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Posts posted by Maksim

  1. Your comments are based on senseless ideas, please explain.

    You can do that now, No one is stopping you from shooting open with 15 rounds. And if you look at the local scores, the same people are at the top no matter what division they shoot because it has more to do with skill than round count.

    Yes, we can shoot with 15 rounds now, however what about those that are not following the laws? We are at a disadvantage. Take two shooters same skill, give one guy a 30 round mag, another guy a 10 round mag. Is it a disadvantage to have to reload 2 more times to shoot the same amount of rounds? Yes or No?

    But now everyone has to dumb down their equipment so a few don't feel left out.

    Who is everyone? Do you dumb down your STI/SVI to 8 rounds so that the single stack guys have a chance? Do you dumb down your gun to 6 rounds so the revolver guys stand a chance?

    You are only competing against the same division, so if you dont like revo, you don't shoot it, you don't like Lim 10? Don't shoot it. You don't like Open 10, don't shoot it.

    Please explain how would Open guys have to dumb down their equipment so that some people can legally shoot Open 10 in their state?

    We have to add more divisions because a few live in an oppressive state. There are 2 states that have a strict limit on round count. 2 out of 50, How many people are going to shoot Open 10 regularly out of those 2 states... probably 0.

    There are more states than that. Once again, you do not have to shoot it. Do I suppose you also do not see a point in Limited 10?

    I am shooting USPSA and am involved as much as I am BECAUSE OF the availability of divisions such as Single Stack and Limited 10. I have introduced over 30 people to USPSA who are active participants, and the reason why some of or matches hit 90+, who shoot because of Production and Limited 10. I wold love to shoot Open, I would for shits and giggles shoot Open 15 in regular open division, but I know I am at a disadvantage if I am shooting legal mags in other states and matches.

    We have more people shooting Limited 10 at the local matches than we do shooting revolver and single stack. I would venture to guess if Open 10 became a recognized vision, (not even asking for a national match, but a Area or Sectional would be awesome) would draw a good amount of people.

    How is having a choice in what division to shoot a problem for anyone? How is having Limited 10 a problem in Texas or in Florida? So why would Open 10 be?

  2. Hello Chad. I've been waiting for you to chime in here!

    Your heart-felt stance on "unlimiting" the Production division has not been forgotten (at least, not by me!).

    Same as last time, I'm not basing my opinion on the Nationals. I'm concerned with the local shooter, who owns and drives this organization.

    Obviously you are not basing your opinion on the Nationals, but that doesn't change my question. What percent of Production guns shot there would be made obsolete? If it's more than ZERO percent I'd be moderately surprised.

    My Sig and my XD will both only load to 12 rounds in .40 and .40 IS a competitive round in Production. Change that to 15 rounds and I am limited to my Glock 17, 22. Hence changing to 15 rounds obsoletes both of these guns. And others.

    As fr loading up and shooting Limited Minor, with a G22 I can shoot limited Major, I can also Shoot L10 Major.

    And again I say that this discussion is NOT about changing an existing division, but rather about the potential for more shooters entering into our ranks by adding two new divisions. Maybe set them up as a category under Open. Revo open and Open-10. Run them that way for a year or two and see if we bring in sufficient numbers to make them stand on their own. If not, they can remain as categories.

    40 in for production is not the caliber of choice for production.

    You really think an OPEN 10 Division is going to attract and make it easier for new members to shoot USPSA.


    At least in the ban states.

    Take your basic glock 17, m&P, whatever. By having 10 rounds, you eliminate the need for big sticks, $$$$$$ a piece. You can afford to slap on a delta point on the rear sight, put a threaded barrel and comp and voila, you are competitive.

    Right now, I shoot Lim 10 and SS, and dabbled in Production. I would love to shoot Open, but with NJ's limits, I am just not competitive against people who are choosing not to follow local laws, or when I go out of state to compete in sectional, area, or national match.

    Telling someone to move out of state just to be competitive in USPSA is ludicrous, as is telling someone to go buy a mag to shoot out of state and throw it away because it is not legal at home.

  3. The fact of the matter is no organization should require its membership to break the law to be competitive.

    Different states have different hunting laws... not the quite the same just saying :sight:

    I think with careful crafting of new classifiers to make it so mag capacity over 10 is no advantage (mandatory mag changes are the norm for most classifiers I've shot anyways) and some pruning of old ones, we could probably get rid of Limited 10 and cap Production at 15 rounds.

    If you normally travel from a tyrannical common-wealth to a free-state, make buddies or keep some tuned mags in a safe deposit box just over state lines. Serious competitors will find a way to make it work, people who only shoot local will still be relevant nationally with classifiers.

    And what about major matches? Should we buy mags and have them shipped to the hotel so we can use them there?

  4. I do wonder, if we had a "for shits and giggles" Open 10 match, how many folks would come shoot it, or how many more people would shoot Open.

    I can easily see alot more Open guns based on production guns such as M&P's, glocks, etc.

    Alot easier to play if you don't have to spend $100 on a magazine.

    ok, I decided to satisfy my own curiosity and posted this question to a NJ gun community, of whom a number shoot matches, steel, IDPA, USPSA, etc.


    Will be interesting to see.

  5. I do wonder, if we had a "for shits and giggles" Open 10 match, how many folks would come shoot it, or how many more people would shoot Open.

    I can easily see alot more Open guns based on production guns such as M&P's, glocks, etc.

    Alot easier to play if you don't have to spend $100 on a magazine.

  6. I would love to have Open 10, or anything that I can stay legal, yet stay competitive. If I want to shoot open, I would have to go to PA, and if you are a resident of a ban state, you are shooting your 10/15 rounds versus 30 round big sticks. It is easy to forget about us less fortunate in ban states if you live in free america, however I would venture to guess, there is a very large contingent of shooters in our states.

    Same for Revo.

    Production seems fine with 10 round mags....

    Made add Standard division ala IPSC or something to allow a dot, but no comp, or whatever.... "reasonable" open guns.

    Chuck, quite weird that you guys position L10 as a production major division.... out here... L10 really is Limited (svi/sti and my lonely Tanfo/CZ75 TS) with 10 round mags. Occasionally it is a single stack with +2 basepads and less so production major.

  7. Thank you very much, and will get mine uploaded soon.

    Suggestion, when looking for inspiration, sometimes too many stages with crazy high round counts, can you add the option to just say select stages between X and X rounds?

    And if possible, a preview of the stage, instead of click on every one of them (preview either in line/table, or a hover over. ) Btw stage stage links are dead.

  8. It is actually an interesting idea, to have people registered into EZWS at signup, although that would mean I either do that or build a stage. :roflol:

    Nik, It really was not bad at all to do it for CJ, 8 hours including TV/Dinner/learning the software. I am confident I can do it in half the time now, and may con the wifey into doing it at registration.

    The other idea, is to see if there is a Palm OS emulator avail for the android phones that can be used to load the software/score.

  9. I walked around one match with it, then just stopped using it. =) When I am RO'ing shooters, I keep a hand on it to make sure it does not pop out, but as long as the holster angle is not tooo bad, seldom an issue.

    The SpeedSec holster is nice though and works out the box.

  10. If you are spending that much money on a custom gun, it better run. Lets be honest, how much profit is 200 rounds of ammo, $40 to $50 going to ruin the profit margin on a $3,000 gun?

    We are after all paying for better, more reliable product, right?

  11. I was wondering the same thing, until I took over stats/scoring for my local club. :roflol:

    We had about 70 shooters last month, and all in all, it took about 8 hours to do the scores, that includes register, input new, go through score sheets, find missing info, enter scores, run reports.

    Believe it or not, I don't know whats worse, not having columns totaled up, or the fact that some people can't add them up properly. Then there are the missing info scoresheets, scoresheets for whom their friends filled them out, etc. =)

    So I can easily see why it takes some clubs a few weeks to post scores, especially if they don't use palms, and you don't have too much help. It is a volunteer sport, and I am just glad to help and give back some way to keep the matches going.

  12. I had the Sig 226 uspsa and it is a great gun. a local Master class shooter shoots one, both in production and in limited 10 minor and does really well.

    Great gun, the SRT trigger is great out of the box. Only issue, the stock sight, shoots low. So most folks end up getting it replaced with a taller one.

  13. Our local clubs typically average over 60 shooters. The bigger club gets a good amount of times over 75 to 100 shooters. I must say I take pride in getting those numbers high. :devil: Through my forum, I got at least 25 to 30 new uspsa shooters. At our last local match we had 23 or so forum members come out to shoot, (njgun forums.com) and accounted for over 25% of the total match participants.

    Once someone tries it, they are hooked, and in turn, in a communist state like NJ, we turn casual range goers, into real gun owners for life.

    Televise the sport, and that many more will come out! I think World Shoot 2014 is our opportunity to do that.

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