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Everything posted by alma

  1. A delay? A second and a half? Are we even talking about the same gun? See my video above again and time how long it takes to chamber a round. I have also never had it not chamber a round. It doesn't slow down quad loading or any other type of loading I have seen. Then again I am coming from a Browning Gold so maybe it's normal to me.
  2. The Nordic follower works well. I have been running it exclusively.
  3. Other than the lifter did you do the rest of the work by yourself? It looks great.
  4. Welcome. Keep an eye on Peacemaker National Training Center's website for 3 gun match information. Lots of good pistol matches in the area as well.
  5. Even in USPSA Limited or IDPA first shot double action is an acceptable alternative. I have a friend who shot his CZ double action the first shot because it is what he was used to. Using a CZ Shadow in 3 gun I would prefer to run it in single action but I ride my thumb on top of the safety so taking it off is no big deal for me. My friend uses the smaller safeties and doesn't really practice safety manipulation so that is why he leans towards DA for the first shot.
  6. I would love to comment more but probably shouldn't. Maybe the best thing for all is just to lock this one before it gets worse. Some men you can't reach.
  7. Oh yeah! I have been told by more than a few people that is the one of the reasons CZ went with that style of rear sight but I definitely don't know if that is true. I just got my TS - with stock springs - there is no way I can rack the slide with the rear sight. Even with the hammer back, it's brutally painful to do it like that. So far, the only method I see which is practical is the traditional pinching the slide - which is pretty slow considering how small the slide is. So far, this appears to be a major disadvantage for me. I put a bunch of skate tape on the rear of my slide that helped a lot. I also bought a CZ TS slide racker that I had planned to have installed just in front of the rear sight. I have delayed those plans so if you want a sight racker just let me know.
  8. Same here. I dropped cable but even when I had it I didn't have the sports package required to watch it. I saw a few shows before it moved networks and wish it would stream online now. This? http://3gunnation.com/tv_show/past_episodes Seems to run about 6 months behiind. Better than nothing but the most recent streaming episodes are from matched in 2011?
  9. Which magwell? I have to remove material from both magwell and basepads
  10. Same here. I dropped cable but even when I had it I didn't have the sports package required to watch it. I saw a few shows before it moved networks and wish it would stream online now.
  11. I couldn't agree more, the problem is that many people need to have "the control" and once you find a way to take it away from them, they get furious (even try to disqualify you) for doing so even though your within the boundary of the rules. never...I can't imagine anyone who is participating on this thread being overbearing and argumentative at the range.
  12. It is indeed important to know the rules, I have the rulebook but my question was more about interpreting said rules and how specifically to deal with a problematic shooter. In a USPSA environment what would an RSO do if a competitor was gaming on the start? Would they be absolutely by the book at posting #9 suggested (which is definitely my inclination) or would they have some level (no matter how large or small) of tolerance? The real question should be what does the rulebook allow.
  13. I think it's pretty important to know which sport since each rulebook gives you a different set of tools to deal with issues or perhaps can even specify whether the thing you are observing is even an issue per the rules. Hopefully the snippets from the correct rulebook will help.
  14. More from the rulebook that may or may not help: Looks like the alternate start position is a bit vague about exactly what elbows at sides can be. "7.1 Starting Position 7.1.1 Handgun Participant will start with handgun in hand(s) ready to fire with the safety disengaged, aiming at a designated object (orange cone) 10 feet down range. Alternate start position may be elbows at side with arms and gun barrel parallel with ground." Possible action here but I imagine it would be only in an extreme case: "8.1.10 Failure to comply with RSO commands will result in a warning. Two warnings of any kind on a single stage will result in a match disqualification." "13.1 Participants will be disqualified from a match for conduct that a Match Official deems to be unsportsmanlike. Examples of unsportsmanlike conduct include, but are not limited to, cheating, dishonesty, failing to comply with the reasonable directions of a Match Official or any behavior likely to negatively impact the image of the sport. The MD must be notified of any such conduct as soon as possible." EDIT: I don't really see any other +2 penalties that would apply here. 3.5 Penalties 3.5.1 Each missed target will incur a 2-second penalty. 3.5.2 Failure to finish the course of fire during a string or not hitting the Stop Plate results in a 30-second penalty time (total time) for that string. 3.5.3 The maximum score for any string is 30 seconds, no matter how many misses or penalties may have been accrued during the string. 3.5.4 Calculate all misses per string, not per stage. In a match where the shooter is allowed to drop the highest time for each stage, any miss penalties applying to the string/score being dropped will also be dropped. 3.5.5 Foot fault, shooter engaging targets while his/her foot is in contact with the ground outside the designated shooting area will incur a 2-second penalty per shot fired while in fault condition. 3.5.6 A false start will incur a 2-second penalty. 3.5.7 The shooter must attempt to engage every target in the COF, if the competitor intentionally fails to engage all the targets in the COF the string time will be 30 seconds and a warning will be issued by the RSO. If the shooter continues to purposefully skip targets in the COF that competitor will be disqualified under paragraph 13.1 Competitor Conduct. 3.5.8 It is the shooter’s responsibility to provide the correct score sheet for each course of fire and entry division, and to verify his/her scores as written on the score sheet when finished shooting each course of fire. Any questions regarding the scores entered on the score sheet should be directed to the RSO on the course of fire before signing the score sheet. If questions remain, the Match Director should be summoned. When the score sheet has been signed by the participant and the RSO, it is definitive and cannot be changed other than to correct math errors or by mutual consent of the MD and participant.
  15. What are you talking about? There were no "mistakes" in the WSB of the stage I was ROing. Please don't try to inject extraneous/false information into the question I asked. In retrospect I only had two other options. Either start adding 2 second procedural penalties to each run (which would have ruined this stage for that shooter), or I could have unloaded them (perfectly within the power of the RO at that match), gave them time to reflect and hoped for the best. What you were describing didn't sound like a false start which would warrant the +2 ("3.5.6 A false start will incur a 2-second penalty.") Looks like you could move them down though as you suggested: "7.2.3 If the participant is not prepared and it would cause a severe delay while they prepare, the RSO may move them down in the shooting order until they are prepared." More here. I think you instruct them on where they are not correct and wait for them to assume the position. "8.1 Range Commands 8.1.1 “Shooter Load and Make Ready” – This command signifies the start of the course of fire. Under the direct supervision of the RSO, the participant must face down range, or in a safe direction as specified by the RSO, fit eye and ear protection, and prepare the firearm in accordance with the written stage briefing. The participant must then assume the required start position. At this point, the RSO will proceed."
  16. Both arms parallel to the ground doesn't sound like a shotgun or rifle start and I have never seen a 3 Gun match start with pistol in hand. I don't think it is allowed under most rulesets but would have to review.
  17. "modified low-ready" it what I was picking up on. Low ready to me means gun in hand pointed low.
  18. And to the point where someone else asked if this was a USPSA match, at no time are you allowed to start holding your gun. The start position would be illegal if you are shooting USPSA.
  19. If he isn't in the correct start position then instruct him on how to correct that and wait until he has addressed whatever issues you see. As long as he is technically compliant with the WSB you cannot fault or punish him for getting in the most advantages start position allowable.
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