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Posts posted by tiger49931

  1. Well first local match done and results are in i took first place in ssP catagory edged out closest competitor by just over a second. Also learned that i must get back to the range after doing a load to work the kinks out of all my competition handguns. (lesson learned) Brought out my M&P for the match with the new PF loads forgot to put a lesser tension spring in the pistol but after a shackey start and a re-shoot i was able to get the lighter spring in and finish the match. With no more hickups. all and all a great day of fun with a gun.

  2. Lol hear that ... well first local indoor tournament is tomorrow hoping to do well. Will be shooting my M&P 9L all apexed out. just finished handloading the 100 rounds for the match round count they said would be 73 but you know how that goes. Think im going to do another 50 just to be safe ...

  3. Well 1/15/2013 worked my loads up and got a pretty good grouping at 15 yards 6 shot sub 1 inch on my STI uspsa 1911 and my S&W 625 Fresh back from Clark custom guns. Need to get more bullets.

    First part of my practice with my m&p went great.

    times not the fastest but all Center .

    faster but not as acurate.

    Need more dry fire. Yes i know i need to lose weight also. going to get more video so i can really watch my draw and my presentation.

    More and practice. Hard to do with the temp outside at -10 degrees.

    I love the idea of being able to log on here whats up.

    Local IDPA match list

    Jan 20, 2013, Feb 17, 2013 Mar 17, 2013 and Apr 14, 2013 all indoor matches.


    gym 3 days a week

    Pool 2 times a week

    shooting at least 2 live fire sessions and 3 dryfire a week.

  4. Any one know the outta teh box accuracy? Im looking for kind of an all around 1911 ( i know bad choice get specifically built to purpose guns.) Looking to do a few local bullseye matches and idpa cdp division and steel challenge with a single stack match or two. i know usually that would equal 4 or 5 guns but trying to see if i can do a all around good pairing. any help would be greatly appreciated .....

  5. great advice ill have to try it. another good help for bloody noses is small tampons. placed in the nose they apply pressure and catch the blood. also according to a military medic friend of mine tampons are great for bullet wounds but i would want to get shot to test his theory..

  6. I would also suggest going to the Pool if you are a good swimmer swimming increases core and is no impact on joints. I just turned 41 and am getting back into shape. like some i am tired of being the "Fat guy" I am 6'5" 345lbs i started to go to the gym a few months ago but ended up getting plantar fasciitis. i came out of the gate walking 1 mile every day ( to much impact on bad shoes) so i am going to try just swimming for a but to get some weight off before i try the long walking thing again. But agree with everyone cross-fit is great just don't over do it right off the bat. If you are not that active you must like all things start out slowly and build on it.

  7. Quite a few years ago there was this book about mental training and visualization. it had a green cover and was written by MR enos or possably some one else but i remember it had a green cover and i cannot remember the name or the title of the book. Not alot to go on i know but does that sound familiar to anyone?

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