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Brian Enos's Forums... Maku mozo!

buddy getting out of the game

grassy knoll

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We get passionate about a lot of things on these forums, and in everyday life, but when something like this happens our arguments about legal holsters and the number of procedures to dole out for a particular offense just fade into the background and vanish. I am sorry to hear about the loss of your friend.


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I'm sorry to hear of your loss. That is tough to hear.

Without trying to get too philosophical, if your friend traded shooting to be with the woman that made him happiest of all, I think he made a good choice. Shooting is in all of us, but for me, I'd take my wife over my guns any day.

We use words like compromise, balance, family and friends. For me the quote from Gladiator really hits home. Something to the effect of "what we are in life echoes in eternity" (not an exact quote but close)

I've "paid" a lot for my married life. Not as much shooting, fishing, hunting or golf as I'd like. Ironic how all that I've "paid" for has come back in dividends. I am a better person, a happier person, because of my wife. She lets me do a lot of the things I mentioned above and just asks that I respect her time and our lives together as much as I do the time I spend on the other things. Its more than fair, I am indeed lucky.

My hope is that your friend was feeling the very same.


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