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Rules Trivia #2


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Recently, we had a local shooter put a ND into the structure being used as a safe area. ... The shooter packed up his gear, took a lot of ribbing once everyone calmed down, and spent the day working as an RO.


Seems odd...

Considering his lapse/s in judgement/awareness that led him to ND at a "safe area", I'm not sure that I would want him as an RO.


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Definitely not military. Just a new(er) shooter, who was unaware of the "no mags" rule.

Sarge I think we all need to be aware that new(er) shooters may not have read the rule book cover to cover prior to their arrival at the range.

I once saw a new shooter in the parking lot, take his gun out of his range bag and put it in his holster. When I approached him and kindly explained that "you can't holster up in the parking lot" without any notice he immediately removed the gun from the holster and returned it to the range bag. :mellow: I couldn't fault the shooter, when I realized I was a little bit to blame for not telling him "what was right" instead of "what was wrong" as Flex stated earlier.

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At he very first match (not USPSA) I went to someone asked me what kindof gun I had so I pulled it out to show it to him.

Because I myself made that kind of mistake I *always* start shooters briefings and new shooter introductions with, "This is run as a cold range and that means..."

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Definitely not military. Just a new(er) shooter, who was unaware of the "no mags" rule.

Sarge I think we all need to be aware that new(er) shooters may not have read the rule book cover to cover prior to their arrival at the range.

I once saw a new shooter in the parking lot, take his gun out of his range bag and put it in his holster. When I approached him and kindly explained that "you can't holster up in the parking lot" without any notice he immediately removed the gun from the holster and returned it to the range bag. :mellow: I couldn't fault the shooter, when I realized I was a little bit to blame for not telling him "what was right" instead of "what was wrong" as Flex stated earlier.

I was at a local pin match, and when the pins were being set a new shooter came up to the line and took his gun out of the case, and set it on the barrel. I told him that he shouldn't take it out of the case until instructed to do so by an RO, and he immediately put it back in the case. Now I always start by saying, "Don't touch your gun"...

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  • 2 weeks later...

I started shooting USPSA at a club in a state where open carry is legal. It's uncommon enough that most people don't know it's legal, but it is. I worked in a gun store, where I was more or less expected to carry openly. (Concealed carry is very common there as well. Much more so than open carry.) I left from and/or arrived at this range just about every day with a loaded pistol on my hip, coming from or going to work.

When I noticed 2.5 in the rule book, I asked the club president / match director about a unloading/loading station. HE told me "Don't ask, don't tell." <_< That's how I was already handling it. I was looking for something more definitive (and USPSA legal). It's not discussed, but knowing the guys, I'd bet that the majority of them have a loaded gun in their vehicle while at the match. But that's seperate from their competition gun. My issue was that my carry gun was my competition gun and where I should change it over from one role to the other. Stop out in the street before I enter the range and unload. (Probably the most "legal" way in this situation, but also seems the silliest.)

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