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Zero 124 FMJ = 125.4?


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Title says it all. I just got 2000 Zero 124FMJ and i put some of the on the scale and they weight 125.4.

Is this normal? I expected +/- a few tenths, but 1.4gr? I double checked the box to make sure they weren't 125's.

So when I calculate PF, I should use actual bullet weight right? That is what happens at a Major on the chrono.

The other question is, I was planning on 4.2gr TG with an OAL of 1.140, based on what others have said on the forum. However, the COL on the Hodgdon site says 1.090. So am I still good at 1.140? I checked and they drop free from the barrel at this length, using it as a case gage.

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when I calculate PF, I should use actual bullet weight right?

Yes. At a match where the chrono is used, they'll actually pull apart one or more of your cartridges and weigh the bullet. That weight will be used to calculate your power factor, based on your gun's chrono performance at the match.

The other question is, I was planning on 4.2gr TG with an OAL of 1.140, based on what others have said on the forum. However, the COL on the Hodgdon site says 1.090. So am I still good at 1.140? I checked and they drop free from the barrel at this length, using it as a case gage.

If anything, it seems like you should have lower pressure using the suggested 1.140 OAL, rather than the Hodgdon listed 1.090. I would load up some and test for reliability at the range - make sure they're cycling the gun and feeding reliably. Then, check your velocity on the chrono to make sure your power factor is where it needs to be. That said, it's a good idea to start with loads that are lighter than you've heard suggested, or even listed in reloading manuals, and work up to where you need to be - all the while checking your fired cases for signs of excess pressure.

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Yeah, that might be a little high. I recently weighed a few of some Barry's 155gr and they came in between 154.4 - 155.3gr. So my variance is about a grain but are all your bullets weighing the same?? That's seems a little odd that all of them are exactly the same. How many bullets did you weigh?

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Yeah, that might be a little high. I recently weighed a few of some Barry's 155gr and they came in between 154.4 - 155.3gr. So my variance is about a grain but are all your bullets weighing the same?? That's seems a little odd that all of them are exactly the same. How many bullets did you weigh?

It was late last night when I weighed them,so I was just getting ready to call it a night, i only weighed 4 of them. But all four were exactly 125.4. When I get home tonight I'm going to weigh some more, and then open the other two boxes and take some samples from them to see what they weigh.

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I thought I read somewhere that ZERO might have gone from 124 to 125 bullet weight? Might just be dreaming though too! My MG 124 FMJ's are all exactly 124.1 and my 147 precision moly's are all exactly 147.3.

So, I would say all sounds within normal limits except for the 125 vs 124 thing. And like the other poster said use exact weight when calculating PF or just allow the .4 to be a cushion.

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I weighed a good number of samples from all 4 of the boxes of 500 I received. All of them weighed 125.0 to 125.4. So they definitely must have changed something in the weight, and not changed the label on the box.

I got a chance to test the loads I worked up this week and got the following, shooting out of a CZ SP01:

Three 20 round strings using WSP, once fired Win cases, 4.2gn Titegroup, 1.140 OAL:

Hi 1082 1078 1084

Lo 1054 1031 1045

Avg 1068 1066 1071

ES 28 47 39

SD 8 11 10

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I weighed a good number of samples from all 4 of the boxes of 500 I received. All of them weighed 125.0 to 125.4. So they definitely must have changed something in the weight, and not changed the label on the box.

I got a chance to test the loads I worked up this week and got the following, shooting out of a CZ SP01:

Three 20 round strings using WSP, once fired Win cases, 4.2gn Titegroup, 1.140 OAL:

Hi 1082 1078 1084

Lo 1054 1031 1045

Avg 1068 1066 1071

ES 28 47 39

SD 8 11 10

I weighed about a dozen grabbed from a box of 2000 Zero FMJs bought within the last few months and got the same answer, 125.2+.

I am also using 4.2 of Titegroup at 1.135. They shoot very nicely. I think that Hodgson number of 1.09 would put the crimp right at the base of the ogive. The bullet can certainly extend a lot more than that. We should note though that Titegroup doesn't take up much room, so there is plenty of space for deep insertion. I read the 1.09 as simply the minimum OAL and then maximum amount of insertion. At 1.140 you are already backed well off the maximum spec OAL of 1.169.

I am in Six Mile, so we are not very far apart. We might even both be shooting at Allen Arms in Greenville or a local area IDPA match.

Edited by at_liberty
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The Zero retail site (Roze) lists the 9mm fmj as 124 or 125 gr, depending on design, and the jhp and jsp as 125 gr. I am using the jhp's and they run quite close to the advertised weight - 125. I don't have fmj jsp to check. Just one more mystery in life...

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I weighed about a dozen grabbed from a box of 2000 Zero FMJs bought within the last few months and got the same answer, 125.2+.

I am also using 4.2 of Titegroup at 1.135. They shoot very nicely. I think that Hodgson number of 1.09 would put the crimp right at the base of the ogive. The bullet can certainly extend a lot more than that. We should note though that Titegroup doesn't take up much room, so there is plenty of space for deep insertion. I read the 1.09 as simply the minimum OAL and then maximum amount of insertion. At 1.140 you are already backed well off the maximum spec OAL of 1.169.

I am in Six Mile, so we are not very far apart. We might even both be shooting at Allen Arms in Greenville or a local area IDPA match.

Yeah, I'm going out to test some more today. I have the loaded at three different lengths to test accuracy and felt recoil. Which ever feels best, most accurate, I'm just going to start loading 'em up.

I used to shoot at Allen Arms alot, now I mostly shoot in Duncan at the private range, where the USPSA matches are, Spartanburg Practical shooters. That way I can drag out the chrono, and do whatever I need to do. I haven't shot any IDPA, just sticking with the USPSA.

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I weighed about a dozen grabbed from a box of 2000 Zero FMJs bought within the last few months and got the same answer, 125.2+.

I am also using 4.2 of Titegroup at 1.135. They shoot very nicely. I think that Hodgson number of 1.09 would put the crimp right at the base of the ogive. The bullet can certainly extend a lot more than that. We should note though that Titegroup doesn't take up much room, so there is plenty of space for deep insertion. I read the 1.09 as simply the minimum OAL and then maximum amount of insertion. At 1.140 you are already backed well off the maximum spec OAL of 1.169.

I am in Six Mile, so we are not very far apart. We might even both be shooting at Allen Arms in Greenville or a local area IDPA match.

Yeah, I'm going out to test some more today. I have the loaded at three different lengths to test accuracy and felt recoil. Which ever feels best, most accurate, I'm just going to start loading 'em up.

I used to shoot at Allen Arms alot, now I mostly shoot in Duncan at the private range, where the USPSA matches are, Spartanburg Practical shooters. That way I can drag out the chrono, and do whatever I need to do. I haven't shot any IDPA, just sticking with the USPSA.

Hey CZinSC,

I have been wanting to shoot the Spartanburg IPSC matches, do you go on the 1st or 4th Saturday? I might make the next one on the 1st Saturday so if I do, we can discuss this in more detail and get to know each other. Let me know, thanks...

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Hey CZinSC,

I have been wanting to shoot the Spartanburg IPSC matches, do you go on the 1st or 4th Saturday? I might make the next one on the 1st Saturday so if I do, we can discuss this in more detail and get to know each other. Let me know, thanks...

I try to shoot both matches, unless the girlfriend has other ideas. :sight:

I will definitely be there this week....she's out of town! :D

So I will try to get to the 1st Sat match next month.

It's a good group of guys shooting at Spartanburg. We usually finish up anywhere between 1:30 to 2:30. I'm a big guy, so kind of hard to miss,

If you don't see me, just ask the guy checking you in to point me out.

Hope to see you there. ** bring lots of water...there is hardly any shade at all.


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It is true all of the Zero 124gr are really 125gr they changed the weight but never changed the package or name .. :goof:

Would you mind giving us your source for change? Thanks

From one of the largest Zero suppliers Shooters Connection . :rolleyes:

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