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Losing Your Guns


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"Laws that forbid the carrying of arms...disarm only those who are neither inclined nor determined to commit crimes...Such laws make things worse for the assaulted and better for the assailants; they serve rather to encourage than to prevent homicides, for an unarmed man may be attacked with greater confidence than an armed man."

- Thomas Jefferson

We have been blessed much in this country. We need to be VERY aware of what has happened in England and Austalia. Guard your liberties.


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Guard your liberties.

I think you've hit on the key word in your last sentence.

Many of us America (perhaps too few in the long run) still think in terms of liberties, freedoms, and rights, all of which apply exclusively to individuals. That's two important concepts.

In most other countries (as well as many people here), they think in terms of privileges, services, and authority. Along with that goes the disregard for the dignity and rights of the individual in lieu of the whims and preferences of the collective.

Under the latter circumstance, how can anything else be expected? When a person is "allowed" to own a gun solely for the purposes of amusement, how can that eventually compete with perceptions of increased public safety? Wanting to have a race gun to punch holes in cardboard seems kind of silly when framed in the typically intellectually dishonest arguments for "protecting" society as a group.

Whether or not we keep our guns in the USA depends on how hard we're willing to fight and haw far we're willing to go to protect the original ideals of this country, which are based on the dignity of the individual and those rights and commensurate responsibilities inherent to being an adult human being.

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A large part of the problem is that have too many "in-duh-viduals" in this country (to steal a term from Dilbert). These folks too lazy to be capable of individual, rational thought. They instead depend entirely upon the herd mentality to "make" decisions. If their particular herd is anti whatever then they follow along blindly.

My best friend from childhood emailed me the other day to tell me that he had just gotten his CCW. He doesn't even own a handgun and had to borrow one from another friend for the training course. He doesn't intend to carry except in his car but figured that it was his right to have a CCW so he should get one. If more folks would take a few minutes to think along these lines...hell, if more folks would just THINK. Big brains....sooooo wasted. :wacko:

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THINK. Something the folks who want a gun free society won't do.

What law can you pass that a criminal will obey ?

What has been made to cease to exist by making it illegal ?

I'll stop here before I get started...

Travis F.

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One question that pops up in my mind if I might:

I live in NL as you all know. I fear that at some point in the future the law will start forbidding us to have guns. Should that happen, I *WILL* move out of the country, possibly to the US. Will I be able to own guns in the US just as you, or are there limitations for foreigners ?

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No worries. Even in one of the worst states (NJ) residents can own guns. I am assuming you would move for good, and go for the residency/citizenship path and in that case as soon as you get your "green card" you can enjoy all the rights minus voting.

Been there.


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I'll hand over my SVI-guns to the Dutch government (with pain in my heart and still knowing that criminals own guns and use them, but not on a range) because I'm to old to move to another country and make a fresh start and look for another hobby/way of life. :(

DVC, Henny.

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