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Everything posted by MLE-ShootingSports

  1. You're right about people not always being grateful. Several years ago, I used to be a merchandiser for a retail chain, and traveled around from store to store setting up displays, etc. While on a job in a local "ritsy" city called Newport, RI I happened to hear car tires screaching. I spotted a second car screaching to a halt, and almost hitting a beautiful choclate lab. The poor dog was frantic, and didn't really know how to handle himself in traffic. Being an animal lover, I ran out front to get the dog out of harm's way. He was happy just to have someone notice him, and get him away from the confusion. They didn't have chips back then, but they did have a tag on the collar with an ID number and orgaziation contact info. I made the call, and they agreed to contact the owners, but nobody got back to me. Not wanting to just let the dog go back into the street, I called the org back and told them that I'd take the dog home. When the owner called me, I'd bring it back that night. It was Friday, the weather was nice, and this town is an island. It was a no brainer. I took the dog home, fed it, gave it a bath, played with it.... The owner called, and I told them to meet me at the store where it was found. I drove there with the pup. The woman met me there, took the dog into the car, and drove off. Without even a word! I was dumbfounded! But, the way I figured it.... I had a chance to help a great dog. Odds are, the woman that picked up the dog was a maid or assistant of one of the rich town folk. She might have been terrified thinking that I wanted a ransom. Maybe she wasn't prepared for somebody just wanting to do something nice. Who knows.
  2. I've heard tons of reasons why people like one style night sights over the other. I don't know if there is a perfect answer. I listen to people's reasoning all the time, and it all seems to make sense because it makes sense to them. My point is, that it is really more about preference. What works for one, might not work for another. Get a set of sights that give you the ability to see the front sight without distractions, and that meet your needs. Try a buddy's sights at the range, if you're not sure. Don't always go with the style that the masses are getting. As far as what is the most popular? I can honestly say that I've sold more of the 2-Lamp sets than I have the 3-Lamp sets. I'm not sure if that is because of pure preference or a combination of preference and cost. More tritium means more bucks. No way around it. I do have people that love the 3-Lamp sets though. I just recently sold four sets to one buyer. I have one customer that has bought about 25 sets. That's not the norm, but I wish it was! Hope that helps.
  3. Sorry I didn't notice this sooner! Thank you for the birthday wishes! Yup. Born on the Fourth of July! My brother was born on April 1st. I got the better of that deal huh? [A belated thank you to an on-time birthday wish. Now, that's a new twist]. Regards, Mike
  4. It was very kind of you to post this message. I appreciate the feedback. I do my best to ensure good customer service. If I don't speak to you before then... Happy Thanksgiving! Regards,
  5. TKW is fairly new on the scene over the last year, but is very quickly catching on. TKW holsters are hand-made in New England with thicker Kydex and more details than you've seen on many Kydex holsters.
  6. Radians is a great set of ears for the price.
  7. RE: MePaBlu Ear Protection I am sorry to tell you all that I will not be able to fill any orders on these items. Reason - We have discovered problems with a few of the units. We were working with an importer to bring them into the country, and we froze future orders until the problems were cleared up. Because we could not get a completely solid sense that our customers would not have problems going forward, we were forced to discontinue this item. It is really a shame that the company could not make it work for us, because they have a nicely designed product. The ear cups fit beautifully, and are super comfortable. The headband is made of leather and is cushioned for added comfort. We have to put quality to our customers before everything, so had to stop all imports and sales. www.MLE-ShootingSports.com
  8. Not sure if anyone got this letter yet.... I just received a letter from Peter Goloski [MD] that states <*changes to rules described as being recently released in prior paragraph> I'd like to say that it is great to see the S&W Winter Championship Match Committee to do the right thing. If you are already signed up, you will see this letter in the mail soon. That is absolutely fantastic. Thank you to S&W!
  9. I would like to see the big names step forward, and weigh-in on the new holster [and related rig] rules. What would I expect from them? I'd like to see them come forward and state that the IDPA should postpone the enforcement of the new rules at least one season, to allow some of us little guys to use their current rigs, and to allow suppliers and manufacturers to sell old stock, and/or re-tool to accomodate the changes. Although there would be no sport without us little-guys, it's the big guys who raise the money, draw the crowds, and the masters that make the big matches. We have happily supported them for many years, admire their skills, and supported them by buying their products and training skills. I would like to make a call to the Masters of the sport, to step forward and do the right thing. PLEASE HELP THE MEMBERSHIP. Thanks, Mike
  10. I noticed that the new IDPA rules mentioned a "standard" belt worn with your holster. I suppose that the word "standard" is a relative term. For a person not carrying a firearm concealed, a standard belt might be a coton web belt, but for a person that requires something strong enough to hold a holster, any of the multi-thickness belts could be considered standard. It has to be stiff enough to hold the weight of the loaded holtser. So, you could take it one further, and have your local cobbler sew in additional leather to stiffen your belt, which could also result in blocking out the "daylight". ...provided the holster still sits close to your body.... Is that a fair assumption?
  11. I am near and far sighted as many 50+ folks are these days. I was tired of squinting at the front sight, and hoping that I could focus on it. I bought as set of shooting glasses with the Rx insert, and had the Rx insert made with an upside down bifocal. I know my eye-doctor, so I took my full-sized carry gun in, and had him get me a measurement to see the front sight. I then asked him to make the bifocals upside down, so that the bifocal focus "spot" was on top instead of on the bottom, as it normally is set. The rest of the lense is setup for distance. So, when I am in the aiming position with head strraight, I am looking through the focus "spot", and I can see the front sight perfectly, while the target is slightly blurred. If I want to look at a distance, I just tip my head back, so I can see below the focal "spot". The only time it's a pain, is when I have to read something. That's not that often when I am shooting, unless it is the range descripton, but I step back a bit to see those and listen closely to the R/O. Since most of the sports that I shoot [uSPSA/IDPA] have targets relatively close, I am aiming at the center of mass, and I'm fine. These glasses have improved my shooting. I have the ESS ICE glasses that have the optional Rx inserts. There are also others on the market with a similar setup.
  12. I know that this reply is late, but I wanted to thank whoeve recommended my site for purchasing an iShot range bag. I normally try to stock all of Helmie's bags. We're talking great stuff. But, I'm a bit partial.
  13. Hi there, ESS makes a nice set of shooing glasses at a reasonable price. The lenses are ballistics rated, have three color lenses, and you can get replacements without buying a whole new set. They also have the Rx inserts for them. I've sold a few pair of them, and the users have been happy with them. Mike
  14. Have you thought about Ky-Tac Holsters? David makes a real nice quality holster, in a few different styles. You can order them direct from him, by sending him a check or you can order them online at my site. Mike
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