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Everything posted by anonymouscuban

  1. Cool man. Thanks. I just feel bad sweeping it all down range. Seems like a waste. Shit, I would feel better even just giving it away to someone that reloads. I guess I am gonna start collecting it in buckets. LOL Sent from my SM-G930F using Tapatalk
  2. When you say send it to Freedom Munitions, what do you mean? Do they buy it or is it like a donation or something? Admittedly do not know too much about them other than they sell reloaded ammo for cheap. Sent from my SM-G930F using Tapatalk
  3. I currently do not reload. I shoot all new factory 9mm ammo. Should collect my brass to sell it or maybe store in case I ever decide to reload? Is there a market for 9mm brass? Sent from my SM-G930F using Tapatalk
  4. Thanks. Gonna continue to work on these things. I have gotten to know the guys at the range and I try to go midweek during the day, when there's no one there. They seem to ignore me for the most part so hopefully I can keep under their radar. Sent from my SM-G930F using Tapatalk
  5. Thank Demon. I think you're right about the flinch. It's funny because since this post, I started pushing things a bit at the range as far as the cadence of follow up shots. What I mean is that they don't allow rapid fire. So I've been testing to see what I can get away with. What I noticed is that when I fire a few rounds in quick succession, I don't flinch and I don't get flyers. Again, that reinforces that I'm flinching. When I slow fire, I have more time to think about the recoil. I'm going to take my wife to the range next time. I just picked up a SA 1911 Loaded Target chambered in 9mm and I want her to shoot it with me. I will have her load some dummies and shoot some video. I agree that this will help me see where I need to improve. I will post the video for the forums critique as well. Alex
  6. Lately I've been really trying to focus both my dry fire and live fire training on getting my sight picture and alignment down as quick as possible from the draw. I've also been working on follow through and tracking my sights between shots too. I was really struggling with flinching and blinking in anticipation of the recoil. The last couple trips to the range, I wore ear plugs under my ear muffs. I also really tried to stay relaxed and pay attention more to what was happening AFTER the trigger pull. Not sure which one helped but I'm mostly keeping my eyes open during the recoil, seeing the front sight go up and then settle back down. I also noticed that the flinching has improved. One thing I do sometimes that is really frustrating is that I hesitate to fire and in that split second, I lower the muzzle a bit. I then fire and my shot is off several inches. I'm not sure if this has more to do with follow through or what. I don't do it often but when I do, it's really frustrating. I've really fought the habit I developed early on of looking to the target after each shot. Maybe this what I'm doing on these occasional lapses? Not sure. Gonna work on that at the range tomorrow. The other thing I did recently is I changed out the night sights on my SP-01 to a fixed rear black sight and a front fiber optic sight. Man has this made is it a lot easier for me to quickly acquire the front sight and really get it in focus. Huge improvement. One thing I noticed today during dry fire practice is that outside, in daylight, I'm able to easily focus on my front sight with both eyes open, getting a nice sight picture and alignment. However, when I come inside, I struggle with double vision, my focus getting lost, etc. I'm gonna try the tape over my weak eye on my glasses to see if it helps. I think it will because if I just squint slightly with my weak eye, I'm able to acquire my front sight nicely. Not really sure why I'm posting this. I guess just to share my progress with you guys. My wife is tired of hearing about it. LOL
  7. Very weird thing... So the day I started this thread, I went to the Dawson site to check out the FO sites they offer based on some of the feedback. I placed the Competition Fixed Sight Set in the shopping cart. I didn't check out. I know I didn't because I was waiting for more feedback before I decided. I got a call today that they shipped the sights to me but never charged my card. I explain to the lady I never placed the order so it doesn't surprise me that they never charged my credit card; I never entered one on the sight. Well... I check my spam folder and sure enough, I have an email with a tracking number. I told the gal that I haven't deciding on the sights yet. I will either keep them and give her my CC at that time or ship them back. Very odd. I do 99% of my shopping online. This is a first for me.
  8. WORD! I've been working on stuff to hopefully prevent a DQ. At home, I set up some targets in my backyard and I have practiced moving from target to target, making sure when I'm not engaging the target, I have my finger along the slide. I've also been practicing drawing and turning around to my right (my holster side) for those stages where you start facing up range. Figured that if I turn left, I stand a really good chance of sweeping everyone watching. Turning right, I won't sweep anyone. Also the 180 rule as well. That's the one that I'm worried about the most but figure if I take it slow, I should be good. Anything else I should drill into myself that will keep me from getting DQ'd?
  9. I was checking out Cajun's. It looks like they have a set that is actually made by Dawson for them. Says it requires no drilling.
  10. Drill on the sight itself or the slide of the pistol?
  11. Hey guys. I have a standard CZ 75 SP-01. Still have the stock night glow sights. I plan on shooting Production with it. Have a couple a few questions. Are fiber optic sights legal in Production? Should I go with FO front sight and blacked out rear? Do you have any recommendations for FO sights? Lastly, are the just drop-in and shoot or will I have to do some sight alignment at the range? Thanks everyone for the help.
  12. UGH. 40-50 yards. That gives me heartburn just thinking about it. I've been practicing everyday at home with dry fire. Things like drawing to get a consistent grip. Drawing and getting a good sight picture against a white wall. Drawing to first trigger pull. Mag changes while moving. I've also been working on my trigger pull which I think I have. I'm not great but I've seen improvement each day that I practice. The one big issue I have right now is jerking the muzzle in anticipation of the boom. I've gotten better. I have my wife load a couple dummy rounds in my mag to see how much I flinch. It's minimal but its there. The interesting thing is that when I went to shoot with some friends, where we were practicing drills that required more double shots between targets and shooting on the move, I did much better with this. I think maybe my mind was more occupied so I didn't have time to think about the recoil. I'm going to the range today and am going to add plugs in addition to my ear muffs to see if the sound reduction will help me with the flinch. I'm also going to focus on not blinking between shots. I know I do this and I know it's probably adding to this problem in addition to not tracking my sights. In the end, trying not to stress over all of this. As I said, I'm a very new shooter and I know that if I stick with the drills and practice, it will come. I know I'm doing a lot of things right so I try not to get discouraged. I'm having fun and I am safe so that's what is important to me in this stage of my shooting.
  13. What would you guys say is the average distance to target? What I've heard and read is that if you can hit an 11x8.5" piece of paper at 10 yards with 8 of 10 rounds, you are good enough to at least not make a total ass of yourself. I can put all 10 consistently. However, as a new shooter, I'm still working on my marksmanship. I want to practice in live fire and dry fire as much as I can before July and my first match. I have some scale down targets for home dry fire. I want to practice getting consistent sight picture and stuff for what I will see most and worry about the longer shots later. Sent from my SM-G930F using Tapatalk
  14. Front to back would be logical choice now that I think about it. There will be stages where you won't go through all your mags so it makes sense to start with the closest reach and work your way around to the back. Sent from my SM-G930F using Tapatalk
  15. When you guys reload, do you go for the front most mag and work your way backwards or back to front or random? Sent from my SM-G930F using Tapatalk
  16. I think you're gonna do great. I'm behind the curve quite a bit from you. I shot my 1st gun about a year ago. I bought my 1st pistol in Feb. I've been going to an indoor range about once a week since then. Shooting paper. Quite limiting. I did get to go out to BLM land with a group of friends that shoot. We set up some targets so I was able to get a taste of shooting from the draw, transitions, and shooting on the move. Man did I have fun. Only made me want to compete more. I'm nursing a broken neck right now. Wearing a cervical collar so I was really limited in what I could do. Did it while surfing. I get it off next month and start PT. Hoping I can do my 1st match in July. Till then, lots of dry fire with the holster, mag swaps, etc. Just trying to practice this as much as possible. This post has been really helpful. Hope you don't mind me asking questions as well. Don't want to hijack [emoji12] Sent from my SM-G930F using Tapatalk
  17. Cool. Thanks for that. I plan on shooting Production. At least at this point. Sent from my SM-G930F using Tapatalk
  18. Regarding the safety again... I have a DA/SA with a manual safety. I understand that I will have to start with the hammer decocked so my 1st shot will be DA. Will I also have to have the safety engaged? Sent from my SM-G930F using Tapatalk
  19. Question from another new guy... Reading the rule book, I could have swore reading that you must engage the safety when moving between targets. Yet, I don't see this mentioned anywhere else nor do I see this happening in all the videos on YouTube I've watched. Do you have to engage the safety when on the move? Sent from my SM-G930F using Tapatalk
  20. Interesting debate. I read through the rules and the post. My conclusion is that if I swap out the grips to another set that has the same profile as the factory grips I should be ok. I'm gonna practice some more with the stock grips to see if i can tune my technique some. Sent from my SM-G930F using Tapatalk
  21. I'm appreciate the suggestion. It may be something i just have to live with and practice. Sent from my SM-G930F using Tapatalk
  22. I'm planning on shooting Production Class. Is something like this paddle release Prod legal? Sent from my SM-G930F using Tapatalk
  23. I started practicing swapping out mags to get quicker. One thing I quickly noticed is that I have to adjust the pistol slightly in my right hand in order to reach the mag release button with my right thumb. I'm shooting a CZ SP-01 with the stock rubber grips. Is it ideal to not have to adjust your grip to release the mag? Could thinner grips help me if so? Any other suggestions? Oh... please move if this is not the right forum for this post. Sent from my SM-G930F using Tapatalk
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