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Posts posted by lcs

  1. Many of us are ROs, but when you compete you are a "competitor". The peanut gallery or competitors waiting to shoot a stage are not match officials.

    (1) Local matches do not have 3 ROs dedicated to the stage. Local matches often do not have experienced ROs and yes (from the gallery I have stopped a shooter because he/she broke the 180 or some other violation the RO on the timer did not see.

    (2) Level ll/III matches are different. I would not call "stop" as a shooter waiting my turn on a stage. If a violation was that flagrant, I'm sure one of the match ROs would catch it.

    (3) Depending on the circumstances (Level II/III), a member of the gallery calls stop and the competitor shooting the stage stops, he/she will probably get a reshoot. (If the CRO/RO does not witness the reason for the stop)

    Even at Area matches I have seen the RM shoot stages and heard the RM designate another CRO/RM as the Match RM while he was shooting. That tells you something..... If your shooting a stage--You are a competitor not an RO.

    If someone yells stop from the gallery but are not range officers running the shooter, what is the basis of a reshoot?

    It was not a range officer that stopped the shooter.

    and how would you know it was not an RO?

  2. Many of us are ROs, but when you compete you are a "competitor". The peanut gallery or competitors waiting to shoot a stage are not match officials.

    (1) Local matches do not have 3 ROs dedicated to the stage. Local matches often do not have experienced ROs and yes (from the gallery I have stopped a shooter because he/she broke the 180 or some other violation the RO on the timer did not see.

    (2) Level ll/III matches are different. I would not call "stop" as a shooter waiting my turn on a stage. If a violation was that flagrant, I'm sure one of the match ROs would catch it.

    (3) Depending on the circumstances (Level II/III), a member of the gallery calls stop and the competitor shooting the stage stops, he/she will probably get a reshoot. (If the CRO/RO does not witness the reason for the stop)

    Even at Area matches I have seen the RM shoot stages and heard the RM designate another CRO/RM as the Match RM while he was shooting. That tells you something..... If your shooting a stage--You are a competitor not an RO.

  3. I've posted this elsewhere......or similar......

    CO actually started life as Production Optics........many threads and back and forth on this in different forums. Do a search.

    A simple division using Production rules, but also a slide mounted optic.

    I have been a proponent of "Production Optics/Carry Optics" from the beginning. Full disclosure....I am almost exclusively an Open shooter, Production is the furthest thing away that I'd even consider shooting.

    I supported it because I could see that the concealed carry crowd was leaning towards optics. It was starting to be fairly common amongst them and the "new" set up.


    SO,.... What was discovered was........the very words PRODUCTION OPTICS rendered the "HATE THE IDEA CROWD" complete drooling troglodytes.. Those words were so powerful you could see the IQ ticker plummeting as they furiously typed and complained. While never once offering one idea why the division would hurt USPSA.

    Anyway,...once this phenomenon was identified the name was changed to Carry Optics and more than half the naysayers disappeared..


    Upon reflection I now think naysayers can not stand the idea of getting beat by a minor gun with an optic. Admit it, most of us look at "overall" even though we know better. This new division shakes the status quo.

    I have carried a gun concealed since 1987, I know a lot of people that carry a gun.

    I don't know of anyone that carries one with an optic.

    I have never heard anyone I know say they would even consider an optic.

    Not to be a smartass,,,but may be your circle of friends is small. Our VP carries with optic(RMR). Until recently, there were not reliable optics that fit the need. A slide mount optic/laser is perfect for older folks.

  4. isnt today the Board mtg that decides our Carry Optics fate?? Here's hoping that the 35 ounce weight restriction goes away.


    I believe the discussion by the BOD will be "if" they have enough data to move CO from Provisional to a fully recognized USPSA Division. I would bet the weight issue would be a rule change down the road if Provisional status is removed.

    I think lifting the weight would piss off more people than it would please. For those in the camp of "I want to use my ACCU Shadow(or what gun I have), are you really going to pay $150 for slide milling + 300 to 500 for an optic and change the purpose of a $1600 base gun?

    We are not IDPA, but I see CO Division created to support guns you would really carry concealed. Concealed Carry licences are through the roof. Personally, I don't want to see Open type guns in CO. I shoot open 99% of the time, but as soon as I have a solid CO gun I will be shooting CO. I might even shoot the CO Nats in Barry. I have LE friends that carry Optic guns and they are making plans to shoot Barry.

  5. Hello: I mark the ejector pin with a small scriber and use a Dremel with a tapered carbide burr to make the cut. I cut it when the ejector is removed. Some ejectors are harder than others so the drill bit is not the best way I think. Thanks, Eric

    I agree. Break the bit and you have a real BIG problem.

  6. People seem to be throwing around the statements "it will attract new shooters" and "it will not atract new shooters" like they are scientifically proven facts ..... It's all conjecture and anecdotal evidence at best at this point ... No one really knows what will happen until it happens. Who wants to argue that SS, L10 & Revo have high enough participation levels to warrent keeping them as divisions yet they've been around for years .... Once the division is made real and is around for a couple of years, only then will you know if it's worth keeping ..

    I'm getting flashbacks to Pelosi's statement about Obamacare.

    But in all seriousness, I agree with what you're saying to a certain extent.

    CO was granted provisional status based on the arguments and rationale that it would help grow the sport. I'm sure you can understand that any time an individual or group makes an unsubstantiated claim or rationale, there will be debate.

    Debating is a good thing. You can't fault someone for having an opinion that CO will grow the sport. Only time will tell if the that rationale was valid. I wasn't around then, but I wonder what the rationale was for open. I'll bet someone used the same rationale for open. How many off the street join USPSA to shoot open-not many, but open is a big part of USPSA. I can see people joining USPSA because of off-the-shelf CO guns.

  7. What dies are you seating and crimping with? If that were due to flare and occurring during the seating operation you would see the coating on the shell plate I would think. Way over crimping could do that. I've pulled a lot of finish Bayou 147 and 124 and sometimes I'll see a very, very narrow band part way around where I can see the lead; probably not unexpected with mixed brass.

    I'm using the Dillon dies.

    Looks like your flair is O.K. but I think you are crimping too much to produce that type of scrape.

    Hmm...I'm new to this, but to my eye the final crimp looks like it just removed the flare. Here is a finished round.


    In this picture-i see a ring right where the crimp is. You are over-crimping. Iif you see a shiny ring at the end of the case, it is over crimped. Are you using a Lee U sizing die? The Lee U die is good thing and you need very little crimp with a u-die..

  8. Yeah, if we're going to promote something, let's promote singlestack, because every reasonable person already *has* a 1911 (and that's my preferred division, heh heh).

    Really? Single Stack--ever tried to get in SS Nationals. SS needs no help. :cheers:

    Yes, I shot nats last year. Had no trouble getting in.... but I read the instructions.

    But it should be promoted at the local level, with more ss-specific matches. USPSA has done nothing to promote this division. In fact, the only people promoting it have been the ones that wanted it in the first place......... :o

    Are you talking SS or CO now? I am a MD and I don't "promote" any division at my matches. I support all USPSA Divisions.

  9. Here are some data points pulled from the January 2016 Classification update.......

    Number of USPSA members with Classifications in each Division. Keep in mind that these numbers include active USPSA memberships and Life memberships of shooters who may not be participating any more.

    LTD - 11414

    PRD - 9232

    OPN - 5942

    L10 - 5929

    SS - 4747

    REVO - 1627

    CO - 43

    Looking at the numbers above, with CO only capturing the interest of 43 shooters dedicated enough to even achieve a classification, this isn't looking like an overwhelming amount of interest. Or something that was missing from the line up which would bring in a crap ton of new shooters. I also want to point out that out of the 43 classified CO shooters there is only 1 person that ONLY has Carry Optics classifier results. To me this looks like with the adoption of Carry Optics as a division it has gained USPSA 1 new shooter....... Let me repeat....... 1 new shooter........... Maybe its too early to rule CO as a failed attempt at a new division based on these data points? As others have said, USPSA has done a horrible job of marketing the new division so new or existing shooters may not even know about it? The way I see it, CO has a hell of a long way to go in order to even get the to REVO level of classified shooters. Do we really need another "Revo" type of division for a few dudes that refuse to shoot/use what the masses do? Personally, I would say NO. But I really don't have a dog in this hunt.

    I hear what your saying--but it is too early to be making any decisions based on classification data. Saying, "with CO only capturing the interest of 43 shooters dedicated enough to even achieve a classification" --is a bit premature. In many parts of the country, it is to cold to have matches. Let's see what the numbers say around October 2016.

  10. Yeah, if we're going to promote something, let's promote singlestack, because every reasonable person already *has* a 1911 (and that's my preferred division, heh heh).

    Really? Single Stack--ever tried to get in SS Nationals. SS needs no help. :cheers:

  11. I have shot CO at 4 matches already, at another match I had to use my CO gun in Open because they hadn't entered CO in their Practiscore yet. (they plan to have it ready for next months match).


    Don't let them fool you. Practiscore has the Div and before they added it to the software--you could create a DIV for a match.

  12. You don't need to mill a slide to try it out, there are plenty of dovetail mounts available for many of the applicable guns.

    Participation is low at the moment for all the reasons that others have stated, and as I have stated here and on the USPSA forums, USPSA has done NOTHING to promote this division since it was provisionally declared.

    I have been shooting this setup since July 2014, including Area 3 and the Combined Nationals (though I had to drop out due to magazine problems at Nationals). I was shooting Open/Minor, ten rounds in every magazine.

    Try finding a dovetail to fit a RTS2 AND a P09.

    You say they are not promoting CO...What should they do?

  13. Perhaps if they opened it up to more guns, more people would shoot it.

    Ask a smith that can mill slides for an optic--How long is the wait time----You get just about the same answer... 8 Weeks. People can't shoot the Division if they don't have a gun!!!

  14. Hi,

    I have 5 18-round magazines that I have been using for practice only (I shoot matches with Mecgar mags only).

    I have never liked the original mags but they worked okay for around 15K rounds. Recently I started experiencing a lot of FTF issues with those magazines while the mecgar ones work alright. So I bought the +10% springs and finally cleaned the mags:). It did not fix the problem, however. Do I need to tune the mags once in a while or are they just done and good for dryfire only from now on?



    I have 5 18-round magazines that I have been using for practice only (I shoot matches with Mecgar mags only).

    I have never liked the original mags but they worked okay for around 15K rounds. Recently I started experiencing a lot of FTF issues with those magazines while the mecgar ones work alright. So I bought the +10% springs and finally cleaned the mags:). It did not fix the problem, however. Do I need to tune the mags once in a while or are they just done and good for dryfire only from now on?


    Ask Stuart at CZ Custom.

  15. one thing i have noticed is the lack of a refund policy in many of the matches registered via practice score. even a big match such as A1 does not say anything about a refund. So if i register and find out later i can not go does that mean i lose my money? i emailed the listed email and got no reply. i have no issues with losing my money if the policy is stated upfront so i can have a choice to join or not.

    A2 is a great example of a refund policy listed. they told you when and how much the penalty would be for cancellation.

    When in doubt--Ask the MD.

  16. In the last few weeks I have noticed that every time I turn off my computer, microsoft is dumping "updates" into my computer.... some of these took more than 30 minutes to download.

    My computer runs fine, I don't want it screwed up and I sure as heck don't want any windows 10 junk stuck in my PC.

    Any way to block these downloads I don't want?

    Do not turn off "updates". MS pushes security updates. Yes they take awhile, better than someone getting your financial data if you use your computer for online banking.

  17. Precision Delta 124 jhps are $7 cheaper per 1000 if you buy 2000 or more.

    MG are worth the extra $7.

    PD take less powder and seals better. I don't see any lead my comp now. The other side--the gas is working the comp better also.

    I've never heard that before - thanks for the input.

    I've been using MG for 8 years now - have to learn more about

    these PD's. :cheers:

    Precision Delta is not new to the bullet game.

    They have been producing quality ammunition and jacketed bullets for a long time.

    They are also a long time sponsor of USPSA, and have been, and I believe still are, the official match ammunition of USPSA.

    Check em out... I think you'll like what you find.

    Agreed, but for the longest time the only bullet they produced for an open gun in 9 was FMJ (exposed lead base). PDs 115 JHP and 124 JHP in 9 are great. Very accurate in my open gun. PD also ships the bullets in an easier to use box. MG you get one USPS box with 4 thousand bullets in a plastic bag. Most would not care, but for someone with a bad back--PD boxes are better.

  18. Being 6'4 I built my bench higher than most but didn't think about the plan of adding a case feeder had to start over and lower it 12"

    Me too! but I can stand and see into the case when I set the bullet. The only time I need to see into case feeder is to clean it. Ladder is cheaper than adjusting my bench. I can sit in a height adjustable stool when cleaning or working on guns.

  19. Generally guys want their 6" slides the weight of a 5"

    So tri top it and you'll get your weight off evenly distributed. W/o much chance of slide failure

    You must be extremely careful when tri-topping. The ejection port will crack!!!!!!!!!! Best not to tri-top or shave it like your face.. How do I know they crack at the ejection ports....$800 for new slide fitting and different cuts. it happens pretty quick too.

  20. In my 650 supercomp was fine with the 9mm/38s plate.

    With my 1050 it gets crushed quite a bit. If you have a 9mm shellplate id try it first. Esp on a 550 with no case feeder.

    The advantage of using the 223 shell plate for 38 SC--only 38SC makes it into the shell plate. Many extractors do not function for both calibers. If you buy new brass, then 9/38 shell plate is ok.

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