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Everything posted by 38superman

  1. I hope you are prepared for what you're getting yourself into Sharyn. A project like this is going to require hundreds of hours of work. A lot of folks that see the finished product have no idea what it takes to produce a professional quality video. To do it right is a quantum leap beyond following a shooter around with a handycam. The job of editing video, processing special effects, titles, editing soundtracks, etc. is a no small task either. If you come up with a good finished product (non-profit) that helps promote the sport, I hope eveyone involved appreciates the effort you put forth to do it. You deserve a medal. Tony
  2. Sharyn, I understand your concern regarding permissions. I produced a match video (for sale) last year at the Tennessee Sectional and plan to do so again this year. Last year I followed one squad through the match. The format was similar to a "Super Squad" video. Prior to the match I announced to the squad that I would be filming and told them that if anyone did not want to be on camera, to let me know before their run and I would turn the cameras off. No one did. This year I plan to make the video more inclusive and try to bounce from stage to stage and get every squad on film. That way everyone that shoots the match gets to be on camera at least once. I thought about trying to get permissions but I don't see any practical way to do it. I'm not sure it is even necessary. I could be wrong but I believe it is perfectly acceptable to photograph anything or anybody in a public forum. Anyway, I have some good footage, (some of it filmed in High Definition) that you are welcome to use if you like. Send me a PM with your address and I will send you a copy of the DVD. Tony
  3. Honor system? Oh yeah I remember that. Goes something like this: She offered her honor, he honored her offer, and he was honor and offer all night.
  4. I would love to take a training class but simply cannot work it into my schedule. This really isn't about better shooting through poverty. I learned a long time ago you can't buy your way to success. Improvement lies with the shooter and not the blaster. I'm just ready for a new toy and possibly a whole new game to play. Just can't decide which way to go. Tls
  5. I have been thinking about a new gun and really can't make up my mind how to spend my hard earned dollars. I have been wanting to try 3-gun for a while now and the only missing piece of gear is a viable AR. Been looking at JP rifles (nice). I have also seriously considered having an AR built by a local smith. I have also been fighting the temptation to have Benny build me a fat free 6" Limited gun. Been stuck in B class far too long. It's time to kick it up a notch. Granted, my current gear will get me there. I just need time and practice. However, it might not be a bad thing to shake things up a bit with a new blaster. Decisions, decisions. Tony
  6. True. Unfortunately, negative points are never wiped clean. They carry over and accumulate. If you don't believe it, start an argument and you will hear about transgressions you commited in 1978. Especially if they involve Tina. Tony Peculiar, how many of us remember Tina.... I don't remember Tina. However, I do remember Shelly (and Joyce)
  7. I have no idea. You'll have to ask someone that's been there.
  8. True. Unfortunately, negative points are never wiped clean. They carry over and accumulate. If you don't believe it, start an argument and you will hear about transgressions you commited in 1978. Especially if they involve Tina. Tony
  9. Welcome to my world. Of the last 4 or 5 firearms transactions I have made, only one was approved immediately. The rest were put on delay / next level. They always go through within a few days but I always have to wait. It usually upsets the dealer more than it does me. In the days before the current system, firearms purchases in my state were approved by the local sheriff after an NCIC check and a seven day wait. I once had a firearm denied and immediately went to the sheriff's office demanding to know what was the problem. It was a simple case of mistaken identity. It turns out that there is a known felon in the system with the same name, and born one day after me. The only way you could tell us apart is the SSN (which was also similar). Not surprising that they always look twice at me before approval. I have come to expect it. I suppose I can live with it if it keeps guns away from the "Evil" Tony. Tony
  10. Weird. I measured several different factory FMJ rounds at 1.260. The Montana Gold 200 is a truncated cone flat point which is shorter than the FMJ. Loading at 1.210 accounts for the difference in the overall length of the bullets putting the base of the bullet at the same relative depth in the case. Even though both bullets have a different profile, it shouldn't have engaged the rifling any sooner than the factory ball I measured. I tried them in 3 different 45's I own or (owned at the time), a Para P14, a Springfield 1911 and an STI Edge with no problem at all. Maybe these guns have longer throats than the CZ. There is one way to find out. Drop a bullet (not a loaded round, just a bullet) into the barrel until it lodges against the lands & grooves. Take a rod and push it through the muzzle of the barrel until touches the nose of the bullet and mark it at the crown of the barrel. The rod has now become a depth gage. Load a dummy round with no powder or primer at the OAl you want to use in your gun. Chamber the dummy round and repeat the process with the rod. If the rod drops into the barrel deeper than before, the loaded bullet is not touching the rifling. The difference between the two marks is the distance the bullet will travel in freebore. Tony
  11. I'm going from memory here but I believe I load that bullet at 1.210 OAL. Tony
  12. Jim, I just took a look at the scores and from my point of view you had a pretty good day. You came in 1st place in a field of 23 shooters in your class. You also finished 17 places ahead of the 2nd C shooter. In case you didn't notice you left 20 B class shooters in the dust (thats 2/3 of the field). I don't know where all this beauty pageant crap comes from. You earned a little glory this weekend. Accept it. Tony
  13. If you shot an entire match and only dropped 3 or 4 points, it is definately time to dial up the speed a notch or two.
  14. Don't worry Merlin. You'll get used to having your a$$ handed to you. I know I did..... (Haven't learned to like it but I am used to it). You may not have seen the worst of this yet. Consider that at 80% you are half way to master. A few more "lucky" classifiers and you will really have something to worry about. Tony
  15. I understand where you're coming from. I felt the same way when I got my B card. The scores may say you're shooting at a certain level but maybe you just don't feel it. FWIW I doubt if luck will get you to 80%. It takes a little skill thrown in the mix. For a long time A class seemed beyond my reach. I shot a 79% classifier last winter and suddenly it seemed possible. I started pushing harder on classifiers and began to trash them completely. Haven't shot a decent classifier all year. I decided I'm just not going to worry about classifer stages anymore. I'm just going to focus on getting better and let the classification take care of itself. When I really am an A class shooter, the scores will follow. If you're not consistently winning the class you're in now how can you be ready for the next level? Anyway congratulations Merlin. I'm sure you're just not giving yourself enough credit. Tony
  16. I don't blame you for being a little "skeered". It's not unusual to see a B shooter with A or even M class scores at any sectional match. It's almost a given that you have to place in the top 20 at an area match to win B class. It is a deep pool and someone is always having a really good day. If you're going to compete here you better buckle your chin strap. There are always exceptions of course, but if you're new to B make yourself comfortable. You may be here a while. Tls
  17. +1 Made Limited "B" after about a year in USPSA. Been stuck there for 2 years now. Maybe if I went back to C class, I could get a running start and just jump over "B". Or as a last resort I guess I could start practicing.
  18. I just watched the movie on DVD and thought it was interesting that "Tagger" seems to be ambidextrous. In the opening scene he shoots a standard issue sniper rifle and a 50 bmg right handed (left eye closed). In the shootout in Virginia he shoots a handgun and a AR left handed (both eyes open). In the sniper vs. sniper scene on the snow covered mountain he shoots left handed with a right handed bolt rifle, this time with right eye closed. Wow, if only I lived in a world where strong hand / weak hand and eye dominance made no difference. Not only would my weak hand classifiers improve but I wouldn't have needed to buy all that left handed gear. Oh, and just for the record, one really confused bad guy carried a long gun at the ready position left handed while wearing a pistol in a RH tactical holster on his thigh. He must have been very conflicted. It's no wonder he got killed without firing a shot. He was too busy trying to figure out how to draw that pistol. Oh well, it was still a fun movie to watch. Tony
  19. I notice that the 22-250 is leading in the poll. 59% Blow 'em up. 41% Lay 'em down. Sorry, ..... I couldn't resist Just when you thought it was safe to go in the water...
  20. Were going to be the first guys in the history of the forum to have a thread about 222 vs 22-250 closed.
  21. Perhaps I didn't properly explain the fundamentals of the "group hug" concept. ROTFLMAO!!!! By the way Dave, I'm having a hard time understanding how all this angst over a rabbit comes from Mr. "I need to watch things die from a good safe distance" Re
  22. I'm glad we got that sorted out. Group Hug?? Tls
  23. "What in the hell is the point in that???" Well Dave, since you asked, I will answer your question. I bear no particular malice toward any species of animal including rabbits. I was simply out with my rifle on that day and the rabbit became a target of opportunity. Looking back, it may not have been a very cool thing to do, but in my youth I did not place much value on the lives of rodents, groundhogs, rabbits, opposums, etc. I did not see it as particularly ruthless to dispatch one of the 6 million rabbits on my property rather that leave it for the coyotes and bobcats. It was just part of a learning process for me as I was just getting into reloading and I wanted to see for myself the effects of frangible bullets at high velocity. Perspectives change as time goes by and its not something I would do today. In fact, I took up IPSC because I love to shoot but don't feel comfortable anymore with hunting. I hope that answers your question. Tony
  24. Hey bro: One of the rules of this forum is NO hunting pics of dead animals..I know the 22-250 really blows them up..but not allowed..know you understand... Thanks Tightloop My old varmint rig was a 25-06 loaded hot with Hornady 75 gr hollow points. It literally vaporized a rabbit at 100 yards. Nothing left to take a picture of. Tls
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