm already thinking of something special to post for the forums birthday (and to thank THE MAN who created them ;) ) so unless I'll be sent abroad for a couple days business trip I'll be here on time.

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I'm really sorry but I can't make it: next week I am RO-ing at the Mosquito Match in Slovakia, far away from any computer for a whole week :( .

But I'm sure there are a few people out here that will drink one (or two, or more) for me ! :P

(And I will drink one to the forum as well ;) )

Thanks Brian for creating this wonderful place !

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As it stands, it appears we're using approx 75% of our available bandwidth each day. So, we should be good to go for an extra surge for an hour or so. In reality, there probably won't be that many extra folks logging on, so we should be okay.

But a real problem I noticed when doing this research is that we only have about 17 megs of disc space left from our allotted 100 megs, so, we may have to do some old thread deleting real soon. More on that later...


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No one exactly said WHERE we were all going to post...! I have about five minutes then off to class.

A very low bow indeed to the folks who originally made this Forum possible,

to the folks who continue to sustain it,

and to the folks who will pepetuate its existence into the forseeable future!! B)B)B)

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It was may 5th, 2001,


everything was going on slowly...but...all of a sudden...


...a nuclear explosion...


followed by an angelic orchestra singing...

...announced the birth of a new planet:


"Hi everybody,

My name is Enosverse, and I'm here to help"

Soon, that planet got inhabited by the strangest creatures you could ever imagine,

and to let y'all believe it, here is a sample of them:


...but many more will come...

All of them gathered in that part of the universe in quest of the ultimate shooting skills;

their quest was closely watched and addressed by the universe god

(or should I say Ghost Dog)... ...and his esteemed demiurge.

3-3-3.jpg....... 3-4-1.jpg

And today nature-smiley-015.gif it's Enosverse b'day...

...LET'S PARTY!!!!


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That's cool skywalker! And makes it worth it, to celebrate this birthday at this obscene hour (that you recommended).



...Your Honor...

...you see...

...I recommended this hour which is...

...almost at the end of my....ehmmm...office time... ;)

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Without the community of like-minded folks, who, over the years, have gathered here to nourish and sustain fellow seekers, the forum probably wouldn't be much bigger than when it started. It's the group that makes us strong, covers all the bases, and sustains the collective inquiry. Cheers to everyone!


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And I'd like to especially thank Flex and Erik Warren, without whom we wouldn't be half of who we are.


I would like to second that. And add the rest of the moderators who keep this place in line. Thank you to everyone.

Paul Franklin

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of course our first and most grateful thanks is to you, because you wanted and built these forums, but moreover because you are still wishing to support, host, maintain it and have it grow.

thanks be!

Then, I wish to say thanks to Flex and the board of moderators, without whom this place could have grown a messy jungle, instead of that nice english-trimmed garden we all can see and benefit.

Last, but not least, I wish to thank all the cool people hanging here around for the great advices I have received and the help in developing my shooting skills.

Thanks everybody!

I really look forward to all what you collectively can teach me in the future.

(and now I need to drink a glass of wine or three to ensure I will live enough to learn all that much) :lol:;)

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Sky...you did a lot of cool B) work there. Great job!!!

We have one hellofa group of people here...all seeking knowledge.

I can't believe how well I have grown to know so many here. I recall posting in the early day about how bummed I was to not have "local" shooters that were on the forums. Now, just about any match I go to, I'll end up talking to somebody about a topic or two that we've read here on the forum.

Everybody here makes this place what it is.

Thanks Brian. :)

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