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Denmark, Borris Open IPSC Rifle Match 2004, stages

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Had a blast shooting this match. Shooting from a parachute harnass (feet of the grond, just a bit of stabilizing against a wall) was a new experience! Also one tower included shooting targets from above (about 14m above the ground) at distances between 20 and 200m was interesting to say the least.

As all shooting was at classic targets (including the ones at 320m against a brown background) a premium was set on accuracy. With open sights those targets were virtually impossible! A stiff (?) crosswind made for an extra challenge. However I can't feel to bad as lots of open shooters were missing on an equal basis.

All stages were kind of based on shooting / war movies. In some you could really get the feel of that!

This match was a challenge indeed, and I would say thanks to the few building 12 challenging stages!

RO-ing the match was fun for the better part, except for 2 DQ's for safety-flag violations.

The worst offender went at least 30 degrees out of the safety-flag and got mad as hell, being DQ-ed for it. He kind of said, "I paid 500+ euro's and now you DQ me, I hate you for that". To me that sounds like: "I've bought of safety by spending that amount of money".

I don't mind someone being upset, but this was ugly! Clearly such remarks indicate him lacking understanding of the basic safetyrules.

DVC, John

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Hi John,

Congrats on your 3rd place and good to hear you had a good time !

Nice to see that already quite some dutch shooters found their way to this match, keep up the good work.

And don't fel bad about giving the DQ, you did the right thing.

This is always a risk if you as a shooter attend some match, and tension gets higher the bigger (more expensive) the match is.

But people with an attitude like that have no place in IPSC as far as I am concerned.

Sure it really s&cks if you pay big bucks and then get a DQ, but bear it like a man and move on.

"Deal with it" as a good retrosexual would do ;) .

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I agree, a most enjoyable match even with 2-10m/s crosswind! i particularly enjoyed stage 11 which was 0-20m and 5(?) at 2-170m from the trench.

I think had it not been for two particularly stages (stoppage+ dropped ammo) John would have been higher. Time to buy a FAL or M14!



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Hi kelly,

i think that even if you did find stage dwgs then they would not properly reflect the actual stages as they were built.

stage 1- 32 rds targets at 5-300ish m 4 positions (2 standing ,2 prone) traversing l to r across the range

stage 2- activate penalty bobber with strong hand then shoot 8 papers 1 on each

stage 3- sitting in chair on start shoot 14 papers freestyle as and when 2-70m

stage 4-unloaded start 10 papers from track/box 3-250m

stage 5- start in trench 3 papers run 3 papers run 3 papers prone run 3 papers

stage 6-the tower 7 papers from lookout tower 40ft up 20-250m

stage 7-start on your back 4 papers run 3 papers 5-70m

stage 8-start hanging in harness 5 papers 1 on each

stage 9-gun in "boot of car" opt 2 retreive gun and stap back into ditch taking 2 papers as you go run 3 papers then prone for 4 5-170m

stage 10- start in tank berm run out go prone 6 papers 40-250m

stage 11- bush run 10 papers 0-30m

stage 12- 2 in front then 1 either side of barricade

i think thats correct from memory, if you want more just ask


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Which of the Scandinavian IPSC rifle matches is the biggest? most prestigious? Which country is the easiest to bring an AR15 and ammo to?

This one really sounds like a good match.

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This year Nordic Rifle Championships are held in July 10-11 at Oulu Finland. Rangemasters (the club who is organizing it) always puts up a good match. Their website is http://www.rangemasters.fi .

I didn't find English link for stages though but here they are in Finnish (descriptions in pdf's are in English so don't worry)


Bringing in rifle and ammo shouldn't be any big deal.

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All matches are pretty good but safe pick would probably the one that is recognized for Nordic Championship in 2005. Best shooters from Nordic countries should be there then but I actually don't know where it is held next.


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Send me a PM and I'll send you the stages. The page was changed after the match and the stages were removed.

About the ins and outs on bringing guns & ammo, just contact the regional director (addresses / e-mail on the www.ipsc.org homepage). Usually knowing how to is the difficult part, helping out is no problem for the RD's.

As there is a limit to the amount of ammo you can bring on the plane you could also ask if you can obtain local ammo (and ask for help).

DVC, John

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Sure, KurtM and I have been mulling it it over. We think that those Europeans are having WAY too much fun and some Ugly Americans should crash their party.

I'm not so sure that you are a poor rifle shooter though. :P

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Was directed to this forum from Henrik my partner in crime on the match.

Hi to all, John and James especially. Thanks for working the match.

I just got a couple of pics and a video from the match that some might be interested in seeing.

So here it comes:







Dan on video:


Right click, save target as....

8.5 mb download.


Keld Knudsen

MD, Borris Open IPSC Rifle Match 2004

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Hi all,

Just got a hint to visit these great pages. Looking great !

Regarding rifle match in Finland 2004 (Nordic championships), there is some info in english also at http://www.rangemasters.fi/CHAMP/home.htm. Match is close, so despite my high hopes, we might not see US professional shooters in here (?). Danish, Norwegian and Russian at least. Hopefully in close future US teams too. 2005 the Nordic rifle match (as I recall) will be held in Norway. They have a lot of very, very good rifle shooters and also ranges. So, plan for it, it is worth of visiting.

Regarding bringing gun & ammo in Finland = easy. Also it is easy to borrow guns and buy ammunition, so your visit will not depend on it.

We also just did have Nordic / Finnish nationals shotgun championships in city of Mikkeli in Finland. Those pictures above showed some familiar faces from that match. Thanks for shooters from UK visiting our humble match. You were shooting great. Also thanks for teams from Denmark and Russia. Pictures from the match can be found at http://www.Savisalo.smugmug.com/gallery/133216.

We did have a "new king" in standard semi auto, Mr. Niemelä, winning clearly Mr. Peltokoski (2nd in Europeans) and Mr. Runtti (3rd in Europeans). As Finland seems to be the one Nordic country able to organize larger shotgun level III´s, it is quite possible, that we will arrange shotgun Nordic 2005 also.

Finally short advertising message: in Finland we also do some good quality sniping matches (not precision shooting but real sniping). US military team visiting Finland was third last year, so looking forward to see your pros in Finland in the future. Some info at


Best regards & DVC

Petteri Aro

Regional director, IPSC Region Finland

Chairman, club Range Masters ry. Oulu

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Welcome to all newcomers from Finland to these exceptional forums.

Especially to my friend Petteri: looks like you didn't loose your shotgun tripping back from Terni, did you? ;)

James, your vest doesn't look much "tactical", at least as the one you showed in Terni... :P

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  • 1 month later...

Hi Luca,

Sorry my late reply to you. Opposite to my arrival to Terni (looking 3 hours for my gun), shotgun moved out from Italy easily. Just visiting office or two and then towards the plane. As I was out of ammo, I did not experience any problems. Contrary to my friend Runtti, who was nearly left out from the plane because of ammo ;-)

Reason being that ammo was not in metal casing (I do not know, where such security measure came from). Still, Finnair was kind enough to cover the loss of ammunition, which was needed to leave to the airport.

Thanks for organization of shotgun EC for marvellous support and advice.

Busy summer for our club, last three weeks we have spend in shooting range, first for reservist three gun match, last weekend we did have Nordic Rifle. Norwegians were strong as expected, taking first positions in individual and team. Match itself proved to be very difficult. The stage 4, that I was RO íng, was most challenging shooters were ever met with 24 minimum number of rounds. Shooters needed to engage targets up to 200-220 meters in difficult shooting positions. My score keeper stopped counting “mikes” after 100 and this was first day…

Next weekend in Nordic handgun championships in Rooster Mountain, Denmark, which is always been a very nice match.



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  • 1 month later...

To all our Dutch IPSC (NPSA) members:

The DVD of the event of 2004 is now available. Look for the advertisment in the new Bullit-in or you can order by e-mail.

The DVD will cost € 8,= and plus postage € 10,= inside the Netherlands.

Outside the Netherlands I will only accept orders through your RD.

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