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How much liability is there in gunsmithing?

In other words, what kind of exposure does a gunsmith have if he/she works on a gun, the individual that owns that gun and paid for the work goes home and mistakenly shoots or injurs himself/herself or someone else?

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Just out of curiosity, does it make any difference if the work was done for free?

I'm going to be contacting my attorney about this on Monday morning. I'll post his official response. I know there are a lot of guys out there with knowledge and tools that have helped out their friends with their guns. All it takes is an accident and 1-800 # to cause you some serious grief.

I'm in the middle of a medical liabity case right now, and I can tell you, this shit is nothing to take lightly.

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How much liability is there in gunsmithing?

In other words, what kind of exposure does a gunsmith have if he/she works on a gun, the individual that owns that gun and paid for the work goes home and mistakenly shoots or injurs himself/herself or someone else?

How judgment proof are you in a medical liability case? You can document your education, what happened in any case, what current accepted best practices are, right?

Could you do the same for gunsmithing? I suspect some things in gunsmithing carry less liability than others -- with trigger work tending toward the high end, and cosmetic work trending low....

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