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Everything posted by seancswife

  1. Been listening to my hubby quote Enos for about that long, figured I'd start reading too.
  2. So being new I find myself thirsting for knowledge, both for my self and my club. I know that success leaves clues, so I am looking for a template possibly of what has made clubs successful starting action shooting and of course what to avoid. I know we have this whole forum for new shooters, does anyone have suggestions for where new clubs might find helpful info on starting up? We are starting with IDPA and looking to grow that 1st. I know the 1st three rules are Safety, Fairness, and Fun for attracting new and existing shooters. I just think there could be more I could be doing to make our club a successful place where people want to come shoot. Thanks for any help!
  3. Thanks Everyone That's the other thing I just LOVE about this sport, for the most part everyone is very supportive.
  4. I am thrilled that we are running this match. I hope everyone in New England can make it As a newer shooter, I can't wait to meet more shooters out there. I am already looking forward to next year when we can welcome you back! 2011 Northwest Connecticut IDPA Challenge @ the Northwest Connecticut Sportsmen’s Association in Colebrook CT (8) stages consisting of all the IDPA Classifier COFs (90 rounds) and an additional 10 round stage, total round count = 100 Entry fee = $15 A single (8) person squad will be run every Monday evening, 18:00 – 20:00, 20 and 27 June, 11, 18, 25 July 1, 8, 15, 22 August Advanced registration, payment and sign-up is required (see Contact details). Awards will be distributed by the Division and Classification listed at registration per the current IDPA rulebook. All IDPA Classifier scores (including the side match scores – see below) will be entered into the IDPA on-line database after 22 August 2011 Trophies will be personalized and include High Lady, High Senior, High Industry, High Law Enforcement and Most Accurate This is an IDPA-sanctioned major match. Competitors must be current IDPA members and hold valid IDPA Classifications to register and compete. Shoot a sanctioned major match, earn points for next year’s World Shoot and get your yearly classification completed in just a few hours – all for just $15! But wait – there’s more…. NWCSA IDPA 2-Gun Challenge Side Match – shoot the IDPA Classifier in a different Division the same night for just $10 as space and time permit. Side match awards will include: High Overall – combination of any 2 Divisions’ Classifier Scores High Semi-Automatic – combination of any 2: ESP, SSP, CDP Classifier scores High Revolver – combination of ESR+SSR Classifier scores, High Major Power – combination of ESR + CDP Classifier scores. Contact: Brooke Cheney @ nwcsaidpa@gmail.com or 860-866-8355 to register or for more details. See you there!
  5. that sounds great! Is this something you are already doing or some thing you are going to do? I didn't catch the date on the post. Also would love to hear feed back on how you think the new shooters respond. I had a mentor bring me to my first couple of matches and it was great. Now that I have a little more experience, I do notice the lost look on the new folks. Giving them a mentor would be very helpful I would expect.
  6. ZSA??? Really? That cracks me up, now there's some video's I'd like to see. Welcome and like you up here in the North we are starting IDPA at our club. It's great fun to get in and then create more places to shoot. Welcome and send me the link to those videos.
  7. I am so glad to read this. We are putting together our 1st major match at our club and according to the above thread, sounds like we have the "right" number for our squads. Although until I got to Colt22man, I had forgotten about the bribery part and usually that's my favorite part! If any of you folks are local to New England would love to see you at our club's 1st IDPA major match. I am very excited being a new shooter and helping our club get started! http://www.nwcsa.org/2011/04/idpa2011/ Look forward to seeing you all at a match some day!
  8. Awesome, I think shooting is great, I am not surprised it has changes you. COngrats!
  9. Ok so for mothers day my hubby watched the kids so I could go shoot. On Sat I helped with score keeping in Hartford, CT and shot my 1st ever down zero stage, also hit my 1st drop turners. On Sunday went to Harvard Mass and cleaned my 1st Texas Star after missing 3 stationary steel in the previous 2 stages. Here's the video I am showing anyone and every one who is willing to watch. So excited about the shooting sports and getting into them and starting IDPA at our club. I really find the sport to be very friendly where ever you go. I am very excited to see everyone at our 1st IDPA event at NWCSA.org Good, fun shooting to all! Brooke
  10. now if only we could get two new ladies in the same area in one day!
  11. seancswife

    Bruce Lee Quote

    I am surprised that no one has asked the question... What does it mean to you? What does it inspire in you or make you think about? The greatness in the author has nothing to do with what they meant, but what great ideas they make you think of. You are the greatness of the author. What Bruce Lee or Tolkien's intention was doesn't matter as much what it means to you as the reader. Another thought that seems to be missing, is that we all say things that change people's lives, most of us never realize it, just like authors. Have a most enjoyable experience basking in the greatness that is you. Brooke
  12. seancswife

    Self Blame

    I will work on this for myself and my 3 and 4 year old
  13. seancswife

    Video zen

    That was awesome... I love Bruce Lee. I find his most useful quote to be, "take what is useful and leave the rest behind." There is another about the strength of water, I just recall the idea behind it, that waters strength comes from it's ability to find a way around obstacles by embracing them vs trying to move them, and therefore can move mountains.
  14. I'm almost in NY so Hartford gun club is one match I can make, my first USPSA match was in Monson MA. I know some of the guys I shoot with go to Harvard and some matches in NH as well. I have to admit I get all excited when I see other ladies. I am actually helping start up IDPA matches at our gun club in Colebrook CT .
  15. That's so cool, I am planing on being at the Hartford match! I'll have a pink JG M&P. Possibly helping with the score keeping too. I'm in Litchfield county.
  16. As a new shooter, I started IDPA in December and was lucky enough to shoot every other week. This is the most shooting I have ever done. For some one like you, who has shot consistently for as long as you have, you'd do fine in either. I would say that I agree with shooting IDPA 1st then going USPSA since that was what I did. The stages are shorter in IDPA so it's like a warm up. Since you've read the rule books you already understand these are two different games. The great thing for me was all I needed to go from IDPA to USPSA was get two more mag pouches. Hope that helps.. From a new shooter perspective.
  17. Hello all, I am a new shooter in CT. Would love to find more ladies out there. Just started IDPA in December and am having a great time. Have shot one uspsa match too. My hubby introduced me to the forum and it's great to be here. Brooke
  18. awww you have no friends??/ I'll be your friend ;)

  19. Hi, I'm new to the forum and new to IDPA. Where in Mass are you? I know that in Springfield Mass S&W runs an indoor IDPA match on the 2nd and 4th Thursday evenings and one Sat a month. Our club in the NW corner of CT is looking to start running them come July, Classifiers on Monday nights and a match one Saturday a month. So if you are in the Western part of Mass this could be helpful. Ahh just looked up Prakash MA, You're a little far away. LOL... and then I realized Prakash is you name.... I'll get it all one of these days... good thing I have a blond avitar!
  20. Certainly wish I had read this about a month ago before my 1st USPSA match... didn't have anything to clean my mags with, and it was wet and muddy up here in New England. NOW I know about mag brushes, q-tips, and wipes. Thanks for everything.
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