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AREA 6 revo shooters?

John Z Sr

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Just looked at self squading for Area 6 championship match, and much to my displeasure,, saw that out of 110 shooters,,, not one revo shooter is signed up (unless a few are in the squads marked "full", with no names). This would not be fun, as I would hate to go production, just to have a few people to shoot against. What gives revo's? Is anyone coming?

Edited by John Z Sr
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John Z, We feel your pain. It would seem that we have a lot of revo shooters here but we're pretty spread out, No I don't mean fat!! That Southern Boy from South Illinois has gotten four more of us a heading to the Arkansas Section match. One from Arkansas and three from Oklahoma. If a couple more show up we can get recognition or go through the prize table. Last year we made the magic 7 and Hop won a gun. (hint hint) The same four are planning to make the Area 4 match. Don't know if Illinois will be represented. We need the magic 5 for it according to the MD. Hmm? I wonder if there are any Revo shooters in Lousianna, Annette, Elliot, that Jerry guy? We shall see. :sight: later rdd

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Hope it works out Bubber, I shot ssp in an IDPA match today and I just feel so DIRTY, at least I didn't get called for round dumping ( it's just not right to reload for 1 more shot,, dump a few and make the reload worth it)

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Guys, if you're serious about shooting the revolver in competition, you really need to shoot as many Area matches as possible, and particularly your own home Area Championship.

With all you wheelgunners that live in the Southeast, I would expect to see 15-20 revolvers signed up for Area 6 already! What the heck is going on down there?

USPSA Area matches and the USPSA Nationals are the big ones. Sign up and go.

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I think the big problem is the schedule. It falls the weekend after the South Carolina Sectional. We always get a big revo turnout there and a lot of people can't do two weeks in a row. I'm going to try but outlook is not good. The Area 6 used to be in May and then they had a range conflict a few years ago and it got bumped to April. Another thing, the match has been in the same place for 5 years now I think (maybe just 4). It would be cool if it went to a different range so other shooters have a chance to have it close. I think that would give people who have not shot it a chance to do it cheaply and see how cool it is. I don't know if any other clubs have offered to host it. I'm sure the South River crew is getting worn out.

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Points well taken.

As a general rule, I just think it's very important to produce a respectable showing in Revo Division at the bigger matches, and that would have to include the various Area matches. But I have always heard great things about the SC Sectional, and understand the challenges of signing up for back-to-back travel weekends.

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Definately shooting SC section, don't think I can afford to do Area 6 this year, really want to but should probably try to keep mortgage paid first,,, maybe "Hope and Change" will kick in before then, and I'll have plenty of extra money !!!!

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I see the same thing with not enough revolver shooters, I cancelled the U.S.Open ICORE Championship for October and it's not looking good for the NC State ICORE match, only have one app in and that's an S.O. other apps pending are also S.O.'s.

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I see the same thing with not enough revolver shooters, I cancelled the U.S.Open ICORE Championship for October and it's not looking good for the NC State ICORE match, only have one app in and that's an S.O. other apps pending are also S.O.'s.

That is distressing. I intended to shoot both matches - hopefully we'll have enough folks for a state match. I know a couple of guys who are considering trying ICORE - time to talk up the game! The regular ICORE matches at Dean's are a blast - a big match would be fantastic.

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come on guys,, get the revolvers out of the back of the safe and lets do some ICORE !!!!
The regular ICORE matches at Dean's are a blast - a big match would be fantastic.

FWIW, I'm going to try to make it this month. It'll be my first ICORE. I've heard great things about Dean's matches. I'll be squad fodder, but I'm sure I'll have fun & will learn a lot.

BTW, how many rounds would I need? From what I've read, it seems a mere 200 (and 4 speedloaders) ought to get me by.

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GrandBoule, I'll bring extra "K" and "L" frame speedloaders if you need some extras, they are Safariland Comp 3's, look forward to shooting with you

Thanks, John.

I've been itching to come for a while. I think I'll have enough speed loaders, but it's reassuring to know there's some wiggle room if I find I was overconfident.

I'm gonna have to miss Saturday night's IDPA match (again), but I'm extra stoked about the ICORE match (the week after) then.

Cheers -


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