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Posts posted by Maksim

  1. The Lee Classic Turret Deluxe kit from Cabelas is a great bang for the buck.

    Lee Classic Turret Kit

    $200 for everything that you need minus case prep. Tumbler, digital scale. dies.

    I had 0 problems with mine after setup and reloaded about 10k on it. Averaged 150 to 200 an hour depending on number of stations I used.

    Sold it and bought a Lock n Load, then went back and bought it again for rifle calibers.

    While lee makes alot of junk products, they do make some really good stuff, the Classic Turret press is one of them.

  2. Wouldnt the fact that hte OP was using Wolf Rifle primers have anything to do with it? My understanding is rifle primers are much harder cups, combined with the fact that they are WOLF!

    In my tanfo, or any other gun for that matter, never had light strike issues with CCI primers, or Wolf Pistol primers. The only issue is when I started reloading, the RCBS dies I had would not get rid of the 40 cal bulge, I switched to Lee 4 die sets, with a separate FCD, and never an issue. All drop in freely.

  3. Went through this crap yesterday.

    One of the guys from our local forum, shows up late, does not paste one damn target, not one, does not help any way at all, just waits to shoot, shoots, then sits down. Then.... as soon as he is done shooting, he just scoots, without helping with tear down.

    Like totally wth.

    Usually he at least helps tape one stage, but none at all last match.

  4. Yeah, had a 9L NIB my dealer found for me, then I had a change of heart, sold it to someone on my forum. Then started hitting myself on the head for doing that. =P

    Ended up getting a 9Pro, and then the apex kit and all that anyway.

  5. We shot the stage last that day and did not need to step on the berm.

    Shooting the classifier twice, especially when you don't shoot the division you are signed up for first is poor match etiquette. You got to practice the stage before the match. If there isn't enough time to shoot it after the match, then you shouldn't do it

    Point taken.

    Thank you for all the feedback. Will be practiced during the sessions.

  6. Heres my 2 cents on it.

    Move faster... you are moving slow... explode to the next position.

    Keep your gun high... it seems that every other time you move.. your pistol drops down to waist level, then you stop, then you bring it up... it cost time.

    On stage 2 you should have reloaded after taking the first 4 shots(before picking up w/e it was you picked up) this would have saved you all the BS with that reload/having to pick the thing back up again.

    STOP looking at your mag pouches, look at your pistol... and bring the pistol up when you reload you will see better/it will go faster/you will see your targets right away instead of looking up after you reload.

    I'm not sure what it is with your pistol... but try racking the slide by grabbing up/infront of the ejection port.. it is much easier to rack the slide that way then by grabbing the rear.


    Thanks Mike.

    On Stage 2, didnt even think of that, absolutely right now looking at it. =)

    On the messing with pistol... it is an EAA Witness, thin slide. I added grip tape to the front of it to resolve that, and have been practicing.

    Thank you all for the honest feedback.

    The other comments...

    The berm... when our squad got to the stage, you could not see the target really without stepping on there. As far as shooting extra classifier, not possible, we had 94 shooters, and 7 stages. Don't get done till 5pm. Typically the classifier is the shortest stage so when the squad is there, that is the only time to shoot it, otherwise, you are typically waiting for the squad ahead of you anyway.

  7. Good shooting. Practice your reloads so you don't have to look at your belt when you grab your mag, and get the reload up in front of your face.

    Thats the thing... I dont even know why I am looking there. I know where the mag is, just the head automatically goes there.

    Will do the suggestion before, to treat the make ready as the beep, and to load it in front of my face then.

    I also from time to time shoot Single Stack with mags on the side, any suggestions? Keep my limited rig with mags in front or move them too?

  8. I don't think anyone is trying to pass the buck. You do realize S&W might want to hear of how their guns performed or what.

    Worst thing that happens, is S&W says tough crap, thanks for being a customer, go buy another gun.

    Best case, they might want to inspect the gun, and study it. Offer the OP a discount on a new one or what.

    Personally, I am extremely glad I installed the RCBS lockout die. Prevents stuff like this from happening. On the old Lee Classic Turret never had issues, on the auto progressives, things have a way of happening. RCBS lockout die, the best, cheapest $15 insurance policy ever.

  9. here's some of the things i saw.

    1. when making ready i like to be in the start position and use "make ready" as the BEEP. when you go to load your gun put it in front of your face not chest level, eventually that will be engraved into your head and you will start to do it during the stage.

    2. when going for the gun you need to explode out of the start position. one way to practice this is to dry fire and say the commands in your head or out loud and think of getting to that gun as quick as possible.

    3. on stage 3 load the gun and rack it in front of your face also i can't tell from the video but it looks like you should have been able to easily move and engage all the front targets at the same time.

    4. try to plan reloads a little better. there were a few standing reloads in that video which some were unnecessary and a waste of time.

    hope this helps


    Absolutely! Thanks!

  10. Fairly new to the holster... Why?

    And point taken on the malf. Somehow I clicked the safety up a tad when picking it up, caught up when trying to rack it. I believe with grip tape on the front, will be able to change that.

    Grip tape? Nah.... LOOK.

    You are conservative going to the holster...and getting the gun out of it.

    Conservative as in slow?

    What is your suggestion to improve? =) I probably should practice more with it.

  11. Fairly new to the holster... Why?

    And point taken on the malf. Somehow I clicked the safety up a tad when picking it up, caught up when trying to rack it. I believe with grip tape on the front, will be able to change that.

  12. I figure its time. =)

    Shooting matches for 1 year, no real training, except some recently and recently watching the training videos on DAA theater.

    One of the things I am noticing, have to keep the gun closer to face level, do see dropping the gun a quite a bit.

    Best match to date, especially since shooting nationals L10.

    27th out of 90 overall for our local match, 3rd out of 16 in L10

    As per cmcalc, shot a 76% classifier for L10.

    Ok, I'm listening.

  13. Went minor at Area 8 because of temperature swing using WSF. Switched to N320, no more problems. 5.1 grains of n320 made 168.9 today at a local match, made 169.5 at Nationals, and 171 when I chrono'ed it.

    I do believe as the hopper is less than 1/2 full, it drops less powder.

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