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Speed Shotgun Match 7-11-10

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Atlanta Conservation Club

Speed Shotgun Match

July 11, 2010

Come out and join us in a fun and challenging match that will be sure to challenge your shotgun skills as well your mental game! We learned a lot from our first Speed Shotgun Match, back in March, and this time the Par Times for each stage will be substantially longer. Also, we have acquired additional steel targets since last time, so stages will present more target opportunities as well.

Registration: 9:00AM

Shooters' Meeting: 9:45 AM

Match starts immediately following shooters' meeting

SET-UP: Begins around 12:00 Noon on the Saturday July 10. There will also be some set up the day of the match at 8:00 AM. Please email us if you come and help out. A good pair of work gloves is highly recommended. Remember, the more help we get from volunteers like you, the better the matches will be!

The details below as well as additional information is available in the Multi-Gun Details and Scores section at AtlantaCC.net.

Description: This will be a 5-stage “Pro Am style” all-shotgun match. Most stages will involve some use of props, and will also require some movement. Targets will be knock-down steel (plates, poppers, etc.). Most stages may have 30-40 or more targets. Each stage will have a “Par Time” (time limit). Par Times will be set so that no one will realistically be able to neutralize all the targets… just get as many as you can before time runs out.


Open: No restrictions on ammo capacity, modifications, or accessories.

Standard: No optics, ports, compensators, speed-loaders, or detachable magazines allowed. Shotguns may not be loaded with more than 9 rounds prior to the start signal, but capacity will not be limited after the start signal.

Standard Manual: Same as Standard Division, but shotgun must have a manually operated action (pump, lever, etc.)

Ammo & what else to bring: Due to the high number of targets (approximately 150-170), we recommended bringing at least 100 rounds. Minimum caliber is 20 Gauge for all Divisions. Lead birdshot only. Some type of shell carriers/pouches are recommended, but additional ammo may be stored in pockets, etc. We also recommend that you bring gloves for resetting lead splattered targets.

Scoring: Each stage has a Par Time that is the maximum amount of time a shooter has to shoot a stage. Par Time will be equal for all Divisions. When the Par Time is reached, the buzzer will sound. There will be no penalty for shots taken overtime but targets engaged/neutralized overtime will not count for score. We will allow 0.3 second buffer to determine if a shot was overtime. Targets must be neutralized to score: steel must fall. Your score on a stage is simply the number of targets you neutralized. Your final match score is the sum of your stage scores. There will be no penalties for targets not engaged or failure to neutralize, unless per the stage description requirement.

Penalties: Shooting from an illegal position will incur one hit penalty per shot fired. Failing to follow stage requirements per the stage description will incur the number of hit penalties stated in the stage description.

Match Fee: $20 per entry. Half price for ROs and Saturday set-up crew

Future Atlanta Multi-Gun Events:

July 11: Speed Shotgun

Sept. 12: Multi-Gun

Nov. 14: Multi-Gun

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Another question..... has the Rain and Water subsided enough? The Section match was flooded out and postponed. Hopefully you guys havnt been slammed with as much rain between last weekend and now.

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Another question..... has the Rain and Water subsided enough? The Section match was flooded out and postponed. Hopefully you guys havnt been slammed with as much rain between last weekend and now.

From what I understand, the water has subsided, and infact there is an IDPA match planned for this weekend. Hopefully with another week on top of that without a lot of rain, we should be good to go... but then again you never know... nature is a mother. Hopefully not, though and hope to see you there with your Remmy, and hope it runs for you.


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Just an update. Last night I picked up some more finished targets, that a Dennis L. volunteered to cut and weld for us. This brings us to a total of 58 additional targets since our last Speed Shotgun match back in March. We may be doing 6 stages now. But we need good volunteer turnout next Saturday, 7/10/10. Again, we will be setting up on Saturday around noon, please come help out if you can.



Edited by rz317
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  • 2 weeks later...

We've did in fact get 6 stages set up for tomorrow. Big thanks to Dale, Craig, and Barry for helping. Total target count for the entire match = 169. Should make for some very fun blasting. See you there!

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Since you are patterning this off the Pro-Am, it would be nice if you could run this type of match with a pistol. I don't mean this Sunday ...... I mean some day/week/month down the road. Like a mini Pro-Am sort of. I think what Phil has started could really catch on in a big way. I wanted to try and make the pro-am this year, but I've already shot alot of majors, and still have alot more lined up, so the money wasn't there for it. But I'd certainly drive over to Indy to shoot something similar. :)

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sorry I couldnt make it. Friend of mine who's wedding I was in and havnt talked to in a few years got ahold of me about a get together this past weekend @ Jellystone Campground in Pierceton, IN so I went up to see him and the others. I plan on being there for your Multigun events and Ill be down in 2 weeks for Indiana Section.

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Since you are patterning this off the Pro-Am, it would be nice if you could run this type of match with a pistol. I don't mean this Sunday ...... I mean some day/week/month down the road. Like a mini Pro-Am sort of. I think what Phil has started could really catch on in a big way. I wanted to try and make the pro-am this year, but I've already shot alot of majors, and still have alot more lined up, so the money wasn't there for it. But I'd certainly drive over to Indy to shoot something similar. :)

One problem is that we do not currently have enough steel pistol targets. Out of the 169 targets at this last match, there were only 42 targets that would've been acceptable for pistol use. That being said, I personally have zero interest in running said pistol match. Don't get me wrong, this sounds like a great idea and I'd like to see a mini Pro-Am happen... but with someone else putting it on. My plate is full with directing Multi-Gun and Speed Shotgun.

The main reason I patterned our Speed Shotgun matches after Pro-Am, is for match management. At our local level, a high round count all-shotgun match would otherwise take many of us quite a while to complete a stage, and the match would drag on and on. Relatively short par-times, and simple scoring get us out of there and back home to our families at a much more attractive hour.

Secondly, what I'm trying to do with this program is bring something unique and exciting- and something other than pistol to our local scene. Luckily, there's already plenty of opportunity to shoot pistol in Indiana. There are far fewer 3Gun matches around, and my intent was to beef up that area as efficiently as possible... enter Speed Shotgun. It gives guys a chance to get their feet wet with 3Gun, but being only 1-gun, it's much less intimidating for a new guy. Plus, almost everyone has a shotgun of some kind or another, so it's relatively inexpensive to get started. If a guy likes the game enough, he picks up an extension tube, some kind of shell holders, and he's still has a relatively modest investment in the practical shooting world.

Edited by rz317
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would have really liked to make this one to get some shotgun practice on a timer before DPMS next month. Oh well, i had to shoot a pistol match to get ready for sectional. ill hopefully be down for the multiguns later this year.

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I am kicking myself for missing this.

I knew it was coming up, but I have been really busy and offline lately, and didn't get it on the calendar.

I will be at WVRPC on Aug the 8th and then at Atlanta for the Sept and Nov multi-gun.

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... enter Speed Shotgun. It gives guys a chance to get their feet wet with 3Gun, but being only 1-gun, it's much less intimidating for a new guy.

You're idea worked, I had 3 new shooters with me and the all have the 3-gun bug bad now!

Edited by Rennie
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