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Barrel lenght on M&P....longer worth it?


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Well this is my first post the boards so please bear with me. I have been pointed to this site many times for answers to gun questions, and IDPA questions. So I figured I would post up my question and see what happens.

As a little back ground I have been shooting IDPA for about 2 years and USPSA for about 1 year. I have taken a few defensive pistol courses.

In the first year of IDPA and in my first defensive course I used my S&W 4006. Love the gun but with the magazine disconcert it make is cumbersome to hammer down after showing clear, so I started to look for another gun (not that I needed an excuse to get one). I saw a S&W M&P 40c like it and thought it would make a good carry gun (if Wisconsin every passes a concealed carry law). I shot that in my second defensive course and loved it. I then started to use it in USPSA and found some of the shots to be a little far for the 3.5 M&P. So off I go looking for another gun to have fun with. I then had a Taurus PT92 (with out the decocker) given to me. I have shot this gun for a few matches (3 IDPA and 4 USPSA). Love the gun but dont like the long trigger pull on the first round of every string (shots are always pulled low). So I have stated to think about using the M&P 40c again but with a longer barrel for USPSA and using the shorter stock barrel for IDPA….thus leading to my question

Will having a longer barrel help with accuracy ? I know having a larger gun with a longer sight radius (like the PT92) is best but if I like how the M&P shoots can I do anything to help with those longer shots in USPSA (and sometime in IDPA)?

I have found (Storm Lake Barrels) Storm Lake barrels with and without ports. Making the barrel length 4.28 (factory 3.5) plus I can convert it to 9mm to save on ammo. I know nothing about the company or how their barrels are.

So is it worth it to get a longer barrel for the M&P or should I just learn to overcome the long trigger pull on the PT92? ( I really want a M&P 9mm Pro but the money tree got sick and stopped grown)

(I know this has been a long song and dance, I am normally not that long winded but I think a little background helps)…..

Edited by WisGrif
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First, welcome to the forum. Secondly, Storm Lake products are excellent. I have 3 of their aftermarket barrels for the M&P line. They are truly drop-in.

As for your delemma, my suggestion would be to save your cash to purchase another gun rather than buying another barrel. If you 'really want' the M&P Pro, I would wait until funds from the tree begin to shake free again and continue to use the PT92. My 2¢

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You are going to run into problems with legalities of the gun in USPSA. You might not NEED to go all out and get a pro. A standard M&P 9 for production would be great and the M&P 40 would be pretty handy in limited. The guns are approved cheap and easy to get.

Search out everything you can here regarding the M&P line before you make a choice.

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Well this is my first post the boards so please bear with me. I have been pointed to this site many times for answers to gun questions, and IDPA questions. So I figured I would post up my question and see what happens.

As a little back ground I have been shooting IDPA for about 2 years and USPSA for about 1 year. I have taken a few defensive pistol courses.

In the first year of IDPA and in my first defensive course I used my S&W 4006. Love the gun but with the magazine disconcert it make is cumbersome to “hammer down” after showing clear, so I started to look for another gun (not that I needed an excuse to get one). I saw a S&W M&P 40c like it and thought it would make a good carry gun (if Wisconsin every passes a concealed carry law). I shot that in my second defensive course and loved it. I then started to use it in USPSA and found some of the shots to be a little far for the 3.5” M&P. So off I go looking for another gun to have fun with. I then had a Taurus PT92 (with out the decocker) given to me. I have shot this gun for a few matches (3 IDPA and 4 USPSA). Love the gun but don’t like the long trigger pull on the first round of every string (shots are always pulled low). So I have stated to think about using the M&P 40c again but with a longer barrel for USPSA and using the shorter stock barrel for IDPA….thus leading to my question

Will having a longer barrel help with accuracy ? I know having a larger gun with a longer sight radius (like the PT92) is best but if I like how the M&P shoots can I do anything to help with those longer shots in USPSA (and sometime in IDPA)?

I have found (Storm Lake Barrels) Storm Lake barrels with and without ports. Making the barrel length 4.28” (factory 3.5”) plus I can convert it to 9mm to save on ammo. I know nothing about the company or how their barrels are.

So is it worth it to get a longer barrel for the M&P or should I just learn to overcome the long trigger pull on the PT92? ( I really want a M&P 9mm Pro but the money tree got sick and stopped grown)

(I know this has been a long song and dance, I am normally not that long winded but I think a little background helps)…..

I suggest that you get more practice in with the S&W M&P 40c that you have. I have found that the whole idea that long shots require a long sight radius is more a mental thing than a physical one. I use a Ruger Alaskan revolver in competition (USPSA & IDPA), and while it took some practice I can make the longer shots that are required on some stages. It has barrel that is 2 1/2 inches long, and a sight radius of approximately 4 inches. It all comes down to being able to steady your hold for those shots. The shorter the barrel, the more unforgiving the shots are in reference to errant movement.

Edited by Blueridge
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Yes, the longer sight radius helps on harder shots. Sure, you can make the harder shots with a shorter sight radius, but you'll spend more time, and still not do it quite as well....nature of the beast.

For USPSA you can't put a longer barrel in your M&PC, or convert it to 9mm and have it be legal for Production. Your best bet is to pick a gun with a longer sight radius and buy one. I think the 5" guns are easier to shoot than the 4.25 or 4.5" guns, but it's not a huge difference. Also, keep in mind that the shorter guns are going to have more muzzle flip, which isn't what you want in a match gun. R,

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If you want a 5in gun in 9mm...there are plenty of them out there.

I longer barrel in a shorter gun does absolutely nothing for accuracy. The barrel merely stabilizes the bullet for flight, and gives the gases time to propel the bullet. As long as the bullet is stabilized, it doesn't care if the barrel is 4 or 5 inches long. You would see a difference in velocity between barrel lengths, but any change in accuracy would be coincidental.

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Wow lots of good info and things to think about (and fast). Sounds like it might be best to get use to the PT92 or get a "new" longer gun for USPSA.

I will have to do a search but the some of the others I was looking at are: Ruger SR9, Taurus 24/7 OSS, and the M&P 9L (or Pro). Have shot both the SR9 and M&P Pro but not the 24/7.

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Buy an m&p 9L, install an apex tactical sear (I modified my stock one, which is even better feeling) and a set of dawson sights.

I never thought I would actually shoot better than I did with the gun that got me to Master, a Glock 34. But I definitely do. Very happy with my choice.

Edited by MemphisMechanic
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Buy an m&p 9L, install an apex tactical sear (I modified my stock one, which is even better feeling) and a set of dawson sights.

I never thought I would actually shoot better than I did with the gun that got me to Master, a Glock 34. But I definitely do. Very happy with my choice.

This is what I am thinking. I just need to find one for a good price and to sell my M&P40c!!

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OR if you qualify


currently out of stock but they get them in all the time. Also you can call they might have one thats not showing up on the website.

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