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Posts posted by lcs

  1. For those that are, or considering, Carry Optics, what gun are you using?

    I'm thinking about trying it. Seems to start the easiest path is to use S&W M&P CORE since it's already set up for optics?

    Probably a good choice. Triggers are not to bad out-of-box. Several after market trigger options. Pretty reliable.

  2. What follower in mag?

    (1) Over crimping will not prevent setback. Your accuracy will suffer immensely. If you are using Dillon 40 sizing die--get rid of it. Lee U will size the case to just about eliminate setback. Bell is another thing--very little bell is needed for jacketed bullet. I've seen folks expand the entire 40 case by using to much bell.

    Grams, and/or TTI ( basically the same thing).

    Thanks for the input, but there's noting wrong with the affected ammo. It is being subjected to a hit that it's not intended to see. That is the root cause to the setback... Not inadequate case tension.

    I agree, but disagree. if you get setback (no matter what initiates the setback), then case tension is suspect.

    Sometimes simple things resolve issues. Do all brand name JHP hit the ramp? Do FP mollies exhibit the same behavior? I presume RN would not hit the ramp leaving marks.

  3. What follower in mag?

    (1) Over crimping will not prevent setback. Your accuracy will suffer immensely. If you are using Dillon 40 sizing die--get rid of it. Lee U will size the case to just about eliminate setback. Bell is another thing--very little bell is needed for jacketed bullet. I've seen folks expand the entire 40 case by using to much bell.

  4. I started with a 38S and a DR mounted on the slide. I would not go back to a slide mounted dot in OPEN.. (read OPEN). Upright C-more was the ticket for 38S. Along comes 9 major. Upright C-more mounts do not allow 100% ejection unless the C-more has a huge offset to the left. 9 Major was here to stay and someone developed the 90 C-more mount. A huge improvement, dot sits right about slide, eliminates the 2.1 inch offset), eliminates ejection problems. The balance of the gun is not the same, but not tweaking with the ejector is a huge plus. If your gun doesn't run 100% in Open, your sucking hind tit.

    Along comes the DR, RTS, Deltapoint, crowd and mounting directly above slide. Seems to allow ejection and they are not riding on the slide, so life expectancy is longer. The gun is better balanced. As one said, It looks better ! :devil: It is lighter, but the glass is still a lot smaller than a C-more. If they would make a micro dot with the same surface glass and dot maneuverability as a C-More--Ding! You have a winner.

    Just my experience-what do I know. What is the world champion shooting.....

  5. For open guns I settled in on a 17 yard zero.

    Looks perfect from the chart. :bow:

    Still very important to fire a group at 35 yards and 10 yards, to

    see where bullets are landing.

    When I sighted in for 15 yards, I'd find bullets landed left or right

    at 40+ yards. By sighting in at 35 yards, they are Truly Sighted

    In from 5 - 50 yards. :cheers:


  6. You need to zero a C-more at 40 yards give for take. That is probably the longest distance would see in a USPSA match. If you only shoot local matches-Zero at the longest distance. Zeroing a C-more at 12 yards will significantly affect longer shots. A C-More dot is not the center of a scope. The dot can be larger-smaller depending on brightness setting.

  7. All, I am new to 38 super and would like some help with getting a load worked up.

    I have a Brazos 4.5 Pro Sx .

    powders I have Autocomp,cfe pistol,

    Bullets I have Montana 115, and bayou 124

    Any help will be great thanks.

    Bob has two powders he recommends for his guns. I would not use autocomp. That gun requires a pretty heavy dose of powder. Translated means high pressure. I would definitely not use any molly bullet in that gun.

    The Brazos 4.5 is a short barrel with several poople holes. The load for that gun with the wrong powder will be a high pressure load. I would call Bob directly and ask Bob's advise.

  8. I am brand new to Open. A half season or so under my belt. I picked up a Glock 34 MOS. So since the slide was already milled I went with the trijicon. I have had quite a bit of trouble finding it, I have heard that is a common problem when first using the RMR or any optic on a handgun. I spent a hour or so a week dancing around my house with my rig on and attempting to "find the dot" after spending some time with it I don't feel it is bad to have a small window. But I think learning on a bigger window would be easier.

    Are you brand new to Glock also? I have the RMR on a 34. The RMR window is very small compared to other slide mounted dots. The Glock does not point well for me ( I have a few years shooting open with 2011). Harder to find the dot on presentation. The RMR is also harder to shoot with. I used a Docter years ago and remember the transitions were faster with the Dr.

    Your mileage may vary and you might love the RMR.

    Even if I moved the RMR to another platform-I would not stay with the RMR for Carry Optics. I feel the RMR is better suited for a dedicated carry gun.

  9. (Using Practiscore on Fire HD latest version).

    In EZWIN, I can EXCLUDE REENTRIES from the match calc. (A person reshooting a classifer should not be included in the match results). The Activity report should include those reshoots for costing and classification). I can include reentries if I want to send those results to all via email.

    Am I missing something in Practiscore?

    Entering reshoots on a different device is not the way to go. When I register a competitor for the second time in EZWIN-I am asked if this is a "reentry" and the entry will be flagged as such.

    Obviously this would not happen at Level 2/3 matches, but Level 1 it happens all the time.

  10. I noticed on my trubor when pulling it apart after the last match that my guide rod is hitting my comp. Not a ton and you can't make it do it by hand but just enough when running it to wear a flat spot on the guide rod and the comp. What causes this? How do I fix this issue or should I even worry about it?


    Most custom builders will cut a groove in the bottom of the comp to prevent it.

  11. At a local match yesterday...

    Unloaded barrel start.

    Gun pointing down range

    Starting box, 25 feet, directly down range of your gun, looking down the muzzle.

    The RO's did not like, because every shooter was forced to sweep themselves as the headed to the free fire zone. But the MD said it was good to go?

    MD cannot make up their own rules or decide a current rule does not apply.

    10.5.5 Allowing the muzzle of a handgun to point at any part of the competitor’s body during a course of fire (i.e. sweeping). Standing directly down range of a loaded weapon is just plain stupid!

  12. A Trubor does not have a removeable comp---Brazos' says it is cheaper and faster to replace the barrel and comp as there is no fitting of the comp to the slide. Having said that....Brazos offers STI Trubor Barrel/Comp - With Thundercomp 2 (SX) Style Comp Check out their webpage.

    As far as the "Tthundercomp 2" goes. I have ran a lot of comps and the Thundercomp 2 is the best. Expensive, but the best. Just my experience.

  13. Your description is a little confusing. Any hit that turns the steel 180 AND it does not fall--It Is a reshoot. Range Equipment Failure.

    If the turn caused it to be visible from another location--Still range equipment failure. The target must present the same presentation to all competitors.

    Really? Because the target presentation was exactly the same. The difference is that the competitor got confused on whether he'd engaged a fallen target.

    Again, poor target design does not constitute an equipment failure in my mind.

    The presentation of the target was not the same. It spun around after he hit it. His confusion has nothing to do with the facts. The following rule does not apply. It would apply ... I shoot a plate and it spins sideways versus falling and I continue shooting till I knock it off. applies. Shooter cannot get a reshoot. Another example, one plate of a star hangs after I hit it. I keep shooting the plate until it falls. Again, applies. (I'm pressuming all this happpens because the RO fails to call REF)

    In the above examples, the shooter has visual input the plate turned sideways or the plate hung on the star and the shooter makes a concious decision to keep shooting. In the OPs' example, the shooter had no visual input that the plate tuned around. He's shooting other plates or targets and his input is "I missed this plate", shoot it again. I think the RM made the correct decision.

    I agree with "poor equipment design". You can look at the plate design and see the stage is one shot away from an arbitration.

  14. Your description is a little confusing. Any hit that turns the steel 180 AND it does not fall--It Is a reshoot. Range Equipment Failure.

    If the turn caused it to be visible from another location--Still range equipment failure. The target must present the same presentation to all competitors.

    I agree with what you typed. However, this stage was port to port shooting and the RO had no way of seeing if plates had fallen or not. The fact that the shooter shot it again makes REF go out the window.

    Show me the rule!

  15. Your description is a little confusing. Any hit that turns the steel 180 AND it does not fall--It Is a reshoot. Range Equipment Failure.

    If the turn caused it to be visible from another location--Still range equipment failure. The target must present the same presentation to all competitors.

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