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The gun stigma - a discussion

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When party topics go sour I usually toss out the casual "Boy you guys don't REALLY think we've been to the moon do you..."

Boy that used to really get the wife's eyes rolling at me...but I too, wasn't "encouraged to talk openly at some gatherings".

For what it is worth I can argue either side with equal aplomb...which makes the shtick sooo fun. :sight:

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I had a German colleague training with me all last week. During lunch, I asked him if he had ever shot a gun before. He said no. i asked him if he would like to shoot one. He said yes. I told my boss about it and we decided to plan a quick shoot during lunch a couple of days later. My boss is German and had never shot a gun until just a few months ago when I took him out for the first time. He shot my BHP, .45 and AK47. In his words it was one of the times he had in a very long time.

So, we all go out and I give a quick safety and operations lesson and then demonstrated by firing one round. When I offered the gun to the visitor, he said, "No." and he looked a little sheepish. The boss shot a few times and offered the visitor the gun. Again, he declined. I then pulled out the AK and fired a couple of rounds. When I offered to let him shoot it, he said no. We even offered to let him just hold the AK (empty) and we would take a picture that he could show his friends back in Germany. He said no.

I discussed this with my boss and we chalked it up to culture shock. My boss explained the general attitude concerning guns in Germany and we figured it was an inability to overcome that feeling. The reason my boss jumped at the chance may be because he has been in America over 12 years now and has been surrounded by it.

Part of it could be class issues as well. A wood-stocked O/U or wood-stocked rifle is viewed differently by many Euros than a black rifle. The BHP is a good choice to try w. a pistol - I found that a 1911 or a Python were easier to get them to try, than a polymer gun.

The gun stigma in Europe is pretty bad.

I grew up in Germany and only moved to the Texas (woo-hoo!) nine years ago.

Germany has something like a military draft for everyone.

I was drafted right after high school and served, then signed up for reserve and stayed a little longer.

Many German "men" even back then (early '90's) got around the draft by claiming that they had moral issues with touching a gun (huh???), and usually cite a Christian upbringing. Fact is they don't want to spend a year (yes, only a year) away from mommy and girlfriend.

Most teachers in school have a very progressive point of view and naturally their teaching style influences the minds of the kids they teach all week. The whole gun control idea is so firmly anchored in people's minds that it is very hard for an American to understand (and vice versa).

When I started shooting USPSA over here, and spoke about it with family, my own mother got very quiet and said that she hoped I was not going to go postal and do people harm. You would think that after 30+ years she knows me a little.

Not sure who said it but "one fears what he does not know" kinda hits the nail on the head.

I must say, I really enjoy taking people to the range who have never shot, and giving them a good, safe experience with guns.

These people normally realize pretty quickly that shooting as a hobby does more damage to your wallet than your mind. :D

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I live in Massachusetts, and when I first got started shooting, I was very curious and concerned about how I'd be perceived. I decided that I wasn't going to hide anything. I wear gun related shirts around, hang targets on my office wall, etc. I've gotten surprisingly few negative reactions. I had one friend who kind of freaked out, but that was it. Most people either are interested / curious and ask a bunch of questions, or just let the topic drop, like any other hobby they aren't interested in.

Here's a similar thread I started on a local forum a while back: http://www.northeastshooters.com/vbulletin/threads/31371-Are-you-out-as-a-gun-owner

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Many years ago I lived in Plano (suburb north of Dallas). We lived in a modest, new middle class neighborhood. Most of the neighbors were not native Texans (my wife and I are from Georgia) - most were from northern or midwest urban areas and had been drawn to the area by the defense industry. It was common knowledge around the neighborhood that I shot competitively. Most were ok with it but one couple a few doors down treated me like a neanderthal at any neighborhood gathering - I just let it go.

The anti-gun neighbors had their house broken into while they were home and they were scared to death. The next day they come over looking for gun buying advice. Amazing how fast attitudes can change.

By the way, my son was born in Texas and I remind him regularly that he is a native Texan even though we returned to Georgia.

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