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IPSC Postal Match

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Hi folks,

Somebody, somewhere asked me if there would be a postal match this year, but I'll be damned if I can remember whether I was asked in this or another forum.

Anyway, the answer is Yes.

The courses of fire will be available for download from the IPSC website this weekend.

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I recall the discussion Ron, I believe most of the regulars were keen to set up last years match and post results.

I've shot the last 4 AH Postal Matches, and they're always easy to set up, and I believe worth supporting, though I wish AH would at least publish the results (winners) as they used to.

Results are usually a long time coming, no offence Vince, I know its a big job, but we could post our hit factors on the forum straight away.

I'm sure discussion would ensue!


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One more thing, guys.

This year's Postal Match is also an International Classification (ICS) match so, if you have an IPSC Alias, you can get your first international classification.

Information about the ICS (and IPSC Aliases) can be found here.

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Vince ICS is a good thing.

I just got my alias yesterday.

I talked to the staff  of the Euro Mediterranean Cup about it a few days ago. Thay said they'll try to have the match entered fir the ICS (there should be no problem considering the level of competitors).

Any news about that match ?

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Hi Jerome,

I don't know whether the Euro Mediterranean Cup has any ICS stages - you would need to contact the match organisers for that information.

The official ICS courses are available for download from the IPSC website. Click on ICS in the left-hand frame when you get there, or click here.

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Thanks Vince,

I'm sure the organisers weren't aware of the ICS, so there might be no ICS stages.

But I read that

"For this first year, classification matches (where the overall match results count) will only be available to pre-approved Level III matches where known Grand Masters will be participating"

on the IPSC website, and as there will be a bunch of them, that's why I asked. Is this still allright ?

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Sorry Jerome, I misunderstood your first question.

Yes, the results of Level III or higher matches can be in included for the ICS, but the match organisers must apply in advance for approval by IPSC. The primary criteria is that one or more recognised "Grand Masters" will participate.

If Eric Grauffel shoots the match, I'm confident it will qualify as a classifier match, but the organisers must apply to IPSC in advance when they submit their courses of fire for approval.

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Hmmm. Eric Grauffel, Saul Kirsch & Max Michel definitely make Open Division suitable for ICS recognition, but I don't know about the other divisions.

Remember ICS grading is by division and I'm not sure if our ICS people can relate Standard Division to Open.

In any case, encourage Monsieur J. P. Denis to apply to IPSC for ICS recognition. I understand Cheval Blanc is his home range.

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  • 1 month later...

Hi Phil,

You only need an IPSC Alias if you want to register your scores under the ICS.

If you just want to shoot the AHG Postal Match and not file classifiers, you don't need an IPSC Alias.

However, if I were you, I would register an IPSC Alias as soon as possible, if not for now, for the future, as the response has been overwhelming and many good names have gone. It's free to register and you only pay US$5 if you also want a matching email address.

I won't tell you my alias, at least not yet, because you'll make fun of me and hurt my feelings!

Hurry. I think "Big Kahuna", "Pakeha" and "Krazy Kiwi" are still available :)

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It is a popular American joke that employees of the Postal Service are heavily armed, capable of losing control of their senses, and generally sociopathic.  This is almost entirely untrue....



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"Going postal" is modern American slang for "going crazy".

This refers to incidents over the past 10 years where a number of unhappy employees of the US Postal Service went a bit crazy and shot people.

The phrase has now become part of the "lingua franca"!

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