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Posts posted by BSeevers

  1. I just tell them.

    Hey heres my favorite two along these lines. I see 10 year M's doing this. Stealth a field course that has an exit at the end. Instead of going out the door and walking up through the empty stage, they turn around and walk up the hallway ruining the next couple guys run through. Are you that Unaware?

    The other is a big box with side to side movement. Everybody starts piling in the box doing the 3 Stooges until you say hey"one in the box at a time guys" Its really fun with one lefty thrown in there.

  2. I admire all of you who choose to become RO's. It is a great service to the sport. I like the laid back cigar smoking cat bagging dudes philosophy. It is nice to move squads along so your crew can rest, but without shooters you can rest all day. So if somebody wants to bag their gun- let it be. Especially in Reno.

    Uh most(all) of us are shooters and we aren't on commission so if there arent any shooters affects us cause we are the shooters.

    I suggest working a few majors and then you get a good understanding of what running 100+ shooters in 7 hours involves. Well I guess you can say a RO is paid 'commission". You take a vacation day or two from your real job. MAYBE you get to share a fleabag motel room with another large smelly RO and a couple times I got a free lunch. Oh and sometimes the match is running behind and the RM brings you lunch to eat on the stage while you run shooters. Did I tell you that being on your feet all day running after shooters is a little tiring. I RO because I believe I owe it to the sport. I don't like it.

    Walking to a safety area is not usually a problem. At most majors its in or across from the bay. If you are bagging at a club match, well I personally don't get that except for health issues.

  3. I don't carry a gun rag cause frankly my name ain't Friday. If you want to bag then you need to figure out how to do it without my assistance.

    I can see a shooter getting DQed for dropped gun and blaming me. Its not flying of course but I try to do the same thing for every shooter and I don't assist others in putting their gun in their holster. I guess Im a harda--.

    Hey I have been blamed for AD's before. Shooters said I distracted them. Needless to say I said "no way" and walked away.

  4. The Pool is deeper in Open and Limited. No slight to Prod/SS/L10 or Revo, just a fact. Prod is gaining a fair share of M's and may be a deep Pool soon.

    The majority of higher classed shooters end up in O/Lim and one reason is they are looking for the most competition.

    Ya really can't judge things by a club match or one major, though.

    Nah, It's just that we don't like to reload. :devil:

    Or Aim.

  5. I guess this won't make me the most popular RO type on the forum, but unless there isn't a safety area reasonably close by, bagging and unbagging on the line is not one of my favorite things.

    At a local match, not so much of a problem. At a major match, with over a hundred shooters per day to get through a stage it does make a difference. Adding even 30 seconds per shooter adds up over the course of the day. I have never rushed any shooter during their make ready time as it is important to them. However, my RO crew getting a break between squads is important to me also. I have had RO's be put out because of the heat and it wasn't pretty. Being in the heat, cold, rain, etc. for more time than is necessary is not fair to them either.

    If there is a safety area you can use, think about using it rather than doing it on the line and just adding to the RO's time on their feet.

    I hope you are my CRO for working the Nationals because I like how you think.

    I don't know one time in TN as RM he took like five-eight minutes to give me my edge D hit.

    That was as close as I have ever seen huh Gary :D

    I agree that bagging on line is not encouraged and frankly I dont see why except for a very very windy dusty range.

  6. Could these be "bootleg" primers? Generally they are made in back alley shops with no quality control and on the fringe of society. The money goes to fuel the illegal kitten trade and the overthrow of the Madagascar government. :ph34r::devil:

  7. Was it just me, or did he rack the slide to chamber a round AFTER the buzzer went & he started the C.O.F? He started with a mag in the gun, but nothing in the chamber. Different rules there???

    Video was pretty cool...

    That was an IPSC match and they love that start condition.

    He looks like he is four and amazing for that age. Maybe he is small but I don't think he is over what 8? Great job.

    He was creeping too. :ph34r:

  8. Glad you're on the mend Joel. Going to MRPC next weekend? I'd love to...umm...

    check out your piece.

    play with your pistol.

    see the 3in you keep in your pants.

    ....Rohrbaugh eh?

    I think you just caused an AD

  9. The RO should be quiet and offer a reshoot. With double muffs ouch can sound like stop. Now we all gotta yell ouch sometimes too so use judgement and if you see shooter hesitate, stop, look back, start unloading thats a reshoot. Not a shooter who had 2 mikes trying to BS a reshoot. Thats different.

    Basically all a RO should say is Load and Make Ready Are You Ready......

    Except for safety commands.

    Some RO's wanna Chit Chat with you too as you enter the box. That shouldn't happen, talk afterwards guys.

    We have a RO disipline prcess. Not needed here but its there too.

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