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Posts posted by JJB05

  1. 4 hours ago, Brooke said:

    I bought both a 40 and a 9 Nemesis last fall. The 9 only has about 4000 rounds on it but its been perfect. The 40 is about 8000 and will be my primary USPSA gun. The 40 has also been perfect. These are my first 1911 design guns. Up until now I've shot several different CZ's.


    I had no CZ problems and still own several. However the Atlas guns are like Cadillacs versus the Chevrolet CZ's. I'll never go back and I will keep buying from Atlas. They answer any question I have and treat me like a customer likes being treated. 


    I am more than pleased with Atlas guns and Atlas itself.


    Love my Nemesis as well.  They have been nothing but professional with me as well.

  2. On 2/2/2019 at 9:27 PM, Jfitz427 said:

    Skip the sti, especially for 3999. To many problems reported from people, constant trips back to the manufacturer. From what I’ve seen the problems they have a really stupid too, ones that are due to a lack of attention to detail, and bad QC. For 4K Don at venom customs could build you basically a full custom open gun that will run like a Swiss watch. Built to all your specs. My gun is almost done, mine wasn’t a full build, frame and slide where already fit, but he had to do everything else. He started on it on Thursday, he says it will he done tomorrow (Sunday). Some of the top shooters at nationals were shooting his guns. His prices are incredibly reasonable. But you could also look at a CK, definitely very solid guns, and also very reasonable prices. And they’re will run out of the box. With Sti these days it’s seems like a gun running out of the box is the exception, not the rule. 




    Jfitz- how long is the lead time on Venon guns? 

  3. 1 minute ago, CHA-LEE said:

    JJB05> I can totally agree with you on that as well. Fundamental build quality should happen from the manufacture or gunsmith. No argument there. What comes into play in that situation is how well the manufacture or gunsmith handles the issues. The way I see it, buying a custom gun should have two major factors considered. The first factor is the gun and the second is the customer service. We have to accept the fact that no matter what a business claims their product reliability or quality will be, there will always be exceptions to those claims. Stuff breaks, people screw things up, and unforeseen situations happen. Such is life in everything we do. What really matters is how the business handles these unfortunate situations. Do they make it right or do they leave you high and dry? I am yet to see Atlas Gunworks leave customers high and dry. They usually go above and beyond in helping customers through issues even when the issues are not caused by their products.


    Once again, I totally agree and to my knowledge any issues have been resolved to the satisfaction of the customer.  I believe what my friends and the other people at my club have issues with are "minor" details that should be rectified before the gun ever gets to the end-user, although the hammer dropping without the trigger being pressed is definitely a safety issue.  Personally, i have no issues with my gun or Atlas in general.  Adam, from Atlas has always taken the time to talk to me about everything associated with my gun and I would get another one.  Just that 2 out of 2 of my friends that recently purchased had to send back within a day or two of getting theirs and it has soured numerous members of my club.  

  4. 1 minute ago, CHA-LEE said:

    These same type of "Gun Issue" stories can be found for any manufacture or high end gunsmith. The mixture of custom built guns, random magazine configurations, reloaded ammo, random maintenance practices and limited platform knowledge is not a guaranteed recipe for success. Any 2011 or 1911 built with the purpose of competition use WILL require more care and proactive maintenance than an off the shelf plastic fantastic gun. I believe this is the number one issue new custom 2011/1911 owners find out the hard way. Just because you pay a premium for a custom gun doesn't mean that you can ignore all of the required supporting elements needed to keep it running reliably. 


    The easiest way to to put this into perspective is comparing custom 2011/1911's to high performance race cars and off the shelf plastic fantastic pistols are daily commuters. You absolutely can't expect a Baja 1000 Trophy Truck to perform reliably if its used and maintained like an F150 Farm Truck. But this is exactly what a lot of new custom 2011/1911 owners expect to happen.


    I agree with that totally...however, i think we can all agree that the issues i described from my friends were straight from the shop and not after a few months of use.  When mags don't even fit halfway into the grip that is not user error.  That is lack of attention to detail.  

  5. I have a buddy who has posted on here about his Titan that he had no issues with.  I shot his gun numerous times and it led me to get a Nemesis.  I have had no issues with my gun at all.  A couple guys recently purchased Titans.  One had his gun delivered past the advertised (at the time) 60 day guarantee.  He ordered 6 mags and 4 of them literally (i am not exaggerating) did not fit in the gun.  How on earth a firearm can leave the shop with mags not even fitting in the gun is beyond me.  He sent the gun back and the problem was rectified.  Another friend from the cub just received his Titan last week.  We had it to the range this weekend and the grip safety, although pinned, had a significant amount of movement.  He was having issues (purely personal preference) with the new atlas safety, which has a wider ledge.  He would upon reloading bump the safety up.  I witnessed on two occasions that when he pushed the safety back down it dropped the hammer, without him pulling the trigger.  He has since repeated this phenomenon on video, however i will not post it without his approval.  The hammer fell, when pushing the safety off  without pulling the trigger.  He filled out the online warranty form and they sent him a shipping label and it is back at Atlas now.  Now i have a bunch of other friends that have Atlas Titans, Nemesis' and Chaos' and have had no issue.  I too, have not had any issues with my Nemesis.  But it is concerning that two of my friends that recently received their Titans, have both had to send it back within days of receiving it for issues.  Personally, at this time I would get another Atlas, but know other guys at my club that were thinking of getting them have now decided not to.

  6. USPSA is pretty good about putting all the minutiae in describing how the classifiers are to be built.  If a match director can't follow the basic instructions, it reflects poorly on him/her and the affiliated club.  Attention to detail is essential for the classifiers.  If it is wrong throw it out.

  7. I usually have it real bad when shooting in cold conditions.  I think, like others have said, when you are too tense it tends to happen.  Try to loosen up...i tend to shoot some hoser drills at some point during my practice, mainly because it is fun as hell shooting fast, but i want to try to condition myself to not tense up when shooting fast.

  8. 7 hours ago, B_RAD said:

    170's for start. I like 155's for reloads. 140's are fine too but why not go 155's if you're buying new mags?  You get them seated sooner and they carry more ammo. 



    How many can you fit in the 155's?

  9. On 1/30/2019 at 7:48 PM, jcc7x7 said:

    Partner up with a couple of guys to pick brass for the squad while others are resetting.

    you get your brass and everyone else gets theirs.

    Some will tell you or your partners they don't want it, more for your pile.


    At my 2-3 local clubs the brass pickers are considered helping reset the stage.

    2-3 people make for time to be ready to shoot when it's your turn.

    Even a small 8 person squad can do this.

    2 ro's  imbedded in the squad, shooter, on deck shooter, guy who just finished shooting, 3 people left,( 1 brass picker 2 to paste and set steel)

    sometimes when I'm the RO I'll tape as I call the targets, unless it's a target that maybe questioned, then I'll leave it for the shooter to look at and one of the paster /steel setters will get it pasted.


    Holy cow, Batman, that means everybody has to do something (thus the hard part)


    So you have 3 people to pick up brass, reset and paste? That seems like a lot of pasting for a couple people, especially on a long field course.  At the 3-4 clubs i shoot at regularly not 1 person picks up brass....everyone helps reset and paste. If someone decided to pick up brass while other people were resetting they would be quickly admonished.  But thats just how things go at the clubs i shoot at.

  10. 4 hours ago, fbzero said:


    Still going to test it with 200gr projectiles, but haven't gotten around to it yet due to work and the cold.  My testing with 180's(Blue Bullets and SNS) overall has been positive.  Not temperature sensitive, meters well, and the feel of the recoil seems pretty similar to the N320.  Accuracy and SD's are a bit better than N320 for me, but I've not gotten most stick powders to meter as well in the Dillon drops so that is likely why.  They don't drop horrible by any means, but SP is dead on nearly every time, as opposed to +/- 0.1gr with N320 for me.  Seems to be pretty clean to me.  Maybe not quite as clean as N320, but nothing like TG or a lot of the other powders I've used.


    I'd still have a hard time picking between SP and Prima SV for .40 though.  SD's and accuracy seem similar, SV is dirtier without a doubt.  Both meter excellent, though the SV takes a while to settle before achieving that consistency.  At major PF though, SV is really hard to beat on the feel of the recoil for me.  Then again, it might not be possible to get anymore, so we'll see.  Also still haven't gotten to test SP with 200gr's yet, which is what I shoot the most in USPSA.  Once I get that testing done, my thoughts on the subject could change.


    Thanks good info to have...will have to switch to SP once my VV runs out.

  11. On 4/19/2018 at 10:27 AM, Doublehelix said:


    Funny you say that, because that is my plan exactly! I am going to make up some more loads, then go out with a clean gun and put a few hundred down the pipe, checking the cleanliness of the gun every 100 rounds just to see how it looks. This will be part of my accuracy testing.


    The N320 is clean, but it is definitely not as soft shooting as Sport Pistol or even WST IMHO. It is a Gold Standard for a reason, don't get me wrong, but I am liking what I see with Sport Pistol so far.


    More testing is needed to be sure however...


    Interesting i didn't know that Sport Pistol was softer than N320.  I currently use N320 but my LGS isn't able to get it anymore since the distributor isn't carrying it.  I have 6 pounds of VV left but have heard it is basically like N320 and the OP's chronology data is basically the same as my 320 data...will have to try that when I run out...i don't feel N320 is that harsh, but if   Sport Pistol is softer i will give it a try.

  12. 30 minutes ago, shred said:

    A couple people with paster guns can paste an entire stage faster than half a dozen without.  Even without there's no need for everyone to run out every time and reset one or two targets.


    If done right, it adds no time for a couple brass pickers to do their thing.  But, lazy being what it is, that died around here back in the 90s when .40 brass got cheap and those shooters said "I don't want my brass back, so I'm not going to pick up yours". 


    Now if you want it back, mark it and get it after the match or pick up one or two at a time when you can on the way by.




    I have probably shot 30-40 matches in the last two years and can count on 2 fingers the times anyone had a paster gun.  The more people you have pasting and resetting the faster the next person shoots.  quite a  concept.  

  13. 5 minutes ago, davidb72 said:

    I'd encourage you to look into the Akai guns as well. They really seem to have open guns figured out. Their shooters consistently finish at the top of open division in National, Area, and Sectional matches.


    Thanks for the info sir! i will check them out.  I like winners.

  14. On 10/7/2018 at 10:52 PM, motosapiens said:

    if you're only picking up your own brass, or stealing others, then I agree. but if 2 people pick up brass and return it to the shooter while the other 6 people reset the stage in the exact same time it takes for 8 people to reset the stage, I appreciate it.


    Well then why doesn't everyone reset and get it done a lot faster,  then you can all pick up the brass after everyone has shot the stage?

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