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Posts posted by Rich406

  1. 20 minutes ago, deerslayer said:


    I don't think match directors are mandated to recognize provisional divisions, thus the "optional" wording.  The way I read it, LO will be available at L2 matches in 2023 if the MD desires and at L3 matches in 2024 if the MD wants it.  

    If that’s the case I can’t think of any reason for it not to be allowed in all matches.  

  2. It’s interesting that the minutes say optional for level 2 in 2023. Optional for level 3 in 2024. Nationals  maybe in 2025.

    I read that as won’t be offered at level 3 area matches in 2023.


    or maybe it means optional for level 2 & 3 for 2023, and mandatory level 2, optional for level 3 in 2024???


    Poorly written. 

  3. 8 hours ago, Stmark73 said:

     If it was a coincidence? Would CO grow rapidly as it is now if it was still using Production rules?

    CO would still be very popular even if it was a lower capacity. Those who think otherwise are not paying attention to what’s going on outside USPSA. 

    Iron sights are on their way out. Pretend I’m wrong if you want to. 

  4. 4 hours ago, Stmark73 said:


    Yes popularity of CO came about when mag capacity went up to what ever fits the 140 mm mag. When I started shooting CO, there where only 1 or 2 shooters in the clubs that I shoot at. 

    It exploded when rules for CO became like Limited.

    This all coincides with the rising popularity of dots in general. And the availability of dot ready guns. 

  5. 5 hours ago, waktasz said:

    I saw a cop in Salt Lake City Airport carrying a Staccato and 4 170mm mags in a chest rig...


    Was he cruising along on his Segway? I saw one there a few years ago in full body armor, M4, pistol, taser and enough ammo for an entire squad. The dude was probably carrying 100lb of s#!t and needed the Segway just to get around.

  6. 2 hours ago, Joe4d said:

    disagree,, CO went nowhere when it was 10 rounds, plus even after the change all the dots on the market were junk and wernt holding up. No doubt in my mind if the division had basically been full capacity production,, CO would have never grown like it has.  BOD knows that also. Which is why they are requiring optics,, gotta make the sponsors happy


    That statement is ridiculous and completely blind to what’s actually going on.


    Call them a fad, crutch, or way of the future, but the simple fact is, dots are extremely popular. The vast majority of new shooters show up with some kind of dot. 

    The popularity of dots in USPSA is simply mirroring the hobby in general. 

  7. 18 minutes ago, Joe4d said:

    winner winner chicken dinner..
    Only reason CO took off,, people want to shoot basic off the shelf reasonable priced guns with standard factory cheap 9mm ammo.

    That’s far from the only reason CO took off..

  8. 49 minutes ago, waktasz said:

    I recently ran out of Federal SPP and started using Fed Magnum SPP...but these things don't load in my DAA Primter Pro collater. It will run for a few minutes and only one or two will end up in the primer tube. Is there any way to adjust something on this machine to get it to work? I guess the primers are slightly different dimensions


    The only primers I could get to work reliably in the primer pro were CCI.


    that said, I could get other brands to work ok, if everything was clean and given a shot of pledge. since it’s the same brand, you might try loosening the primer disc slightly. And in extreme cases you could try Sauls advice of lubing the primers with silicon…



  9. 35 minutes ago, MHicks said:

    Are you guys pretty confident that if LO ended up being dropped that they would just go ahead and allow SA guns in CO? Much of a chance that they wouldn't? 

    There is no way to know for sure.


    opinions here are highly biased depending on the posters opinion on LO.

  10. 14 minutes ago, usmc1974 said:

     You know what's funny, back in 82 that's about all we had division 1  a 1911 Open had a Had a compensator and maybe adjustable sites and 9 round mag... Then we had division 2 1911 no compensator maybe adjustable sites a 7/8 round mag....lol... Maybe some crazy man shooting a revolver..... lol... And everybody was happy. Well almost everybody you can't make everybody happy.


    no internet

    10 channels of cable (if you were lucky)

    landline , no cell phones

    gas was under a buck.


    nostalgia is great, but times have changed, drastically. 


  11. 13 minutes ago, abigger04 said:

    Were the provisional rules addressing capacity limits in production adopted? Or just the limited optics rules?

    Next time the board can make a change to an existing division is January 31st 2024. They are just letting it ride until then Most likely. 

  12. 15 minutes ago, RJH said:



    For some reason I can't open that file, was it any different than the original proposed division?

    Looked exactly the same. 
    I’d like to see something directly from USPSA though. 

  13. 6 hours ago, mandiesel said:

    Looks like I still have some time to go...... Im considering cancelling the order.. which may be easier said than done at this point.  Im not sure I received an invoice, and if i did, it got deleted by mistake.  The charge is definitely on my CC though..

    it’ll show up eventually. Could he do better on customer service, no doubt. But it’s one guy, would you rather have him making product or answering emails all day? 

    theres lots of people out there that offer a great product or service, but can’t manage their business for s#!t.. Am I making excuses for the guy? Maybe. But it’s the reality of the situation. 

  14. 9 hours ago, jpeters11 said:

    No, running wolf 12lb variable springs and 135ish pf 124gr 


    Like I said, that's interesting. I tried probably 10 difference combinations of spring, tube and base pad. none of them would run 10 out of 10 times. Some would run most of the time but not always. Some of them were so tight, I was barely able to get 24 round in.


    I wasn't able to get one to run 100% until I removed some material from the base pad.


    If you were able to just plug and play 8 magazines, with zero issues, that makes me wonder what the difference is.

  15. 8 minutes ago, jpeters11 said:

    I’ve got 8 140mm mags. Henning rx pads on 4 and TTI on the other 4. Rune followers and springs in all. Easy 24+1 in all of them. No grinding other than the tubes of the Rx ones. 

    No errors or failure to feed when starting at 24+1? That’s interesting. 

  16. 2 hours ago, X5SigChris said:

    I’ve heard good things about the rune but I suppose nothing is perfect. Sick’s you’re having issues with both, Rich406. I’d like to try one or the other though as my local has numerous 24 round stages and I’m starting to feel confident enough to run with a 24+1. 

    pretty much everyone I’ve heard of that’s gotten them to run 100% had to grind the base pad. 

    I don’t think it’s that big of a deal to do. But it’s definitely not plug and play. 

  17. 2 hours ago, echotango said:

    Has anyone tried these?  In 2011's their follower always let rounds past the follower so I am a bit skeptical on the super this follower. Just wondering on the reliability. 

    I’ve tried both rune and mbx. Sometime they work, sometimes they dont. I think there is enough variance in the tube bodies, basepads and range brass for them not to reliably work.


    that said, I was able to get some to work reliably by grinding some additional room inside the base pad with a demel…

    it’s a very fine line, and I ruined the first couple basepads by removing too much.

  18. 8 minutes ago, BritinUSA said:

    There's more thought in his post than in a survey, and he explained why he did not complete it. 

    The org should do what is good for the sport, not what is just good for revenue. As he stated the org flourished when it had far fewer members than it does now, and it did. This is why I think there is room for two practical shooting sports, USPSA and a US-IPSC.


    I think there are a few competitors who would be more than happy to leave the current org and shoot under an international rule-set.

    He didn’t bother with the poll, and hasn’t shot the sport in years. I didn’t bother with his wall of text after that came out. 

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