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Idpa Nationals On Tv!!!


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Mayo: I missed the target and my raw time was 12.48 seconds....so -2.5 for the miss, -5.0 for the failure to neutralize, -3.0 for a procedural for being stupid = 22.98 seconds.......I got 1st place ESP Special Olympics event.

Scanmunch: The SO's had never heard of the Bever rule so I didnt get a reshoot...BASTARDS!!!!! :rolleyes:

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My grip safety was pinned big as life with a chunk of bicycle inner tube.

So was Bill Wilson's, Team S&W and pretty much the majority of people shooting 1911s in the match. Uncle Walt's grip safety on that genuine Armand Swenson masterpiece that I can't believe he actually shoots isn't pinned, but if can be disengaged by, well, errant flatulence.

NOBODY CARED! It's only at local matches that MDs ding you for grip safeties (I have been dung, so to speak).

Besides, Ernest Langdon still won with a Sig 220, which doesn't HAVE a grip safety. Solves that problem.

BTW, I contended that targets that close to me aren't in "tactical" order, unless it's created by threat, such as one of 'em holding a shotgun or RPG, thus moving to a higher threat category...or something like that.

Did you notice how happy I was when that 9mm jammed?

Michael B

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BTW, I contended that targets that close to me aren't in "tactical" order, unless it's created by threat, such as one of 'em holding a shotgun or RPG, thus moving to a higher threat category...or something like that.

I agree with that! Plus, at close ranges, the time difference between shooting one and two is negligible for most people. The time is eaten by the transitions.

And if someone is "on" you like that, it makes sense to me to give them two to make sure they slow down a bit. ;)

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My grip safety was pinned big as life with a chunk of bicycle inner tube.

So was Bill Wilson's, Team S&W and pretty much the majority of people shooting 1911s in the match. Uncle Walt's grip safety on that genuine Armand Swenson masterpiece that I can't believe he actually shoots isn't pinned, but if can be disengaged by, well, errant flatulence.

NOBODY CARED! It's only at local matches that MDs ding you for grip safeties (I have been dung, so to speak).

Besides, Ernest Langdon still won with a Sig 220, which doesn't HAVE a grip safety. Solves that problem.

BTW, I contended that targets that close to me aren't in "tactical" order, unless it's created by threat, such as one of 'em holding a shotgun or RPG, thus moving to a higher threat category...or something like that.

Did you notice how happy I was when that 9mm jammed?

Michael B

Hi Guys,

I've been lurking for a long time, as I really don't have much time to spend on any of the Boards, but I had to register and log in for this one.

I need to set the record straight in that Bill's grip safety WAS NOT pinned. As far as I know, he has never had a grip safety pinned on any of his IDPA or carry guns. He may have had them pinned on his IPSC guns - years ago - but then he hasn't competed in any IPSC matches that I know of since the 15 year reunion back in whenever.

IDPA does not allow any safety device to be circumvented. Obviously this is hard to check, but it is still not allowed. Like Ken Hackathorn says ' big boy rules', I don't think we really want to get into taking competitors guns apart at Sanctioned Matches.


Joyce Wilson, IDPA HQ

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Sigh...I stand corrected.

Of course Bill didn't pin his grip safety! My apologies, Joyce. I was misinformed.

In a world of endless litigation, it would certainly be foolish for any organization, especially one chartered as a corporation, to allow any physical alterations of a firearm that might be construed as rendering a supplied safety device ineffective or inoperable at an event sanctioned by that organization.

As we move increasingly to a world where lawyer-mandated changes over-ride basic functionality in a whole calss of firearms, I find myself muttering over and over again..."Glock...Glock...Glock..."

Again, sorry for my error.

Michael B

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Stop lurking. At least now we know HQ actually looks at these forums. Now we just need to keep you involved.

This is a great place to clear up confusion over the rules and also give us a feel for where IDPA is going. Don't hide, stay involved.

Is it also against the rules to disable the mag safety in the High Power?

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OK, I'll try to be more active :rolleyes:

I usually just have time to monitor and not really be involved with too many issues. As you all can imagine, it's pretty tough to get everything done for a 10,000+ member organization with only 4 employees but we do our best.

Also, I've been involved with boards that just turned out to be bashings for the sport or Bill and that kind of ruffles my feathers ;)

I'll be happy to answer (or find the answer) to any questions that you all have. And you can also e-mail me directly at joyce@idpa.com.

As far as the mag safety, yes it is illegal to disable it. IDPA doesn't allow any safety feature of any weapon to be disabled. As Mike posted previously, we're in a litigous society unfortunately :( and therefore we must protect ourselves from ourselves, or the g'ment will try harder to protect us :unsure: .

Hopefully I'll get to meet you all somewhere or maybe I have and just don't know it from your log ins.


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Thanks for your reply. I hope you don't mind if I post your reply on other boards.

Just a thought while we have your attention. IDPA HQ puts out the Tactical Journal. It is sent to all IDPA members. Couldn't that be used to clear up issues like this. Because everyone receives it, there should be no excuse for not knowing. I am not saying use it for rule changes, but rather to clear up confusion. It could also be used to let us know the status of the new rule book.

One other thought. If the staff is overloaded, and I understand how you all would be, hire a couple people. I know you have hired a couple people, but if we do the math:

10,000 members (your number)

$35 per year per member


$350,000 per year just in membership dues.

Add to that the $50 for each club renewal for the what 200+ clubs. Then all the other fees.

I am not bashing. I have no problem with people making money. My point is there is no reason a couple more people could not be hired to reduce the workload.

Thanks again for the response.

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  • 2 weeks later...


Don't run away. Look at some of the other threads or maybe start one. ASK HQ.

Many of the posters here are not here to bash, but they are here to vent. It seems like no matter how hard we try, we get little from HQ. You have the ability to change that. There will be those that attack. With 10,000 members not everyone will agree on anything, but only those of you at HQ have the ability to address issues.

Micheal B,

Your shows continue to get better. Keep up the good work. You need a longer format. 1hr would be great.

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Mbane, I saw your show on cable when you covered IDPA nationals... In fact, it inspired me to go and seek out my local IDPA club to shoot in (my first competitive shooting endeavor).

Is there a set time the show comes on? I've had a hard time finding it again... seems like the only shows the two outdoor channels I get on Direct TV show Gold mining and Bull riding 24/7... <_<

Don't get me wrong, God Bless bull riders and people who mine for gold, but more shows on guns would be preferrable to me! :blink:

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We have four more original episodes, then 13 weeks of reruns.

And then the new shows start!

You might want to tell IDPA you liked the show. My understanding is that the Powers-That-Be apparently didn't, and I don't have any plans to cover the Nationals this year.

Michael B

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thanks Mbane!

I'll definitely check it out. I did send an email to IDPA HQ telling them about my exposure to IDPA via the show... In fact, I hadn't mentioned it to you before but a group of us who shoot together were interested in some kind of competitive shooting activity. So, when I saw your show on 10pm MST (I live in Utah) I called my 3 buddies and all of 4 of us joined the IDPA... I did pass that on to HQ!

Great show, keep 'em coming!

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I am very interested in finding out what IDPA disliked about the IDPA feature. Please tell us all you can! Thanks.

P.S. I watched the stuntwoman show this weekend. Gee, I wonder what you were thinking when you came up with that idea? :D

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Yo Ho Rhino...

The host of the show is basically beaten senseless by travel (30 hours at home in the last two weeks), which is his excuse for not answering your excellent and complimentary email! You are a gentleman, scholar and probably a natty dresser. Not to mention a pretty good writer.

Just finished filming second show in two days and am WHIPPED PUPPY.Had Big Fun with high speed movie armorer/B-movie director. Anybody who can direct a movie titled CANNIBAL TABOO ("You are who you eat!") is a friend of mine! Just give me an AK and about a million movie blanks, and I'm READY TO ROCK. Plus, CANNIBAL TABOO TWO is getting ready to start filming! I'm ready for my close-up now, Mr. DeMille...Hollywood is profoundly frightening.

Bizarrely, the stuntgirls came to us and asked if we could ramp them up on guns. Believe me, it wasn't hard lining up instructors for that gig.

We're sending out a thousand promo DVDs for ZERO TO HERO next week to ranges and big gun stores, so you may see the plug around.

I get to go home for the weekend!

Michael B

PS: Who knows why organizations like you or not...

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Yo Ho Rhino...

The host of the show is basically beaten senseless by travel (30 hours at home in the last two weeks), which is his excuse for not answering your excellent and complimentary email!

Man, that's all you have --- excuses! What have you done for us lately? :P:lol:

You are a gentleman, scholar and probably a natty dresser. Not to mention a pretty good writer.

Argh! My achilles heel! Compliments will get you everywhere with me. I suppose I can forgive you . . . this time.

Just finished filming second show in two days and am WHIPPED PUPPY.Had Big Fun with high speed movie armorer/B-movie director. Anybody who can direct a movie titled CANNIBAL TABOO ("You are who you eat!") is a friend of mine! Just give me an AK and about a million movie blanks, and I'm READY TO ROCK. Plus, CANNIBAL TABOO TWO is getting ready to start filming! I'm ready for my close-up now, Mr. DeMille...Hollywood is profoundly frightening.

Great Googly Moogly, Man! You're living the life of my dreams!

My entire existence involves preparing for scenarious wherein killer cannibal zombies and/or spikey-haired mutants overwhelm my home town, thus forcing me to heroically dispatch them with reckless abandon! :lol:

Bizarrely, the stuntgirls came to us and asked if we could ramp them up on guns. Believe me, it wasn't hard lining up instructors for that gig.

That is a cool turn of events, both for the obvious reasons as well as the fact that your operation is now known well enough that they knew to seek your capable assistance. I doubt if most shooters and gun owners realize how much your media education program will help us all in the long run, but I certainly appreciate and applaud your efforts.

The only thing I see that could improve the situation is if you included me whenever chicks are involved, but we'd have to deal with those pesky restraining orders first. :rolleyes::lol:

We're sending out a thousand promo DVDs for ZERO TO HERO next week to ranges and big gun stores, so you may see the plug around.

Oh, man! We need copies too! Where's the love? Show us some love!

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