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Everything posted by anonymouscuban

  1. I found this pic posted earlier in the thread. Hope this helps. Sent from my SM-G930F using Tapatalk
  2. Well, with all this reloading on my mind, I completely goofed and missed my local club's match last Sunday. I thought it was this coming Sunday. DOH!!! So I'm going to do the match on the 6th out in Prado Olympic Shooting Park. I've heard good things about the matches they host. Push myself out of the familiar and shoot somewhere different. Should be fun.
  3. You guys think that's impressive, I failed to mention that I can do it while standing on one leg holding the pistol weak hand. Sent from my SM-G930F using Tapatalk
  4. Just to be clear. I can shoot 3" groups at 250 yards with a pistol. And anytime I don't, it's for sure the fault of load inaccuracy. [emoji57] Sent from my SM-G930F using Tapatalk
  5. I am brand new to reloading so base what I'm about to say on that but I just loaded 250 of the 135 TC and 147 FP for my CZ SP-01. I was able to load with an OAL of 1.150 no problem. I fired 100 rounds with no feed issues. Plunk tested fine. This is the first set of bullets I've loaded but I have read that CZ also must load short for the round nose BBs.
  6. I will beat a dead horse here... Find a local match and do it already!! I shot my first match this past January. I wanted to do it the year before but kept putting it off. Wanted to get better. What a waste of time. I had everything I need to compete the year before when it came to skill and that was being safe with my gun. Muzzle awareness, trigger discipline, etc. You really just need to get out there and shoot a match. I also don't know anyone that competes. Hell, I don't know anyone that shoots pistols more than a couple of times a year. I called the match director the week before to get the low down and let him know I was going. Showed up a little early. Told them I was new. They had me wait a sign ups and paired me up with a guy. We then joined a squad. Everyone was extremely helpful, accommodating and encouraging. Hell, even the one guy that was sort of a dick was really positive towards me, gave me tips and encouraged me. I left that day totally hooked and have become friends with the guy I was paired up with. We go practice together. He's been shooting UPSA since the late 80's and has been a tremendous help to me and my progress of becoming a Jedi Practical Shooter. I guarantee you will have the same experience as me. If you don't, I will buy you a hamburger next time I go up to Northern California. And hell, if you do start to compete, I'd love to shoot a match up there with you when I go to visit my daughter. She lives in North Sac.
  7. RGC. Here is an animation of the DA and SA action. It almost seems like the trigger bar is not engaging. No expert here so let's wait for the guys that know more than me. Sent from my SM-G930F using Tapatalk
  8. Here is RGC video guys. Hopefully one of you guys can help. Sent from my SM-G930F using Tapatalk
  9. Can you share the video you sent to them? If you need help posting the video, loadef up to YouTube and then send me the link in a PM. I can share here. Sent from my SM-G930F using Tapatalk
  10. Thanks for the load data and the advice. As to all of you, thank you for sharing what you know. All very helpful. I wanted to load my own bullets so I can shoot more. Although I want to do this correctly, I'm not really interested it trying a lot of different components and recipes. My goal starting out is to find a load that shoots well enough in my gun for the sport. And then just reproduce that load consistently for a while. I only shoot one caliber, that's 9mm. I don't see that changing for a while. Maybe if I move divisions to say limited in the future but I don't see that happening until I reach A classification in Production. It may be a bit lofty, but I set my goal to hit A class by the end of this year. My first year. I think I can do it but it will take a lot of practice and matches and that's gonna take a lot of rounds. As mentioned, I worked up some loads of blue bullets with tightgroup, WSP and mixed range brass. 125, 135 and 147. The loads that shot the best and were between 135 and 140 PF were 3.7, 3.5 and 3.2 respectively. I worked up the rest of the samples I got, about 200 rounds in each bullet weight to these respect loads. I will shoot the rest of these in practice on Friday and then determine the weight bullet I will order in bulk. Right now, I'm leaning towards the 147gr, 3.2gr TG, 1.15 OAL. I worked out some of the kinks that I had in my first runs of loading. I added some LED lights so I can see a lot better. I staying hyper focused when reloading. Got a good routine of visually looking inside each case as place the bullet to check powder. I am consistent with seating the primer correctly and doing a "wobble" test with every round once I load a batch. I'm also not rushing the process. I'm very confident of the recent rounds I've made. Learned a lot since making this post. Thanks to all of you. I'm excited to be able to shoot more because of my ability to make my own rounds and a reasonable price. I live in California and we have some new laws that take effect in July that will make buying ammo more expensive and will require a background check with every purchase. Wasn't looking forward to that. Reloading just made sense and its almost a necessity for us here in The Peoples Republic of Kalifornia. Sent from my SM-G930F using Tapatalk
  11. Another question... I was given some of this powder. It's old but was stored well. The container is unopened. I opened it and it smells fine. No odd chemical smell. Seems to not be fouled based on what I read on the interwebz on how to check if powder is good. Can this stuff be used for 9mm loads. All the load data I can find for "Unique" is for the brand Aliant. This is labeled Hercules. Not sure if it's the same stuff, just a company name change. I was given about 10 pounds of this stuff. I also got a pound of 3n37. Still sealed. Sent from my SM-G930F using Tapatalk
  12. Yup. Already! And it was a wakeup call for me. I didn't take it lightly. Made me realize how much attention to detail this endeavor requires. I will definitely be much more careful moving forward. Sent from my SM-G930F using Tapatalk
  13. Gotcha. And makes perfect sense and it's what I was thinking. But being so new at this, I wanted to make sure I wasn't doing anything wrong. All the bullets i made, with the exception of the squib, chambered and fired well out of my gun. No FTEs and the gun cycled nicely. Sent from my SM-G930F using Tapatalk
  14. Hey guys. Seems like the more I do this, the more questions I have. So there are quite a number of you that shoot CZ in 9mm. I have noticed many posts on reloading for CZ and stated COL values are much shorter than one I'm loading. I see values below 1.10 quoted in posts. So far, seems like 1.15 loads nicely for the bullet profiles I have loaded thus far. Is that it? The bullet profile? I'm loading truncated flat nose projectiles. Is it that others are loading a different profile like round nose? I just want to make sure I'm not missing something. Sent from my SM-G930F using Tapatalk
  15. That's the worse part. I have a powder check. But to be honest, the first set of rounds I loaded, I was so overwhelmed with trying to watch each station I was forgetting to look at the powder check. I then stopped trying to run multiple rounds at a time and just did one at a time for the next hundred just to get the hang of it. The like strikes happen all on SA pulls. And all fired on a second pull. I think one of them required 3 pulls which adds to the suspicion that it's a primer seating issue. I'm guessing the couple of strikes pushed the primer in a bit. I am running an extended firing pin and the reduced power firing pin spring as well. I'm running over to Wally World right now to pick up some LED light strips to add to the press. Also gonna see if I can find a small mirror. Gonna do everything I can for this to be my last squib. Really scared the crap out of me. Sent from my SM-G930F using Tapatalk
  16. Thanks guys. You're probably right about the primer not seating correctly. It was probably some of the first few rounds I made and I wasn't really quite sure how much pressure I needed on the lever to really get a good seat. I later realized that I could check primer seating by setting the case on a flat surface to see if it wobbles at all. I found a few. I should have went back through all the rounds I made to check them but didn't really think it was that crucial. Now I know. I guess this is all part of the learning process. Again, just glad I learned my lesson and still have all my fingers. Grump... I'm definitely going to see if I can fashion something together. Are there any mirror setups sold or is this going to be DIY?
  17. Went to the range today to live fire practice and to run some of the test rounds I made through the chrono. Did the chrono first. Went well. No issues. Then I shifted to doing some transition drills. Decided to use some of the rounds I had left from the test ones I made. About 30 rounds in, "floop"... that's the sound I heard. Luckily, I had the frame of mind to not fire the next shot. Sure enough, squib stuck in the barrel. Walked over to the reload shop and removed it from the barrel. Inspecting it with the older man that owns the range and works the reload shop, he thinks there was no powder at all in the round. Just the primer is what went off and jammed the round just barely into the barrel. It's kind of made me a little nervous. I went back up and finished my transition drills. Still had some rounds left that I made and forced myself to shoot those even though I was a little nervous about it. All fired well except for a couple of light primer strikes. Which brings up a different issue. I'm running WSP primers. My SP-01 is tuned with a Pro Package. I've run thousands of rounds through of various manufacturers and have never had a light primer strike. Thinking about it, I don't think I've ever shot Winchester ammo. Do other manufacturers not run Winchester primers? Should I move to Federal primers? Every round that had the light strike fired off on a second trigger pull. Not sure if this matters. Long story short. I really need to pay more attention and remove all distractions when I'm reloading. Fortunate that this experience ended as well as it could so don't want to test my luck.
  18. I agree with the others. As for building grip strength, most weight training will do that. Especially things like pull-ups and dead lifts. Farmer carries are real good as well. Basically any exercise that requires you to carry a heavy load. Avoid using straps or other grip aides.
  19. Ok cool. I have the Reach Reduction kit already installed. Sent from my SM-G930F using Tapatalk
  20. OK guys. Tell me about the FPB delete. How would the action in my pistol improve? Will the improvement in reset be appreciable considering the upgrades I list below? I have an SP-01 manual safety model with the following upgraded parts: Short Reset Kit Reach Reduction Kit Reduced Power Trigger Return Spring Floating Trigger Pin Race Hammer - without the adjustable sear (arrives tomorrow) All internals have been smoothed/polished NOTE: I understand that I either need the pre-B sear or add a spacer to the existing sear in place of the lifter arm. Just gathering information to see if this is something I want to consider. I will probably run the gun a bit with the new hammer before deciding.
  21. Well, I am back from the range with all fingers and my gun didn't blow up! All rounds ignited, properly cycled the gun and had no issues ejecting the spent cases. Overall, I would call it a success! So again, no chrono yet so just plinked the 60 rounds I developed. 20 of each of the loads below... 0 147gr Blue Bullet FP 3.2gr tightgroup WSP 1.150 COL 135gr Blue Bullet TC 3.5gr Tightgroup WSP 1.148 COL 125gr Blue Bullet TC 3.7gr Tightgroup WSP 1.162 It was hard to tell which load I preferred because I had to shoot my PCR. Just before leaving for the range, I dropped the guide rod of my SP-01 and it must have slid under the refrigerator because I couldn't find it. It's a huge Sub Zero so that things lost to the abyss. Good excuse to order a stainless guide rod. YAY! That said, the 147 seemed softest and most accurate. Nice groups at 20 yards. No fliers. I wasn't shooting from a rest so hard to tell if the others were less accurate due to me. But if I shoot the 147 better, guess that's a moot point. Now, onto a couple of questions about case head stamps and COL variances. 1. How anal should I be about variances in COL from round to round? Should I only care that they all chamber or are within the max COL? I'm not seeing huge variances. For example, the 135gr batch... 1.143 to 1.149 COL. 2. Do I need to separate my brass by head stamp? I started to do that and it's a royal pain in the butt. Will it reduce variance in COL? Is that why you separate cases? How critical is this step? Thanks again for all the help guys. Sent from my SM-G930F using Tapatalk
  22. Thanks for the sanity check. I guess seeing some of the load data posted around the net was setting some false expectations as far as accuracy of measure for me. What you explain totally makes sense. And its not like I'm trying to hit a fly at 1000 yards. Sent from my SM-G930F using Tapatalk
  23. Oh. And after only 20 rounds, I know I want a case feeder! Not coordinated enough to hand feed the case and the bullet, pull the handle and watch the powder cop. Hahaha Sent from my SM-G930F using Tapatalk
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