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Anybody Know When Shooting Usa...

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Remember when people threw a fit about USPSA giving Shooting USA exclusive rights to televise the nationals? The argument for it was that they were established producers with a track record, as opposed to the upstart M. Bane show. Now look at who's on the air and who's not, four months after the Bend nationals.

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EricW, that's my point. AFAI can tell, no show has aired. They are supposed to air on OLN. Note this item from their web site:

Stay tuned for the premier show of SHOOTING USA. Check your local TV listings for times in your area. We’re lookin’ to see you there!

I take that to mean it hasn't yet premiered.

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SHOT Show 2004 is only 2 weeks away. I wonder what kind of coverage USPSA is looking at for Nationals this year. Media will stay away again if another exclusive deal is done. That is the reason we only have seen coverage in Front Sight. I hope the BOD marketing committee makes a better decision for this year. :mellow:

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American Shooter is the old defunct show. That is probably the 2002 Nats show. They keep recycling the same burned out shows over and over and over. Something makes me think that OLN is impatiently drumming their fingers waiting for the new show too.

Didn't Scoutten get a multi-year contract to cover the Nats? Jim is a member of this board soooo......Paging Jim Scoutten....Paging Jim Scoutten...

Whoever gets the next contract, there needs to be language about WHEN the coverage will air. It does not take six months to produce a show. Mike Bane managed to get his coverage of Steel Challenge and IDPA Nats on the air already and I believe Steel Challenge happened after the September Nats. Not sure when IDPA nats happened but that show aired this week I believe.

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Didn't Scoutten get a multi-year contract to cover the Nats? Jim is a member of this board soooo......Paging Jim Scoutten....Paging Jim Scoutten...

Whoever gets the next contract, there needs to be language about WHEN the coverage will air. It does not take six months to produce a show. Mike Bane managed to get his coverage of Steel Challenge and IDPA Nats on the air already and I believe Steel Challenge happened after the September Nats. Not sure when IDPA nats happened but that show aired this week I believe.


I like Jim Scoutten and like his style of coverage in the more recent episodes of Am. Shooter. There is no doubt in his dedication to USPSA/IPSC.

[stir the Pot Mode ON]

HOWEVER, does anybody know if there is a timeline in the "exclusive" contract for airing USPSA events? A contract has pretty much zero value to USPSA if the shows never air - or air so late that they lose relevance. I realize that it takes time to produce a show, but we're going on 5 months now. The silence is getting pretty deafening.

Could it be that Scoutten is having legal hassles with the folks that own American Shooter- and *that* is the cause of the delay?

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Used to be all you had to do was mis-spell his last name and he would show up. ;)

I like Jim's style too. But then I like Mike Bane's style as well. I just wish they showed Shooting Gallery a bit more frequently so I could catch it. I need a TiVo.

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