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Brian Enos's Forums... Maku mozo!


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Posts posted by rvb

  1. what about effectively setting a minimum width of the slide at any given point? perhaps even from the center line so people can't get away w/ un-symetrical cuts?

    If you make that limit 1/16" (example) per side narrower than GI, then it really limits how much material can be taken off but still allows for serrations, logos, hi-power cuts, etc...

    edit: basically allow any cuts up to a certain depth.

    then also allow flat-top and tri-top not deeper than 0.xx"

    just a thought....


  2. Specific to IN, their may be an issue with travelling with a firearm w/o a carry permit...

    The law is poorly written, so I've not been 100% sure if "moving" means going to the range or not or just changing residence. Seems about 50/50 depending who you ask. I just got myself and my wife a permit ASAP when we moved here to cover our butts (well, among other reasons to get a carry permit)...

    Point being, to be 100% legal he -may- need a carry permit (and be 18)....

    best bet is to have an adult with a carry permit with him....

    perhaps if he asks around on match day he could find a ride with a regular....

    IC 35-47-2-1

    Carrying a handgun without a license ...

    Sec. 1. (a) Except as provided in ... section 2 of this chapter, a person shall not carry a handgun in any vehicle or on or about the person's body, except in the person's dwelling, on the person's property or fixed place of business, without a license issued under this chapter being in the person's possession.

    the questionable part....

    IC 35-47-2-2

    Excepted persons

    Sec. 2. Section 1 of this chapter does not apply to:

    (11) any person while carrying a handgun unloaded and in a secure wrapper from the place of purchase to his dwelling or fixed place of business, or to a place of repair or back to his dwelling or fixed place of business, or in moving from one dwelling or business to another.

    edit: source : http://www.in.gov/legislative/ic/code/title35/ar47/ch2.html

    edit 2: as far as his Dad giving him the gun while under 18, that seems ok:

    IC 35-47-2-7

    Prohibited sales or transfers of ownership

    Sec. 7. (a) Except ... within a parent-minor child ... relationship ... , a person may not sell, give, or in any other manner transfer the ownership or possession of a handgun or assault weapon (as defined in IC 35-50-2-11) to any person under eighteen (18) years of age.


  3. How did i miss that ? :roflol:

    Has anyone ever tried a small suppressor on an open gun ? Might be an interesting experiment.

    Of course having to get an ATF form 5320.20 approved everytime you go out of state might suck.

    not required for silencers ;)



    a. A written request and prior authorization from ATF to transport interstate or in foreign commerce any destructive device, machinegun, short-barreled rifle, or short-barreled shotgun is required under the provisions of......


  4. As a competitor, I'm not a huge fan. Glare makes it hard to see your hits/time when someone else is holding it. Snafu's such as scoring the wrong competitor can really back things up, and if it's a major match I really want a paper copy of my score that I can take w/ me (cc of something "official", not just me writing down stuff).

    That said, the job of MD and scoring is a big task handled entirely by volunteers, so if that's what they prefer to ease their burdon while providing for my entertainment, so be it.

    Never done scoring with one, so can't provide input from that perspective.


  5. All that said and determined, I'll just add that I actually think it's a shame...

    trigger work, replacement barrels and slides, sights, etc can all be changed, but such a simple thing is not allowed... and it's such a common mod for non-competitors that I'd hate to see someone new to the game feel turned away over a $14 set of grips...

    but I understand the slippery slope that has to be avoided. So I support the rule.

    ... I just wish there could be a way to allow 'em for the sake of attracting... and KEEPING... new shooters who bring their nightstand gun to the matches.


  6. Property taxes = land rent.

    No one actually owns property any more... dont make your payments for the rest of your life, and government evicts you from your property. very disgusting. Makes me mad every time I write the checks.

    Easements and eminent domain compound the whole nonsense.

    From one property "owner" to another... best of luck.


  7. I struggled with this too..

    IMO, Timing drills are 80-90% of the answer. The slide weight and springs is the other 10-20%.

    I also started with a stock Trubor in 38-super. I did several thousands of rounds in timing drills to get rid of the same issue you are having, experimenting with grip, grip strengths, elbow positions, etc etc. I got to where I was close, but couldn't get it to really settle back from where it left. Even if I got it to stop dead center, it would dance around. At that point, a poor-mans slide lightening job (at home drill press) help a fair amount, and the last little itty bit of dip was taken care of with a shock buff, which slightly shortens the length of travel, and therefore forward velocity. I also use an 8lb spring. Another few thousand rounds of timing drills and I got it very very consistent where the dot rises maybe 3/4 the way up the lens and settles smoothly but quickly back on the hole from the last shot.

    I went through a few stages during those 15k (give or take) rounds. At first I thought a super loose grip was the ticket. But consistency was difficult. I now grip it just like a production or limited gun. In the end, I discovered for myself what all the top dogs here say... that you really do control the gun with your vision. I went to the range one day with the goal of watching the dot go up and return perfectly. I didn't "think" about technique... and it worked! After about 50 rounds my concsious mind took over and I started "trying" rather than "observing" and the control went away. So I went home... and tried again in a couple days. Now 2 years later I cannot make it dip like it used to because it's not what I'm used to seeing... and I've learned the timing of the gun enough that it feels weird to do it wrong.

    I think a custom built gun with a tuned slide weight and recoil system and comp system will be far easier to learn. But it can be done on a stock gun, too.

    btw, I made master this spring with that trubor. no super achievement, but many will tell you it can't be done on a stock open gun, that they are for beginers only (as I was when I bought it).


  8. I believe those are considered to change the profile hence an illegal mod.


    21.5 Grips

    For semi-automatic Production guns, grip

    tape, grip sleeves, checkering, stippling or

    other texture may only be applied in the

    areas shown in appendix E4. Glue and grit

    is considered the same as stippling.

    Replacement grip panels are allowed

    provided they do not extend below the butt

    of the gun to form a make-shift magwell.

    Revolver grips may be replaced with OEM

    or aftermarket grips of any shape, profile

    and surface texture.

    Special Notes/Clarifications:

    See 22.4, below, for specifics with

    regard to modifications on revolver grips.


    22.4 Grips – any addition or

    removal of material which

    changes the factory profile

    or adds function such as

    beavertail or thumb rest.

    As noted above (21.5) Revolver grips may

    be replaced with OEM or aftermarket grips

    of any shape, profile and surface texture.

    22.4 is deemed to NOT APPLY to

    REVOLVER grips. Adding or removing

    material to change the profile of Revolver

    grips is ALLOWED.


  9. Have you looked into the battery back-up systems? I installed one of those a year ago and the peace of mind has been worth the cost. Better than the hampster wheel concept because it'll work when you are not home.

    I'm curious about the size of the too-small piping? I just re-did my sump drainage a couple months ago. There is 1.5" coming out of the pump and out of the house, then I opened it up to 2" and ran it approx 100' out to a storm drain (w/ 2-3" slope per 10'). I was planning to do 4" but my dad (who has lots of construction experience) talked me into the 2".

    Best of luck. Basements are great... except when something like that happens...


  10. In the recent thread about the slide falling off the person's pistol, it led to ATF definition of what a pistol is why the muzzle of the slide could point up range... so in this case it seems ATF is VERY picky about the definition of a foregrip on a handgun due to NFA laws, and a magwell does not meet that definition.

    not necessarily an 'opinion,' just extending the logic accepted in another rule topic example.


  11. As for the discussion being "wasted air".... the Rule Book is currently under review and members have been asked to send their ideas for constructive changes to their Regional Coordinator.

    Chris, I am MD at a club in AR.... just a couple hours from HQ and have never heard this before nor have I been asked for my ideas or told the rulebook is under review. Where did you receive this info as I'm curious as why I did not.

    I've been hearing "skuttlebutt" that this is happening for, oh, 3 or more years now? :ph34r::yawn:


  12. http://www.brianenos.com/forums/index.php?...;hl=grandmaster


    2 ways to prevent sandbagging...

    1) get rid of classes

    2) get rid of them in YOUR mind and just shoot your match. Let the scores fall where they may.

    There are no score-based prizes so it's a lot of un-needed stress for nothing more than a trophy.

    Adding a GM class will still have all the same issues, just in a different class.


  13. What is this?

    Whoever answers what I'm thinking first will be the winner.


    A dichotomy.

    A little more on Maku mozo!, which means "Don't be deluded!" What does "Don't be deluded" mean? One reply, from zen master Chih: "When one makes false calculation by accepting the recognition of oneself as a being, a dichotomy of active and passive occurs that may be called delusion." source: Maku Mozo

    "a dichotomy of active and passive" ... taking the cans (active), or taking the penalties (passive).

    From m-w.com:

    Main Entry: di·chot·o·my

    Pronunciation: \dī-ˈkä-tə-mē also də-\

    Function: noun

    Inflected Form(s): plural di·chot·o·mies

    Etymology: Greek dichotomia, from dichotomos

    Date: 1610

    1 : a division into two especially mutually exclusive or contradictory groups or entities <the dichotomy between theory and practice>


    or... it's just a link. haha.


  14. Glad your friend finally found a platform. I have friends like yours. They are a pain in the ass (but still my friends). At some point, after you've given your advice, you just need to leave this type of person alone and and maybe one day, when they are ready, they'll show up at a match. From past experience, the wishy washy decision making on what gear to use is really a way of saying they are not ready to start shooting yet for whatever reason.

    Agreed. I used to work with a fella who spent MONTHS researching... not just window shopping, but RESEARCHING the best push lawn mower. Spent tons of money on the BEST push lawn mower...... then let it sit in his garage and hired a lawn service! :roflol:


  15. As usual, way more drama on the internet than on the range...

    A good stage IMO that has had me sitting around at home w/ a stopwatch mentally re-running the stage wondering "what if..." and "what can I learn" ever since.

    Even if the penalty was assessed per shot vs a single penalty, the WSB only specified what had to happen prior to the last shot, so I'd think that would be the only shot that could be penalized anyway.

    I've seen bubblegum/memory/gimmick/foofoo/whatever stages... and this was not one. Lots of options... carry the cans or not? If so, between shooting or shoot on the move SHO? If not, advance for the drop turner? On top of all that there was the stupid no-shoot that jumped in front of my bullet.

    No complaints from this competitor at the match.


    ps. As for when a pentalty merits a single penalty or per-shot, I simply ask the RO/CRO if I'm going to do something way "outside the WSB box." edit: The RO's on this stage made it clear up-front how the can penalties would be assessed, also pointing out the no-penalty mikes on the disappearing drop-turner.


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